Synopsis of the NOD “Children of the whole earth are friends. Publication of a teacher on the topic Children of the whole Earth are friends Nod children of the whole planet are friends

This methodological development will help to replenish the knowledge of children about different countries, nationalities, to form the idea that there are many countries and different peoples on earth. To consolidate the knowledge that people of different nationalities have their own customs, national traditions, have differences in appearance and general similarities in their way of life.



GCD on familiarization with others in the middle group No. 2.

Subject: "Children of all the earth are friends."

Target: Enrich children's knowledge about different countries, nationalities.

Tasks: 1 . Tutorials: To form the idea that there are many countries and different peoples on earth. To consolidate the knowledge that people of different nationalities have their own customs, national traditions, have differences in appearance and general similarities in their way of life.

2.Developing: To develop memory, communication skills of children, the need for friendly communication with others.

3.Educational: To cultivate the desire to live in peace and friendship with all the peoples of the world, to treat people of different nationalities with respect. Raise a sense of pride in our country.

4.Health-saving:Help relieve fatigue and stress; develop respect for each other.

Methods and techniques: Verbal, visual, practical, playful.

Previous work: View illustrations; familiarity with the world map, globe; conversations about friendship; listening to songs reading poetry, proverbs.

Materials and equipment:Globe, illustrations from the series "Children of different nations", envelope, split pictures (planet earth with a roof), tape recorder.

GCD progress

Part of NOD

Teacher activity

Children activities

Motivational (introductory)

Guys, today I want to talk to you about friendship.

Friendship is a good word?

What is friendship?

What should a true friend be like?

What is the most important thing in friendship? How strong is she?

“Live do not be stingy, share with friends!”

Well done!

Today the postman brought an unusual envelope to the kindergarten. Let's see together what's in it.

The teacher opens the envelope, there are split pictures.

I don't get it, what is it? Help me figure it out.

What did you get? What it is?

Why with a roof?


Many tenants live in this house and they all differ in skin color, have their own customs, favorite songs and dances, they are all of different nationalities, they speak different languages.

Children's answers:


Friendship is the sun at dawn

Friendship is a warm wind

Friendship is a bright world

Friendship is only happiness

Friendship is the world of the planet

Friendship is a precious gift

Children read poetry

“I love my friend with all my heart!

Life without a friend is very hard.

No one to have fun with!

"A true friend will not let you down -

He will come to my aid

In sorrow, joy, trouble -

A faithful friend is with me everywhere!”

Friendship with care and help is strong.

Do not be greedy,….

Children's answers: letter.

We need to collect all these pictures.

Children collect, and it turns out the Earth with a roof.

Our planet Earth with a roof.

To show that the Earth is our common home

Do you think people of different nationalities should be friends with each other?

Of course for adults and children.

What a huge planet ours is and how many cheerful and beautiful children from different countries are on it.

Tell me, how are children of all countries alike?

Of course, you and the children of other countries have a lot in common. All children of the Earth, regardless of skin color, nationality, cry, laugh the same, love to sing and dance, go to kindergarten, love to run, play pranks, watch cartoons, play different games.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the globe.

A globe is a miniature model of the Earth.

What country do we live in?

The teacher shows the territory of Russia on the globe.

Our Motherland Russia is wide and boundless. The most beautiful, dear and beloved, like a mother. You and I know that there are other countries, let's name some of them after playing the game.

Ball game "Who lives where?"

I name the country, and you name the people who live there.

Russia -

America -

England -

Japan -

China -

France -

Germany -

Italy -

Spain -

Poland -

Well done!!!

Guys, without knowing a foreign language, is it possible to understand that they greet you, want to be friends?

What helps us understand this?

How do friends greet each other in our country?

In Germany, in America, in France?

Let's imagine that our palms are our planet Earth, and fingers are children from different countries who want to be friends with each other.

"Let's guys be friends with each other

Like birds in the sky

Like grass with a meadow

Like the wind with the field

Field with rain

How friendly the sun is with all of us.

What do you think will happen if the children of the entire planet join hands.

Let us join hands, feel the warmth of our hands and warm our planet with our warmth, love, protect it from evil and troubles.

And in order for our common home - the Earth to always be strong, beautiful, we must be attentive to each other, kind, help each other, speak kind, affectionate words.

Children's answers:


Children's answers:

Verse - e:

“Together they live on a huge planet

Different adults, different children,

Appearance different and skin color,

But we certainly have something in common!

We all want to be happy

Open new stars in the sky!

In Russia.






French people






Eye expression, facial expressions, gestures, smile.

Hello my friend!


Finger gymnastics 2-3 times.

Big round dance.

Children with a teacher, holding hands, form a circle.

Children hold a globe in their hands, one child reads a verse - e:

Let's protect anyone from adversity,

Big and trusting blue ball.

Come on guys, out of bad weather

Dispel clouds and smoke over it

We won't let anyone hurt her!"

Final (final)

What did we talk about today?

I hope that you will always be friendly, sympathetic, kind, attentive to each other, will be friends with children of other nationalities, with a different skin color. And when you grow up, do not give offense to our planet.

Each of you, when he grows up, will be for someone a real true friend.

Children's answers.

Korchagina Elena Alexandrovna
Job title: teacher of the 1st qualification category
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 14"
Locality: Arzamas city, Nizhny Novgorod region
Material name: Synopsis of GCD around the world
Subject:"Children of the whole Earth are friends"
Publication date: 07.05.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 14"

Synopsis of GCD around the world:

"Children of the whole Earth are friends"
(for older children)

Compiled by:

Educator I quarter. cat. Korchagina E.A.

Arzamas 2016

Contribute to the formation in children of the concept of friendship between people of different nationalities.
- Continue to contribute to the development of the idea that there are many countries and different peoples on Earth; - to promote the consolidation of knowledge that people of different nationalities have their own culture, customs, national traditions; have differences in appearance and general similarities in lifestyle; - stimulate the desire to live in peace and friendship with all the peoples of the world, respectful attitude towards people of various nationalities, and also encourage them to be proud of their homeland; - contribute to the formation of moral qualities: the ability to make friends, appreciate and cherish friendly relationships.
Preliminary work:
- Study of the world map for children, globe; - a conversation with pupils on the topics: “What nationalities people live in our country”, “What peoples inhabit our planet”, consideration of illustrative material on the topic; - reading fairy tales of the peoples of the world; - reading poems, proverbs, sayings about the motherland and friendship.
Implementation means:
- World map and globe; - pictures of peoples in national costumes; - audio recordings with round dance Russian folk music; - a hoop with tied ribbons for playing the Russian folk game "Carousel"; - cut paper templates for the game "Collect the dishes"; - sheets of paper, colored markers, paints. 2

Implementation methods:
- productive activity; - art word; - developing problem-game situation; - game: "Who lives where?"; - Russian folk game "Carousel"; - didactic game "Collect the dishes";
physical education "Friend to friend"; - use of ICT.
Interaction with parents:
- Recommend visiting with children the museum of local lore and the city library for the accumulation and exchange of information about the Russian people; - offer to tell the children about "Family Traditions"; - recommend reading fairy tales and stories of the peoples of the world. 3

GCD progress:

Our home is dear, our common home is the Earth, where we live with you! Just look around: Here is a river, there is a green meadow. In the dense forest you will not pass, You will not find water in the desert! And somewhere the snow lies in a mountain, And somewhere it's hot in winter ... They have one name: Forests, and mountains, and seas - Everything is called Earth!
A globe is a model of our planet Earth. Our planet is large and vast, it has a lot of unusual and mysterious things. And who, in your opinion, is trying to unravel all these secrets? That's right - people! Many different people live on our earth - different nationalities. Guys, what country do we live in?
Russia. 4

Our Motherland Russia is wide and immense! The most beautiful, hospitable, sincere, dear and beloved. There are other countries on the world map, name them. (children's answers)
The game "Who lives where?"

And now let's play a game. I name the country, and you name the people who live there. Russia - Russians; America - Americans, Japan - Japanese; China - Chinese; England - English; France - French; Italy - Italians; India - Indians, etc. (The teacher brings to the attention of the children cards with images of the peoples of different countries in their national costumes).
Together with us on the globe live people of different nationalities. They differ in skin color, national traditions. Each nation has its own language, culture, customs, favorite songs and dances. Guys, do you think people of different nationalities should be friends with each other? 5

Let's draw a symbol of friendship between the peoples of different countries. Look, the palm connects all the fingers together. So let's imagine that the palm is our planet Earth, and the fingers are different peoples. We all live on the same planet! First, circle the palm of your hand with a colored felt-tip pen, pressing it against a sheet of paper. Then we paint the palm itself with blue, green, yellow and brown paint. What do these colors on the globe represent?
Most of the blue color on the globe is water: seas, oceans, lakes, rivers. Green is forests, yellow is deserts, brown is mountains and plains.
Now let's draw the faces of children of different races and nationalities with colored felt-tip pens on the fingers. How will we portray them? What face will we draw on a Russian little man? The inhabitants of Europe and Africa? Chinese and Japanese?
At the Russian person we will draw fair hair, big blue eyes. The Negro has dark skin, curly hair. The Japanese and the Chinese have narrow eyes, dark eyes and hair (Children draw).
Look what a wonderful planet we have, and how many beautiful, cheerful children from different countries are on it. Guys, what do you think, how are children of all countries alike? (Answers of children). Of course, you and the children of other countries have a lot in common. All children of the Earth, regardless of skin color, nationality, cry, laugh the same way, love to sing and dance, go to kindergarten and school, like to run and play pranks, watch cartoons, go in for sports and play different games. Let's play with you now.
Russian folk game "Carousel"
(round dance Russian folk music sounds) 6
The teacher holds a hoop to which ribbons are tied. Children take the ribbon with one hand and go first in one direction, and then, changing their hand, in the other. Barely, barely, barely, barely The merry-go-rounds spun, And then, then, then All run, run, run. Hush, hush, don't rush, stop the carousel. One-two, one-two, So the game began. Barely, barely, barely, barely The merry-go-rounds spun, And then, then, then All run, run, run. Hush, hush, don't rush, stop the carousel. One-two, one-two, That's the end of the game. 7

Well, how? Did you play well? (Children's answers) Guys, this is how people played at the fair, had fun, and it also happened that the dishes were beating. Let's collect the broken dishes with you?
Didactic game "Collect the dishes."
Children are given cut paper templates of the Gzhel service, the Uzbek bowl. They collect utensils while sitting at tables.

What are you good fellows! All collected! We live in one big country. But not only Russians live in Russia. Our Russia is a multinational country. Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, Buryats and many others live on its territory. Each people is original, has its own culture, customs, rituals, but contributes to the common cause - the development and prosperity of Russia. Therefore, it is important to strengthen the friendship and cooperation of the peoples of Russia, while at the same time respecting the national feelings of each of them (The teacher offers the children attention cards with images of peoples living in our country, in their national costumes).

Every nation has its own customs and traditions. What is "tradition"? These are different skills and knowledge that are passed down from generation to generation. For example, your grandmothers knew how to bake pies and taught your mothers, and mothers will teach you. Every nation has its own holidays. What holidays do you know?
"New Year", "Shrovetide", "Easter", "City Day", etc.
Right. And does anyone know that, for example, the Tatar people have their own national holiday Sabantuy - this is a holiday for the completion of sowing work. Yakuts celebrate the holiday of koumiss at the end of spring. Who knows what koumiss is? (Drink made from mare's milk). Koryaks celebrate the return of the sun at the end of December. And among the Khanty and Orochi, the most favorite holiday is the bear holiday. What do you think this holiday is? (Dedicated to the bear). The culture of different peoples makes the culture of Russia rich and diverse. Each nation has its own songs, fairy tales, national costumes. But we all have one Motherland - Russia. their songs and
Every people inhabiting our planet also has fairy tales. Guys, let's remember the tales of different peoples of the world. What do they have in common?
In all fairy tales there is good and evil. And good always triumphs over evil.
Right. Here you are now well, warm, comfortable, full. And imagine if all the peoples of the world do not live in peace and harmony, as they do now, but there will be war, enmity, people will feel bad? What do you think about how to avoid it?
We need to respect and love each other. Be friends with everyone.
Are you friendly guys?
Why do you think so?
Because we help each other, we care, we try to do so as not to offend each other.
Where does friendship begin?
From a smile, from an acquaintance, from an affectionate word, from common interests.
What color do you think friendship is? And what smell?
Friendship has no color or smell.
What can a strong friendship be compared to?
With iron, stone, rope, castle, sun, song, etc.
How much do you know about friendship, well done. And now let's show how friendly we are.
Fizkultminutka "Friend to friend".
In this game, you need to do everything very quickly, listen carefully to the tasks. As soon as the teacher says the phrase "to each other", the pupils should find a partner and shake his hand, and then greet those parts of the body that they will call. Every time the teacher says "to each other", the children will have to find a new partner. Ear to ear; nose to nose; forehead to forehead;
knee to knee; elbow to elbow; back to back; shoulder to shoulder.
Well done boys! Liked? Was it easy? Why? (Answers of children). In order for us to be friendly guys, we must not forget to say hello every morning, not only with children, but also with adults. I would very much like children of other peoples and countries to play this game with us. Guys, as a sign of the great friendship of the children of the whole Earth, let's stand in a circle and join hands. Our planet is one big home for all nations. What should all people do to save planet Earth?
We must protect nature, be friends with everything, protect from wars and other troubles, decorate, work.

Let's protect our planet, our world from adversity! All together, the people of the Earth can make their home (planet Earth) beautiful, comfortable, so that a person can live well and calmly in it. They live together on a huge planet. Different adults, different children. Appearance different and skin color, But, of course, we are somewhat similar! We all want to be happy, To discover new stars in the sky, Years will pass, and we will become older, Growth taller, wiser in life, And the world will change all around, But a devoted friend will remain nearby! Let's guys, in spite of the bad weather, embrace the planet with our round dance, Dispel clouds and smoke over it, We won't let anyone offend it.

1. National costume// Game and children. - 2009.- No. 7. -WITH. 17-24. – (The language of the game is the language of friendship!). 2. Holidays of the peoples of Russia: Encyclopedia / M.M. Bronstein, N.L. Zhukovskaya. - M.: Rosmen, 2002. - 103 p. - (Encyclopedia). 3. Shesternina, N. My homeland is Russia. Peoples. Costumes // Preschooler. Junior student. - 2009. - No. 6. - With. 33-37. - (Know the world).

Olga Vitnova

Target: to cultivate respect for people of different nationalities, the desire to live in peace and friendship with all the peoples of the world, to form attitudes of tolerance in the minds of children, to cultivate goodwill, a desire to learn new things about the peoples inhabiting the Earth.


To form the idea that there are many countries and different peoples on Earth. -To consolidate knowledge that people of different nationalities have their own culture, customs, national traditions, differences in appearance, but at the same time, general similarities in lifestyle.

Keep improving your technique breakaway appliqué.

Develop memory, creative imagination, logical thinking, fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

preliminary work:

Stories, conversations about people of different nationalities, about their culture and customs, looking at illustrations of people from different countries;

Silhouettes of clouds, sun, flowers, butterflies, children, rainbows drawn on the album sheet.

Material: A3 landscape sheet, colored paper, mother-of-pearl foil, felt-tip pens, paste, oilcloths, song recording « Children are friends on the planet» music Yuri Chichkov, sl. M. Plyatskovsky.

Lesson progress:

Vosp .: Guys, we have learned a lot about the fact that there are people who live not only in our country, but also in other countries. They have their own customs and traditions. Let's listen to the song « Children are friends on the planet» . Guys, who paid attention to the words of the song? What is it about?

The kids are in charge:

ABOUT friendship,

About what's all children should be friends with each other.

Vosp .: That's right guys, well done! Now let's do it all together application about sincere and true friendship of the children of the whole planet using the technique breakaway appliqué. See attentively: I will now show you and explain what needs to be done so that our work is a success.

Demonstration and explanation of the educator:

Play: In order for our clouds to be fluffy, like real ones, you need to take a piece of blue paper and tear off the edges from it. Then take a brush, take glue on it and glue a cloud on the lining. Which side will we glue white or blue? (white) You need to spread the glue, completely filling the silhouette, from the edge to the center. In the same way we glue the sun, butterflies and flowers.

Physical education minute:

Bend fingers together,

We clench our fists tightly.

One two three four five -

We start unfolding.

(Stretch your arms forward, clench your fingers into fists as much as possible, and then relax and unclench.)

Children activities:

The teacher approaches each child, helps with advice. Children pieces of colored paper are torn off, glued on an oilcloth and glued to a common workpiece.

Play: You guys are great! What a beautiful piece of work we've got.

Related publications:

Purpose: creation of a collective application "Streets of my city" Tasks: to teach children to convey the shape and relative position of the parts.

Bas-relief molding with elements of broken appliqué "Eternal Flame" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution d / s No. 29 Abstract of the GCD Topic: Bas-relief modeling with breakage elements.

Purpose: To continue to develop children's interest in space and the people who conquered its expanses. Tasks: 1. consolidate the knowledge of children about what they are.

On the eve of the New Year, the children of the preparatory group and I decided to create a "Christmas tree", a Christmas tree is not simple, a Christmas tree - from children's.

Synopsis of the collective application "Postcard for Mom" ​​from lumps of paper with children of the younger (different age) group. Purpose: In affordable.

Abstract of the collective application in the middle group "Aquarium" Synopsis of the collective application in the middle group "Aquarium" Program tasks: 1. Exercise in cutting a paper square into strips.

Synopsis of the collective game situation on artistic creativity (applications). Theme: "On guard of Russia". Tasks: to exercise children in cutting.

Abstract of the GCD on drawing "Children of the whole earth are friends"


To form children's ideas about kindness as an important human quality;

To form attitudes of tolerance in the minds of children;

To consolidate children's knowledge of the world around them;

Create a sense of unity;

Develop imagination;

Improve your drawing skills.

Preliminary work:

During the week, stories, conversations about different nationalities, their culture and customs. Examination of illustrations and albums depicting people from different countries.

Material: Landscape sheets according to the number of children, watercolor.

Course progress.

Educator: :-Together they live on a huge planet
Different adults, different children.
Appearance different and skin color,
But, of course, we are somewhat similar!

There are many countries - many on each planet,

And in each children grow and smile.

Brunettes, blondes and fair-haired too,

Let their skin be of every possible color.

Young smiles bloom everywhere,

As if in a bouquet of wild flowers.

Educator: -Guys, we live in a big country where many people of different nationalities live. These people are the same as you and me, they have their own traditions and customs, they look different from us. And children of different nationalities go to our group. Do you know such children?

Why do you think they are not like us?

How are these guys different from us?

How should we treat them?

Is it right to avoid friendship with those who are different from us in some way?

Educator: -We Russians have their own traditions, way of life, culture about which we talk a lot, but do you know interesting features of the traditions and way of life of other nationalities?

Children's answers:

Educator: - All children play games, you and I also played games for children of other countries, and which games do you remember the most?

Children's answers:

A rallying game is being playedDragon (China). This game was invented in China a long time ago. It is very fun, and you can play it with a large company. There must be at least 10 participants.

Everyone lines up in a column and grabs each other tightly. This will be the dragon. The first player in the chain becomes his head, and the last one becomes his tail. At the whistle of the leader, the dragon's "head" should catch the "tail". You can just touch the player-"tail" (to touch him). The task of the "tail" is to escape. The whole chain is moving fast, the dragon is wriggling. If the “head” caught the “tail”, then the performer of the role of the “head” stands at the end of the chain and becomes the next dragon “tail”. The new "head" of the dragon will be the player who is the first in the chain.

Educator: - Children living on our planet are different, but all of us should be united by friendship, friendship of children and peoples. Let's draw our planet and children who look different, but are friends the same.

Completing of the work.

Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfriendship between people of different nationalities.

  • To introduce children to different peoples inhabiting our planet;
  • To acquaint with the elements of different cultures of these peoples;
  • Show what the differences and similarities between people of different races are.
  • Continue work to expand the horizons and vocabulary of children; develop logical thinking, attention, dialogic and monologue speech.
  • To develop the ability to participate in a joint game, to behave adequately in the society of children and adults.
  • Cultivate a benevolent attitude towards all peoples of the Earth.

Equipment: multimedia, globe, flower - four colors, tape recorder.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

Good afternoon dear guests! We are happy to see you. Sit back and feel at home. My name is Svetlana Nikolaevna, but my children are the best in the world.

Music sounds "What our world consists of"

Children, holding hands, stand in the center.

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. We've got guests, let's greet them.

(Children welcome guests)

Our guests want to see what kind of guys you are.

What are you guys?

We are friendly!

We are attentive!

We are diligent!

We are excellent students

Everything will work out for us.

Let's join hands, look at the one who is standing next to us, and smile at the neighbors with our kindest smile.

Now you can take your seats.

II. Introductory conversation.

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. Let's all read the topic of our lesson together.

What do you think we will talk about in class?

What is the name of our planet?

There are many different countries on our planet and each country has its own people.

Let's go on a journey around the globe in search of new friends. Do you agree?

III. Main part.

The journey will be extraordinary. I have a magical flower. This is a four-flowered flower. With it, you can find yourself in any corner of the Earth. You just need to tear off one petal, complete the task and clearly pronounce the magic words:

If everyone is friendly...
People, animals and forests
Round dances of friendship are circling
So there will be kindness.

Let's all say it out loud together.

Quiet now, because these are still magic words.

Let's start our journey

(sounds magical music)

Tear off the petal (children tear off the petal)

Task: choose proverbs about friendship:

There is no friend - look for, but you will find, take care.

Seven times measure cut once.

Friend is known in trouble.

Himself - perish, and comrade - help out.

(Children say magic words)

Guys, look - the magic screen has "woken up"! (illustrations depicting a Japanese girl appear on the screen)

What country do you think this girl is from?

How did you guess?

That's right, this is a girl from the land of the rising sun - Japan. There is a beautiful "sacred mountain" - Fujiyama, Unusual (multi-tiered) temples.

This is what the national women's hairstyle and clothes look like.

This is a traditional building in Japan.

This girl could tell us a lot about her country, but how will we understand her? We don't know the language. Let's send her our greetings. In Japan, they greet each other with a bow of the body. Like this (children repeat).

How can we make friends with this girl?

What do children on the planet like to do? (play)

Japanese children love to play with toys they make out of paper.

The art of paper folding is called origami.

Look what a beautiful plane. Let's do the same.

Do you like your plane?

Let's say goodbye to the girl, wave to her hand. This plane will remain as a memory of our meeting.

Guys, did you like the meeting with the Japanese girl?

Let's be friends with guys from Japan?

Our journey continues. We tear off 2 petals.

(sounds magical music)

Task: tell about a friend or girlfriend. (children's story)

(Children say magic words)

Look, from our words the screen woke up again. And now he shows us black children.

How many of you know where these children live? (in Africa)

Why do people in Africa have such dark skin?

We do not know the language of these peoples, and therefore we will again say hello without words. - Some tribes in Africa greet with their noses, like this. Now you yourself say hello to African children.

Look, it's very hot in Africa, so people wear light clothes.

This is what the city street looks like.

This is how peasants work in the countryside.

And these are the natives - the aborigines.

The animal world is beautiful and diverse. These are African ostrich, pink flamingo, African elephant, chimpanzee, antelope.

What do you guys think, what do African children like to do the most? (dance)

Then what do you think is the easiest way to make friends with them? (dance with them)

Let's see how the heroes of one cartoon do it and dance with them.

(showing an excerpt from the cartoon "Katerok". Dance "Chunga - Changa", children dance a dance)

Well, guys, we found new friends in hot countries too. In memory of them, we have a fun dance.

Let's be friends with guys from Africa?

We continue our journey. How many petals do we have left? (two)

(children tear off a petal (magic music sounds))

Task: Write a poem about friendship.

(children recite poems about friendship)

Let's say the magic words. (children say magic words)

Look at the screen! Why do you think these kids are dressed like that? (they live in the north).

The people living in the north are called Eskimos. They live in Greenland, northern Canada, Alaska and Russia. (show on the globe)

They greet each other by waving their hands. Let's say hello to them. (children wave their hands)

Eskimos have unusual houses. Their dwelling is called an igloo.

They are built from large pieces of ice. Fur skins are laid out in it, a fire is made. Eskimos also love to hunt and fish.

See what animals live in the north. (Polar bear, penguins, snowy owl, reindeer)

Do you want to befriend them? Then let's play the favorite game of the Eskimo children "Polar Bears"

Game "Polar Bears"

Well done, you have shown real strong friendship in this difficult struggle with ice floes.

Well, in cold countries we also found friends who are not like us. And in memory of our meeting, there was a game that we will play.

We have the last petal, and we need to go home.

Let's say the magic words...

(children say magic words)

Did you recognize these guys? What country are these guys from? From what school?

That's right, these are the guys from our school.

In our school, different children study: both by character and by nationality. There are guys from the republic - Gorny Altai. But we all live here as one, friendly family.

The children in our school are friendly and kind.

What other guys in our school (smart, brave, funny, hardworking)

They have prepared a task for you.

Exercise. Arrange the letters to make words. Words are very important, we talked about this in class.

(children do the task on the carpet)

Let's read what we got. (peace and friendship)

Why are these words important? (if there is friendship, then there will be peace on the planet)

IV. Final part.

Are you really friendly guys?

So, it won’t matter to you what color the skin, hair or what kind of eye shape the one who will be friends with you will have?

What is important for friendship?

Game "What is important for friendship"

(Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to the child, he answers the question and returns the ball, etc.)

Indeed, we are so different - adults and children of the Earth: we speak different languages; we dress differently; look different; we live in different parts of the world.

You are still children, but soon you will become adults. And peace and happiness on our planet will depend on you, on whether you have learned to be friends since childhood!

Did you like our activity?

What did we talk about in class?

In which countries did we find friends?

What did you like the most?

And I liked the way you worked in class. We can say about you that you are: friendly, smart, funny, attentive.