Program for working with parents in the preparatory group. Plan for working with parents in the preparatory group

Vera Sharypova
Long-term plan for working with parents in the preparatory group (October-January)

Long-term plan for working with parents in the preparatory group


1. Parent meeting No. 1"Pedagogical living room"-"On the threshold of school". Interviewing children and parents(with the invitation of a speech therapist, psychologist, physical education director).

Development and approval of annual plan.

Target: Introduction to parenting program requirements preparatory group. Responsible persons: educators, psychologist, physical education director, speech therapist

2. Design of the stand according to the seasons.

Target: involve parents into joint activities

3. Sewing curtains for the dressing room.

Target: to intensify the activities of children to create an aesthetic environment in group. Responsible - parents.

4. Making a new one "A corner for parents» .

Target: dissemination of pedagogical and psychological knowledge, theoretical assistance in matters of education. Responsible educators.

5. Photo vernissage "How I spent summer".

Target: activate parents, promotion of healthy lifestyle. Responsible - parents.

6. Sliding folders:

-"Happy to go to school" (memo);

-“Child’s psychological readiness for school”.

Target to help parents prepare their children for school. Responsible educators.

7. Photo collage "Future Schoolchildren".

Target: increase interest and responsibility for preparing children for school. Responsible educators.

8. Children's exhibition works"Autumn Palette"- design of autumn crafts.

Target: develop children's creative abilities, relationships with parents. Responsible educators parents.

9. Excursion-hiking in the forest.

Target: promotion of healthy lifestyle, activation parents. Responsible - physical education director, teachers, parents.

10. Collection of information for drawing up social passports of pupils’ families.

Target: analyze the microclimate in the families of pupils. Responsible educators.

11. Holiday "Golden Autumn"

Target: activate parents. Responsible: music director.

12. Meeting parental committee - window insulation.

Target: involvement parents into joint activities to create comfortable conditions in group. Responsible- parental committee.

13. Consultation-workshop "Costume Workshop"-Preparation for the autumn holiday.

Target: developing positive relationships between parents in preparation for the holiday.

Responsible: educators, music director.

1. Mobile folder.

Target parents on preparing their children for school. Responsible educators.

-"On the prevention of colds".

Target: promotion of healthy lifestyle. Responsible – nurse.

2. Festive newspaper on Mother's Day.

Target: involve parents into joint activities. Responsible educators parents.

3. Competition “Mom’s hands do not know boredom”.

Target: identifying the best creative family. Responsible- parents.

4. Gatherings "Mom is my best friend".

Target: identifying the best family experience, instilling respect and pride for mother and grandmother. Responsible: educators, music director.

5. Open physical education lesson "Circus lights up"

Target parents on issues of physical development of children.

Responsible persons: physical education director, teachers.

6. Open day.

Target: show parents variety and versatility of work in kindergarten for the comprehensive development of children. Responsible educators.

7. Conversation “Harmony of communication is the key to a child’s mental health”.

Target: improving pedagogical culture parents. Responsible educators.

8. Memo "The game is serious".

Target: pedagogical education parents on organizing children's games.

Responsible educators.

9. Design of material in parent's corner“We have Komi week”.

Target: maintain constant interest among parents to Komi culture, the ability to convey to a child knowledge about the Komi region. Responsible persons are educators.

10. Schedule for clearing the area of ​​snow.

Target:activate parents to create conditions for children to walk. Responsible – parents.

11. Meeting parent committee: preparation for the New Year, purchasing gifts for children.

Target: joining forces parents and educators,development of positive relationships between parents. Responsible- parental committee.

1. Individual consultations with a speech therapist and psychologist.

Target: dissemination of psychological knowledge, practical assistance on issues of correct pronunciation in children.

Responsible persons: speech therapist, psychologist.

2. Training with parents"Soon to school".

Target: practical help. Responsible persons are educators.

3. Stand design "Zimushka-winter".

Target: activation parents, involve in joint activities. Responsible – parents, educators.

4. Consultation "Young mathematicians" (On the development of logical thinking).

Target: theoretical help parents when preparing children for school. Responsible persons are educators.

5. Workshop for parents“We decorate the Christmas tree with the whole family”.

Target: joining forces parents and teachers in preparation for the New Year. Responsible educators.

6. Design "New Year's newspaper".

Target: attract parents to collective congratulations. Responsible – parents.

7. Holiday "Christmas story".

Target: share the joy of a joint holiday. Responsible: music director.

8. Individual consultation on the results of children's development and behavior.

Target: improve pedagogical and psychological culture parents. Help in raising specific children. Responsible persons are psychologists and educators.

9. Construction of a snow slide.

Target: activate parents to create conditions for physical activity of children while walking. Responsible- parents.

10. Competition for the best New Year's toy.

Target: involve parents in joint activities with children to develop the child’s creative abilities. Responsible – parents, methodologist.

11. Exhibition of children's drawings "Zimushka-winter"

Target: joint activities of children and parents, creating positive relationships. Responsible – parents, educators.

1. Parent meeting No. 2.

-Parent forum"The art of punishing and forgiving".

Questionnaire "On methods of education"

-"Diary of Good Deeds".

From the experience of family education “Work is the best educator”.

Target: psychological and pedagogical education parents on issues of education and development of children. Attract parents to jointly solve pedagogical problems. Dissemination of family experience on issues of labor education. Responsible educators parents.

2. Sliding folder “Computer games for children of senior preschool age”

Target: increasing pedagogical competence when teaching children computer games. Responsible educators.

3. "Merry Hive"- winter sketches.

Target: activate parents to work together with children. Responsible- parents.

4. Meeting with primary school teachers on the topic « Preparing children for school» .

Target: introduce parents with the requirements of teachers preparing children for school. Responsible are primary school teachers.

5. Questionnaire "Reading in your family".

Target: increase interest in reading, help create a home library. Responsible – parents.

6. Memo “How to develop a love of reading in children”.

Target: improving pedagogical culture parents. Responsible – librarian.

7. Summing up the results for the first half of the year.

Target: analysis of the implementation of the program for raising and training children. Send parents to create favorable conditions for the development and upbringing of children. Responsible persons are educators.

8. Photo vernissage " Parents introduce children to their work»

Target: attraction parents to the implementation of the annual tasks plan to familiarize adults with the work, instill in children pride in their parents. Target - parents, educators.

8. Open day.

Lesson for parents in mathematics and speech development.

Target: analysis of the upbringing and development of children in accordance with the program, focus on joint activities to implement program objectives. Responsible – educators, psychologist.

9. Participation in the competition “The best well-maintained kindergarten in the city”.

Target: to unite the efforts of teachers and parents for improvement of the territory of the kindergarten. Responsible- parental committee.

Yulia Erigina
Plan for working with parents in the preparatory group


Consultation “The role of the family in the development of a child’s speech”

Purpose: To provide the necessary knowledge about the development of speech in older preschoolers. Invite parents to actively participate in the development of the child’s speech.

Parent meeting. “Age characteristics of children in the seventh year of life”

Purpose: To acquaint parents with the age characteristics of a seven-year-old child.

Conversation: “Your child’s daily routine”

Goal: To familiarize parents with the daily routine of a preschooler.

Folder moving “Autumn”

Purpose: To introduce autumn signs, riddles, sayings.

Memo for parents “Teaching children to be observant on the street”

Parents' attitudes towards preparing their children for education. school.

Exhibition “Generous Gifts of Autumn”

Goal: To attract and interest parents in creating joint works with an autumn theme.


Booklet “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

Goal: To familiarize parents with health-improving exercises.

Consultation “From play to study or the crisis of 6-7 years”

Purpose: To acquaint parents with the age characteristics of a child 6-7 years old.

Memo “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children”

Goal: To attract the attention of parents to problems in raising a child.

Conversation “Rules of good manners”

Goal: Activation of parents in the work of the group and development of positive relationships between the kindergarten and parents. Observe the rules of behavior in the group, encourage warm relationships with each other.

Booklet “The Competent Pedestrian”

Purpose: To familiarize yourself with safety precautions on the road. To clarify and supplement parents’ ideas about safety on rural roads.

Consultation “Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road?”

Purpose: To introduce safety precautions on the road. To clarify and supplement parents’ ideas about safety on rural roads.


Conversation “Teaching preschoolers at home”

Goal: Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Memo “The role of the family in educating children’s speech. Game and game tasks for children’s speech development at home"

Purpose: To introduce parents to the work of kindergarten in the area of ​​speech development. Increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents.

Folder "Mother's Day"

Purpose: Familiarization with parents' holiday.

Exhibition of children's drawings for Mother's Day.

Goal: Development of creative interaction between parents and children.


Consultation “Flu. Prevention measures. Symptoms of this disease."

Goal: To familiarize parents with preventive measures against influenza.

Parent meeting No. 2

"Seven Steps to Health"

Purpose: To familiarize parents with measures to harden children.

Consultation “Preparing a preschooler’s hand for writing”

Goal: Talk with parents about their child’s readiness for school.

"New Year's Tale" matinee for children and parents


Conversation “Hardening is one of the forms of prevention of colds”

Purpose: To familiarize parents with measures to harden children.

Consultation “How to develop memory in children?”

Goal: Improving the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents. Activation of parents' pedagogical skills.

Folder – moving “Merry Christmas”

Goal: To instill Orthodox traditions in families.


Exhibition of children's drawings "My Dad"

Questionnaire for fathers and grandfathers “What kind of man are you?”

Goal: To foster love and respect for children for their fathers, grandfathers and the Russian Army.

Consultation “How to make a winter walk with your child enjoyable and useful?”

Goal: To introduce parents to various forms of walking.


Exhibition “Making gifts for mothers”

Goal: To cultivate respect and gratitude for their mothers, to encourage children to bring them joy.

Matinee "Feast of Mothers".

Purpose: Demonstration of children's creative abilities. Development of emotionally rich interaction between parents, children and preschool employees.

Purpose: To introduce the history of the holiday and congratulations for women.

Parent meeting “Prevention of infectious diseases and observance of personal hygiene rules in the family.”

Goal:Preventing infectious diseases. Obtaining information about forms and methods of improving children's health at home.


Memo for parents “How to measure talent?”

Goal: Enriching the pedagogical skills of parents in raising children.

Consultation “How to prevent vitamin deficiency in spring”

Goal: To offer a range of vitamins and food supplements for children in the spring.


Goal: Involving parents in a cleanup event at the group site.

Exhibition “I am an astronaut”

Photo vernissage “So we have become a year older”

Purpose: Demonstration of children's creative abilities.

Design of the “Victory Day” stand.

Goal: To attract the attention of parents to issues of patriotic education.

Graduation party "Goodbye, kindergarten."

Goal: Demonstration of children's creative abilities and developed creative skills.

Publications on the topic:

Annual plan for working with parents in the preparatory group September “Getting ready for school together” involves parents in dialogue on the issue of preparing for school, creating an atmosphere of common interests and emotional.

Long-term plan for working with parents in the pre-school group MDOU No. 1 “Little Red Riding Hood” NMR Perspective plan for working with parents in the preparatory school group “Bear Cubs” for the 2015 – 2016 academic year.

Long-term plan for working with parents in the preparatory group for the 2016–2017 academic year Long-term plan for working with parents in preparatory group No. 1 for the 2016–2017 school year. year. Name of the event Purpose of the event.

Long-term plan for working with parents in the preparatory group September 1. Organizational parent meeting “What a 6-7 year old child should know.” 2. Individual consultations 3. Photo album for parents.

Long-term plan for working with parents in the preparatory group for 2015–2016. September Parents' meeting “Results of primary diagnostics, introduction to educational activities in the preparatory group for school.

Long-term plan for working with parents in the preparatory school group for 2015 – 2016.

This material will be of interest to teachers of preschool institutions when planning long-term interaction with parents.

1. Visual information for parents: daily routine, schedule of activities.
2. Article in the parent’s corner “Age-related characteristics of the mental development of children 6 years of age.
3. Folder moving “September”.
4. Folder moving “September 1st – Day of Knowledge”.
5. Parent meeting “Soon to school!”
6. Article for the parent’s corner “My homeland is Samara.”
7. Information for parents “International Music Day”.
8. Individual conversations at the request of parents, including the need for flu vaccination.

1. Parent-child photo competition “Golden Autumn”.
2. Information for parents “International Music Day”.
3. Folder moving “October”.
4. Visual information “International Day of Older Persons”.
5. Article in the parent’s corner “Components of a kindergarten graduate’s readiness to study in primary school.”
6. Article in the parent’s corner “Speech etiquette of preschoolers.”
7. Information for parents “Holiday of agricultural and processing industry workers” and “Interesting facts about animals.”
8. Individual conversations at the request of parents.

1. Visual information for parents “November 4 – National Unity Day.”
2. Folder - movement “November”.
3. Articles in the parent’s corner “Gender-role identity and psychological characteristics of boys and girls of senior preschool age” and “Gender education of girls and boys in the family.”
4. Visual information for parents “Mother’s Day”.
5. Individual conversations at the request of parents.
6. Recommend parents to visit the children's library, introduce children to the library as a cultural institution, and the profession of a librarian.
7. Folder moving “Child Safety”.
8. Article in the parent’s corner “Stress in childhood.”

1. Folder – moving “December”.
2. Article for the parent’s corner “Teaching children to be friends.”
3. Information for parents “New Year’s customs and traditions in Rus' and the peoples of the world.
4. Article for the parent’s corner “Telling your child about professions.”
5. Parents’ participation in preparing for the New Year’s party and setting up the group.
6. Creative parent-child competition “New Year's Tale”.
8. Information for parents “Memo to a parent from a child.”

1. Folder – moving “January”.
2. Action with the participation of parents “Our slide”.
3. Consultation for parents “Doesn’t want or can’t? Attention deficit disorder in preschool children."
4. Information for parents “Winter games and fun”
5. Consultation for parents “The hand develops the brain.”
6.Individual consultations, including “Clothing of children in a group”, “Temperature conditions have a beneficial effect on the well-being of children.”
7. Consultation for parents “How to foster a sense of responsibility in a child.”
8. Campaign “Feed the birds in winter!”

1. Consultation for parents “The role of the father in education.”
2. Folder – moving February.”
3. Information for parents “Defender of the Fatherland Day”.
4. Folder – moving “Nativity”.
5. Individual conversations: “Hardening is one of the forms of preventing colds in children”, “We form self-care skills in a child.”
6. Pedagogical comprehensive education “Methods that increase the cognitive activity of preschool children.”
7. Individual consultations for parents.
8. Parent meeting: joint activity of teachers, children and parents “KVN on traffic rules “ABC of the streets” using ITC.

1. Folder – move “March”.
2. Newspaper “My Mother”.
3. Consultation “Development of a child’s creative abilities.”
4. Visual information “Folk crafts”.
5. Recommendations for parents on developing their child’s fine motor skills.
6. Consultation for parents “Discipline. Limits of Permissibility."
7. Information for parents “March 8 – International Women’s Day”.
8. Consultation for parents “How to understand and appreciate children’s drawings.”

1. Folder – movement “April”.
2. Consultation for parents “Development of coherent speech.”
3. Folder – movement “April 1st – April Fool’s Day”.
4. Visual information “April 12 is Cosmonautics Day.”
5. Information for parents “April 22 – Earth Day”.
6. Consultation “On the benefits of cartoons.”
7. Individual consultations at the request of parents.

1. Folder – movement “May”.
2. Visual information for the day of May 9 “The glory of these days will not be silent!”
3. Information “Rules of conduct during emergencies.”
4. Information for parents “Hexapods are our friends. Rules of conduct with insects."
5. Consultation for parents “Children’s safety on the road.”
6. Parent meeting “Creative report”.
7. Participation of parents in preparation for the graduation party.
8. Individual consultations at the request of parents.

1. Information “June 1 - Children's Day”.
2. Folder – movement “June, July, August”.
3. Exhibition of parent-children’s drawings “Farewell, beloved kindergarten.”
4. Consultation “Summer holidays”.
5. Individual consultations at the request of parents.
6. Consultation “First aid for sunstroke.”

Olga Matveeva
Long-term plan for working with parents in the preparatory group for the 2016–2017 academic year

Long-term plan for working with parents in preparatory group No. 1 for the 2016–2017 school year. year.

Name of the event Purpose of the event Dates

1. Parent meeting. Acquaintance parents with the tasks of raising children academic year, psychological and age characteristics of children.

4. Updating the stand with photos "How We Live".

Activation parental attention to the issues of a child’s life in kindergarten.

5. Consultation. “How to develop memory in children”. Formation of a unified approach to the development of children’s memory in kindergarten and at home. November

1. Design parental corner for winter topic: “Hello, guest Winter!”

Attract attention parents for information

Inform parents about the need to comply with safety rules during the New Year holidays. Give recommendations parents How to correctly convey the necessary information to children.

2. Conversations. “Hardening is one of the forms of preventing colds in children”. Familiarization parents with the tasks of preserving and improving the health of children and developing self-care skills. January

3. Safety briefing "Epiphany frosts".

Remind parents about the importance of following the rules of behavior outdoors on frosty days January

4. Conversation “On the prevention of influenza among the population”.

Familiarization parents pupils with the main factors contributing to the strengthening and preservation of the health of preschool children at home and in kindergarten conditions. January

5. Conversation. “How to spend a day off with a child?” Offer parents a number of activities and techniques for spending a weekend with a child. January

1. Consultation. “How to make a winter walk with your child enjoyable and useful?”.

Identification and analysis of information about the conditions of a healthy lifestyle in the families of pupils. February

4. Photo vernissage: “So we have become a year older”. Involvement parents in preparation for prom. Strengthen friendly relationships within the team groups. May

Pavlodar kalasyakimdigi, Pavlodar kalasybilim beru

"Pavlodar Kalasynyn No. 46 sabiler bakshasy" MKKK

GKKP "Nursery-garden No. 46 of the city of Pavlodar"

department of education of the city of Pavlodar, akimat of the city of Pavlodar




for the 2016-2017 academic year

Teachers: Kashkimbaeva Sh.K.



Purpose of the event



1 . Decorating a parent's corner with an autumn theme.

2. Parent survey:Is your child ready for school?

3 . Parent meeting: topic"Getting ready for school together"

Meeting plan:

1. Exercise “Match” (to create a friendly atmosphere)

2. Consultation: About nurturing independence.

Exercise "Parade of Opinions"

3. Basic skills and abilities of 6-year-old children. Memo for parents of future first-graders

Consultation for parents “How not to get sick in kindergarten”



1 . Exhibition of drawings and crafts “Autumn, autumn...”.

2. Autumn holiday for children

3 . Parent survey. Topic: “Do you know your child?”

4 . Collage for parents “Meet me, it’s me!” Children's drawings.

5. Folder for parents "Child's Aggression".

Attract and interest parents in creating joint works with an autumn theme.

Activation of parents in the work of the kindergarten group, development of positive relationships between preschool workers and parents.

Analysis of information about students and their families.

Familiarizing parents with the tasks of preserving and strengthening the mental health of children.

Familiarization of parents of pupils with the main factors that contribute to strengthening and maintaining the health of preschoolers at home and in kindergarten conditions.

Poster for parents “The road does not tolerate pranks - it punishes without pity!”

Cultivate respect and gratitude for your grandmothers, encourage children to bring them joy.

Demonstration of children's creative abilities, developed skills and abilities.

Involve parents in joint preparation for the upcoming holiday.

Create a festive, warm, friendly atmosphere at the holiday.

4. Parent meeting “Results of the year”

5. Photo exhibition “This is how we live!”

6. Consultation “Fundamentals of moral relations in the family”

7. Educational speech project "Spring is Coming"

3. Preparing for the graduation party.

4. Consultation “Prevention of child injuries during the summer health period.”

5. Memo to parents of future first-graders


1. Registration and updating of information in the parent's corner.

2. Information for parents “About recreational activities in MBDOU”.

3. Sports entertainment: “We choose sports!”

4. Questioning of parents, questionnaire on additional paid educational services.

5. Folder - movement “Attentive pedestrian”.

4. Exhibition of joint drawings, crafts (from waste, natural materials) for City Day, preparation and holding of entertainment: “My favorite city.”

5. Individual conversations “Walking and clothing for children during the cold season.”

6. Replenishment of the library for parents with books about healthy lifestyle.

7. Joint celebration of the birthday of the “autumn children”.

8. Visit to the city children's and youth library for City Day.

1. Consultation “What to do with a child on a walk?”

2. Folder - movement “Prevention of colds”.

3. Individual conversations “Getting ready for the New Year.”

4. Issue of a newspaper with an invitation to the New Year's party.

5. Help parents in making and purchasing carnival costumes and decorations for the New Year holiday.

6. “New Year's carnival” with the invitation of parents.

1. Consultation: “Child safety at home”; "Winter fun"; “Preparing a preschooler’s hand for writing.”

2. Exhibition of joint children's drawings “Winter - Crystal”.

3. Replenishment of the library with educational and methodological aids in the educational field of “Health”.

4. Visiting families at home “Child’s corner in the family.”

5. Questioning parents on the topic “Is your child ready for school?”

6. Visit to the city children's and youth library on the topic “Replenishment of library and bibliographic information.”

1. Sports entertainment “Relay race for the strong and brave!”

3. Exhibition of drawings “Our Dads”.

4. Individual conversations “How to make a winter walk with children enjoyable and useful.”

5. Consultations: “What a 6-7 year old child should know when entering school”; “We learn by playing (mathematical development of preschoolers).”

6. Labor landing “Building a snow town.”

7. Help parents in making and purchasing outdoor materials for winter walks.

8. Joint celebration of the winter roads’ birthday.

1. Meeting of the parent committee to prepare for the prom.

2. Exhibition of joint children's drawings and works on the theme “Spring has come.”

3. Exhibition of children's works "Beautiful flowers for mothers and grandmothers."

4. Release of a congratulatory newspaper for International Women's Day.

5. “Mom’s Day” - a matinee with the invitation of parents.

6. Individual conversations “Child’s clothing for a walk in the spring.”

7. Replenishment of the library “Advice for Parents” on the topic “Children and the Computer.”

8. Questioning parents “Your child will soon become a schoolchild.”

9. Consultation for parents on the topic “Games and creative tasks in TRIZ.”

1. Entertainment “Day of Laughter”.

2. Consultations for parents “How to help an older preschooler adapt to school life?”; "Rights and responsibilities in the family."

3. Final parent meeting “So we have become a year older” (summarizing the results of the school year).

4. Open day “Learning while playing.”

5. Graduation party “Goodbye, kindergarten!”

6. Visit to the city local history museum.

1. Help from parents in landscaping the preschool site.

2. Individual consultations, conversations “We are preparing materials for crafts in the summer.”

3. Replenishment of the folder – “ABC of Health” movements.

4. Purchase of outdoor materials for games during the warm season.

5. Help from parents in redecorating the group.

6. Spartakiad in honor of Victory Day.

7. Joint celebration of the “veseniki” birthday.

8. Visit to the exhibition hall.

Evgenia Soroko
Long-term plan for working with parents (preparatory group)


Design of the wall newspaper “We are the preparers”

Goal:Creating a favorable atmosphere for children and positive emotions.

Parents' meeting "Children's Rights"

Goal: Improving the pedagogical culture of parents on the issue of children's rights.

Memo for parents: “When punishing, think about why”

Consultation “Psychological characteristics of children 6-7 years old”

Goal: To acquaint parents with the psychological characteristics of children 6-7 years old.

Consultation “Crisis of 7 years”

Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge on this topic.

Exhibition of joint creativity between children and parents “Miracle Vegetable”

Goal: Activation of joint work between children and parents.


Consultation “Flat feet”

Individual conversations with parents about the need to vaccinate against influenza and ARVI.

Goal: To draw the attention of parents to this issue

Goal: Enrichment of the pedagogical culture of parents.

Consultation “Speech development of children 6-7 years old”

Purpose: To provide parents with information on the speech development of children.

Autumn holiday “Autumn, autumn, we ask you to visit us”

Goal:Creating positive emotions in children and their parents.

Consultation “Vitamin ABC of Health”

Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents

Conversation “The importance of daytime sleep for a preschooler”

Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents


Consultation “Child on the road”

Goal: Implementation of a unified educational approach when teaching a child traffic rules in kindergarten and at home.

Conversation “The role of articulatory gymnastics for preschool children” Purpose: To acquaint parents with the types of articulatory gymnastics.

Consultation “How to protect your child from colds during the off-season”

Purpose: To promote knowledge on the prevention of colds, to introduce the basic principles of hardening.

Consultation “Single-parent family”

Goal: Formation of a conscious attitude towards raising a child in a single-parent family. Dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience on this topic.

Consultation “Basics of personal safety for preschoolers”

Goal: To attract the attention of parents to the safety of their children. Implementation of uniform educational methods in kindergarten and at home.

Individual conversations “Building self-service skills in a child” Purpose: To acquaint parents with the tasks of developing self-service skills.

Conducting sports leisure activities “Dad, Mom, I - a sports family” Goal: Creating favorable and positive emotions among the families of the group’s students.


Competition "Symbol of the Year"

Goal: To attract parents of group students to participate in the competition of joint creativity of children and parents “Symbol of the Year”

Conversation “Hardening is one of the forms of preventing colds” Goal: Formation of a unified approach to methods of improving the health and hardening of children in kindergarten and at home.

Group decoration in New Year's style.

Goal: To activate parents in the work of the kindergarten group, to develop positive relationships between preschool employees and parents of students.

Mobile folder “Winter roads”

Goal: Implementation of a unified educational approach to teaching a child the rules of behavior on the street and road in winter.

Instructing parents on child safety in winter and during the New Year holidays.

Goal: To unite the efforts of teachers and parents to introduce children to the basics of safe behavior with the onset of the cold season. Rules of behavior on the street in winter during the New Year holidays.

Consultation “Winter fun and games”

Purpose: To familiarize parents of pupils with the variety of winter fun and games that can be done both outside and at home.

Tips for parents “How to organize a New Year’s children’s party”

Consultation “First aid for frostbite.” “Caution: ice!” Goal: Implementation of a unified educational approach to teaching a child the rules for frostbite, the rules of behavior on the street in case of ice.

Involving parents of group students in decorating the site with snow buildings, garlands and toys.

New Year's holiday "New Year's adventure of Viti and Masha"

Goal:Creating favorable and positive emotions.


Folder “So that children don’t get sick”

Goal: To involve parents in disease prevention

Conversation "Children's Aggression"

Goal: To enrich the teaching experience of parents on this topic.

Tips for teaching children to tell stories from a picture

Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents

Campaign “Clearing the territory of the kindergarten from snow”

Goal: Receiving positive emotions from joint work and establishing trusting relationships.

Organization of an exhibition of children's crafts on the theme: “New Year's moment” Purpose: an exhibition of children's works.

Consultation “How to give New Year’s gifts”

Goal: To introduce parents to interesting options for decorating and presenting New Year's gifts. Enriching the relationship between children and parents with the experience of emotional communication.

Folder “Finger games”

Goal: Enriching the pedagogical knowledge of parents.


Conversation “How to overcome stubbornness in a child?”

Goal: Improving the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents. Design of the wall newspaper “Dad is the best friend”

Goal: Creating positive emotions from the joint work of the teacher and children.

Exhibition of joint works by teachers and children on the theme: “Gift for Dad”

Goal: to organize an exhibition of children's works dedicated to the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Parent meeting on the topic: “Readiness for school”

Goal: Increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents about the child’s readiness for school.

Conversation “Bad words. How to stop a child from swearing"

Consultation “Health and factors influencing health”

Goal: To attract the attention of parents to children's health issues.

Folder “Breathing exercises for preschool children”

Purpose: To offer parents methodological techniques and exercises for developing the child’s respiratory system at home.


Design of the mobile folder “Spring”

Goal: Enriching the pedagogical knowledge of parents on this topic.

Consultation “Child and Computer”

Goal: Disseminate knowledge among parents about the proper organization of a child’s work on a computer.

Making baby books (book week)

Goal: Involving parents in working together with their children to produce children's books on a free theme. Registration of produced baby books into a catalogue.

Participation in the project “My Darling, Anderson” (timed to coincide with the birthday of G. H. Anderson 200 years old)

Consultation “Game physical education in the air”

Goal: To attract the interest of parents to the issue of physical education classes in the fresh air. Introduce parents to some types of exercises.

Tips for parents “How to set up a library for your child at home”

Purpose: To provide practical advice to parents on designing a children's library at home.

Conversation “If your child is left-handed”

Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents about the importance of this issue.

Exhibition of children's creativity "My Mommy"

Goal: To attract the attention of parents to children's creativity. Forming a respectful attitude towards children's work.

Goal:Creating positive emotions.

Memo “How to prevent vitamin deficiency in spring”

Purpose: To offer information on a range of vitamins and food supplements for children in the spring.


Consultation for parents: “How to protect yourself from colds”

Goal: To unite the efforts of teachers and parents to form ideas in preschoolers about the formation of a healthy lifestyle

Conversation “Difficult Children”

Purpose: To provide information for parents on this topic.

Consultation for parents: “The role of walks in the spring”

Goal: To enrich the pedagogical knowledge of parents on this topic.

Exhibition of collective work “In Space”

Goal: organizing an exhibition of collective work (children and teachers, timed to coincide with the celebration of April 12 - Cosmonautics and Aviation Day.

Memo for parents: “Spring ice is a place of danger”

Goal: Implementation of a unified educational approach to the formation of child rules of behavior on reservoirs, rivers, and during spring break. Improve the quality of parents’ work on the issue of child safety.

Participation in the environmental education project “Three Springs”

Goal: Involving parents in the work of the kindergarten by participating in the project.

Conversation “Eye exercise”

Goal: Enriching the pedagogical knowledge of parents on this topic.

Consultation “Revealing the secrets of children’s drawings”

Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical literacy among parents on this topic.

“Happy Saturday” campaign

Goal: To promote the development of joint work activities of children and parents.

Parent meeting “Preschooler’s abilities”

Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents, theoretical assistance to parents on this issue - development of children’s abilities.

Grand opening of the exhibition “Our Emotions” (as part of the preparation of a surprise moment for the graduation party, work in the style of cyanotype)

Goal: Attracting parental interest in the creative abilities of children.

Mobile folder “Victory Day”

Goal: To attract the attention of parents to issues of patriotic education.

Design of the wall newspaper “Our graduates say...” (statements are collected for the 2nd year)

Consultation “The Painted World. The role of children's creativity in the emotional development of the child"

Goal: Introduction into the practice of family education of forms and methods of work on creative interaction between an adult and a child.

Presentation of albums of creative works of group students.

Goal: Creating positive emotions in children and their parents.

Consultation “Adaptation of preschoolers to school”

Goal: Disseminate information about children's adaptation to school.

Graduation evening “Goodbye, kindergarten!”

Goal: Creating favorable and positive emotions in children and their parents.