Vegan and vegetarian - how are they different? Vegan and vegetarian: what is the difference? What is the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian.

What makes vegetarians different is that they not only adhere to a certain food system, in which the daily diet is completely or partially free of animal protein and fat, dairy products and eggs, fish and seafood, but also welcome the idea of ​​giving up any items that the composition of materials and in the production of which fur, skins, bones or other parts of the carcasses of killed animals are used.

Historical background of vegetarianism

Often, vegans and vegetarians (their differences will be revealed below) explain the benefits of their food system by the fact that in the primitive world the ancestors of modern man could rarely afford protein and fat of animal origin, and the basis of their diet was roots, herbs, foliage of trees and shrubs, berries, mushrooms, fruits, grains and nuts over a long period of tens of thousands of years. Archeology, studying the remains of everyday life, including the peculiarities of cooking, at the site of ancient man’s residence, has proven the inconsistency of myths about the powerful primitive instincts of a human hunter. Although forced, the diet of primitive people was 65% filled with food of plant origin, as opposed to one third of the meat of wild animals and other animal protein foods in the form of eggs, fish, etc.

It took thousands of years until, instead of regular famine and widespread forced vegetarianism, animal proteins and fats became available to humans on a regular basis. The diet has become more varied and nutritious, but there have also been more diseases associated with gastrointestinal and vascular problems. The fact is that the genetic makeup of the body has remained virtually unchanged, while food preferences and capabilities, along with lifestyle, have changed significantly. But not all scientists share this view.

Their arguments are as follows: the food of our ancestors was unevenly plentiful due to the consumption of large quantities of hunted meat, which led to rapid physical development along with the function of puberty, while shortening the already short period due to infections and epidemics, accidents, civil strife, attacks by wild animals, snake bites and poisonous insects human age.

History also decreed that for millennia, practical vegetarianism as the root cause of religious preferences prevailed in countries where Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism spread. Adherents and spreaders of vegetarianism among the masses were also adherents of various philosophical movements, such as the Pythagoreans, and later the scientific and creative layer of the intelligentsia. It is no coincidence that this popular food system was not immediately called vegetarianism, but was initially called “Indian” or “Pythagorean”. Modern Europe and America literally worship this food system - the list of vegetarians often includes the loudest and most famous names. And in modern India, from 20% to 70% of the country’s total population adhere to the vegetarian system.

Vegans and vegetarians: differences

Veganism is one of the classifications of vegetarianism, which implies refusal not only from meat, but also from fish and seafood obtained as a result of killing by hunting, fishing, industrial breeding, slaughter, industrial fishing, etc. Eggs, milk and dairy products in veganism they are also included in the category of forbidden products, since they are obtained through the exploitation of animals. However, you should know when considering who a vegan and a vegetarian are: the difference here lies not only in the degree of severity of the prohibitions on products in Ono - also in observing a set of moral principles and taboos in relation to animals and other representatives of the fauna.

The difference between the concepts of “vegan” and “vegetarian” is also that vegans not only do not wear clothes and shoes made of natural fur and leather, do not buy leather bags and belts, do not use leather furniture and cosmetics, in the production of which, as they It seems that animals suffered, but they also defend animal rights, calling for the closure and not visiting of zoos, dolphinariums, circuses and other similar places where animals are exploited and they are often kept in poor conditions.

Other types of vegetarianism

A vegetarian is a person who has consciously and voluntarily refused to consume any meat from animals or fish killed during the extraction process or after special cultivation for slaughter. But at the same time, they may not refuse animal products that were not obtained by force. For example, honey, dairy products and even eggs from poultry farms. People who follow this diet are called lacto-ovo vegetarians. These include the majority of modern vegetarians who do not eat only meat and fish dishes. Some vegetarians do not eat or drink all dairy products, but sometimes use eggs for food. They are ovo-vegetarians. If, on the contrary, eggs are excluded and dairy products remain in the diet, then adherents of this food system are called lacto-vegetarians.

Among strict vegetarians there are representatives of extreme vegetarianism - raw foodists (naturists), who completely exclude any heat treatment of food products, since they are convinced that high temperature destroys valuable nutritional properties, unlike foods consumed in their natural form, without heat treatment.

By limiting the recipe to adding cereal seeds and spices to vegetables, fruits and herbs, raw foodists refuse any culinary techniques, including pickling, and use only crushing grains.

A sand-vegetarian is one who enriches his own vegetarian diet with fish, caviar, crustaceans and all seafood, but completely rejects meat and its processed products.

The benefits of vegetarianism

Those vegetarian branches that allow the consumption of milk and dairy products, eggs, and especially fish and seafood, do not cause any concern among modern nutritionists and most doctors, since they recognize such a diet as practically complete and harmless for most adults, especially for people after forty years of age . Vegetarianism is even beneficial for them.

But when the body does not receive any animal proteins or fats for a long time, often for years, what is the risk for a vegan or strict vegetarian? Is it beneficial or are there long-term dangerous consequences of such a diet?

One of the obvious advantages of this style of nutrition, which is considered to be repeatedly proven through scientific research, is a lower risk of developing atherosclerosis, certain types of cancer, coronary heart disease, arthrosis, arthritis, gout, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and cholelithiasis compared to traditional nutrition. .

Which vegetarian menu allows you to lose and control weight or maintain normal body weight? Vegetarian nutritionists claim that 1500 kcal per day is enough for an adult of average height. Vegetarianism combined with light fitness is one of the most effective and fastest ways to achieve good physical shape.

Vegetarianism is also useful because it cleanses the body of toxins, practically sanitizing the body.

Finally, plant foods, which include, in addition to vegetables, fruits, legumes and herbs, also grains, contain a huge amount of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, biologically active substances, fiber and phytoncides. All this helps the body (especially urban residents) resist stress and poor urban ecology, as well as maintain youth and lightness in the body.


Vegetarianism also has plenty of disadvantages, especially if the diet is ill-conceived and unbalanced. Thus, vegans and vegetarians often suffer from iron deficiency anemia. In plant foods, iron is not presented in heme form; it is poorly absorbed.

One of the most serious problems of a vegetarian diet is a chronic lack of the most important element, vitamin B12. This B vitamin is absent in plants, and without it, a person develops irreversible and very serious diseases of the nervous system.

There are also differences between animals and animals are superior to plants (including soy). Proteins are an essential building material for the cells and tissues of the body. Without protein, hormones and enzymes are not produced. Protein also affects immunity.

Vegans are often deficient in calcium, vitamin D, zinc and iodine. All these substances are needed by the body in sufficient quantities.

Vegans, whose diet does not contain fish and seafood, lack important vitamins and minerals, especially omega-3 polyunsaturated acids, which cannot be replaced with plant-based ones.

Fiber is certainly beneficial for most of us, as it removes harmful cholesterol, toxins and excess glucose. But its excess (which can often be observed with vegetarianism) is harmful to health, interfering with the absorption of protein, despite the fact that obtaining and assimilating it is already problem in the case of a vegetarian diet.

Vegetarianism is contraindicated for people with asthenic syndrome, immunodeficiency, as well as those who are weakened or recovering from operations and injuries. Most doctors do not advise pregnant and lactating women to indulge in vegetarian diets, and also categorically do not recommend such a diet for children and adolescents for the entire period of their development.

But most of these problems can be avoided if you approach your diet wisely.

Vegetarian nutrition - menu with enough protein

In the food chosen by vegetarians, the main problem is not only the lack of the full range of useful substances that can be obtained from complete animal protein, but also that even with a competent approach to nutrition, vegetable protein may not be enough, and even what is supplied is much worse absorbed by the body. Complete proteins are considered to be those that include essential amino acids similar to the “native” amino acids in human protein, and in the same correct proportions. Soy protein can be considered the closest to animal protein, followed by legume protein. To minimize protein deficiency, you need to ensure that your daily diet includes plant-based foods that contain the maximum amount of protein and amino acids. These include soybeans and soy products, legumes, nuts, brown rice and whole grains, which also contain small amounts of protein. By the way, the leader among this group is quinoa.

A high percentage of protein is contained in seitan, a gluten product, as well as special vegan protein powders and bars. Lacto-ovo vegetarians and those vegans who build their diet according to all the rules usually receive normal, and in some cases even higher, amounts of protein.

Vitamin D

This vitamin exists in two forms - D2 and D3. Vegetarians focus on the D2 form (ergocalciferol). Vegetarian nutritionists and other doctors insist in their research that most people do not receive enough sunlight to synthesize this vitamin. If at the same time there is a lack of food fortified with vitamin D, then there is vitamin D in the form of pharmaceutical supplements. Even a strict vegetarian can take them by strictly following the dosage instructions (by the way, this is a fat-soluble vitamin that accumulates in the body).


If vegetarians consume lactoproducts, then usually problems arising from a lack of calcium in food do not arise. Strict vegans and those who refuse milk and other dairy products should always accompany plant-based foods, even those rich in calcium, with fortified soy milk and/or orange juice. For the required amount of calcium per day, 3 servings and drinks are required.


The most important vitamin involved in the process of hematopoiesis and central nervous system activity. needed for proper cell growth and reproduction of genetic information, as well as for participation in the secretion of essential hormones.

Strict vegetarians should be sure to know the following: there is not a single plant product that is not specifically fortified during the production process in which vitamin B12 is naturally present in sufficient quantities.

Lacto-ovo vegetarians can rest easy because they get their B12 from dairy products and eggs if consumed regularly.

Vegans receive some amount of B12 only if they constantly consume specially fortified foods: drinks and products made from soy and rice, breakfast cereals and cereals, and yeast. If there are few or no such artificially enriched products on a vegan’s table, then negative consequences cannot be avoided.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Vegetarian diets are usually high in omega-6 fatty acids, but extremely low in omega-3, which are very important for the proper functioning of the brain, cardiovascular system and other organs and systems. Omega-3 acids are present in fatty fish and eggs, which means that they are absent or insufficient in a vegetarian and vegan diet, especially if it does not actively contain plant components also rich in omega-3. Yes, these fatty acids are also of plant origin - alphalinoleic acid. It is found, in addition to marine microalgae, in soybeans, flaxseed, and walnuts.

But even if the plant foods on the list are regularly present, it is still better to take additional omega-3 fatty acids in the form of capsules or liquid fish oil. If strict veganism interferes with this, it is advisable to look for deliveries that do not contradict these beliefs. Now, by the way, there is even iron in the form of supplements that vegans can take without compromise.

Veganism or vegetarianism? This is a question that worries a huge number of people today who care about their health. Every year more and more people begin to understand the value of plant foods and the benefits they have for the body. But not everyone draws a line between the two currents, considering them to be one and the same direction, excluding products of animal origin. But it's not that simple.

Vegans and vegetarians: what's the difference? Let's look into this issue. Stay with us and you will find out the differences between eating styles, what foods you can eat, get acquainted with the history of its origins and popular recipes.

In fact, vegetarianism and veganism can be considered a generic pair, where the first is a broader concept, and the second is narrowly focused. The main difference between them is their nutritional characteristics. Vegetarians exclude only meat, while leaving products such as eggs, milk, and natural honey in the diet. In this case, everyone decides for themselves whether to refuse them or not.

Vegans exclude from their diet not only meat, but also other animal products: fish, seafood, eggs, milk, honey. Anything related to animals in any way is strictly prohibited. The strictness of this trend is so obvious that sometimes vegans even limit themselves to the use of gelatin, which is made from bones and connective tissue of animals.

If we compare the two diets, then, unlike the vegetarian diet, the vegan diet differs in the following points:

  • The product list is much poorer.
  • Lack of balance in the menu.
  • There is an almost complete absence of protein in the diet, which is found in sufficient quantities in eggs and milk, which is allowed for vegetarianism.
  • The difficulty in creating a menu is the need to take into account the composition of the products in order to get at least a slightly balanced diet.
  • Eating quickly - if you don’t use your imagination, don’t waste time on creating a menu, after just a week of following the principles of veganism you can splurge on tasty treats.
  • More contraindications.
  • Negative impact on the functioning of many organs – greater negative impact.

The existing differences in the diet of a vegan and a vegetarian do not speak in favor of the first direction. But if you understand the whole essence of the directions, mentally prepare yourself and love the products offered in your diet, then you can get tremendous pleasure from the process.

Vegetarianism is a broad concept that includes many subtypes. The basis for creating a classification is food products that can and cannot be consumed. Vegetarianism is divided into the following types:

  • Ovo-lacto-vegetarianism. This is the most common type of movement, followed by most people in the world. As you understand, meat is prohibited, but other animal products, for example, eggs, milk, can be eaten. A classic version of this would include fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, seeds, nuts, root vegetables, cheeses, yoghurts and eggs.
  • Ovo-vegetarianism. Already from the name it is clear that this subtype allows only the consumption of eggs from animal products. In all other respects, the diet is similar to the classic one.
  • Lacto-vegetarianism. This definition comes from the word lactose, or the sugar found in dairy products. If you decided on this direction, then you can only eat milk from the “animal”.
  • Veganism. This is the strictest type of vegetarianism, which absolutely does not accept any animal products. Absolutely everything related to animals is prohibited.

It turns out that veganism is a type of vegetarian diet. In turn, it is classified into two subspecies:

  • . You can only eat fresh plant foods. Any heat treatments are strictly prohibited.
  • Fruitarianism is the most delicious type of veganism, which involves eating only fruits, namely the fruits of plants.

When understanding the difference between vegetarians and vegans, it is worth paying attention to the pros and cons of each direction. Let's start with the positive aspects of the vegetarian trend:

  • The diet allows the consumption of eggs and milk, so it can be considered balanced. Some doctors even prescribe it for preventive purposes for those patients who need nutrition with a balance of all nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  • Reducing the risk of atherosclerotic plaques, diabetes, gout, arthritis.
  • The ability to constantly keep your body in good shape. A low-calorie vegetarian menu combined with light physical activity is a guarantee of always a beautiful, slim figure.
  • Effective cleansing of stagnant liquid and accumulated harmful substances.
  • Receipt of an incredible amount of useful substances.

Main disadvantages:

  • Vegetarians often suffer from insufficient intake of vitamin B12, which results in anemic conditions and various nerve-related diseases.
  • It is difficult to build a protein diet, since the list of acceptable foods is very limited.
  • Excessive intake of fiber into the body interferes with the absorption of protein foods, which are already insufficient for a follower of this movement.
  • Vegetarianism is contraindicated for people after surgery, during recovery, and rehabilitation.

Despite the general principles, veganism has its own unique advantages that are worth mentioning. Of course, there are fewer positive aspects than with vegetarianism, due to a stricter diet, however, they are there, which forces many people to adhere to this particular lifestyle:

  • Guaranteed weight loss – losing weight with this style of eating is very simple.
  • Excellent cosmetic effect - the face acquires a beautiful natural shade, all rashes disappear.
  • Feeling better and always in a great mood.
  • Life expectancy increases, natural rejuvenation occurs.
  • All swelling disappears due to the lack of salt in the menu.

Along with the advantages, there are also many disadvantages:

  • A rather meager diet, in contrast to vegetarianism, and great difficulty in creating a menu.
  • Some ideas of veganism are absurd, such as the claim that killing animals is prohibited in any case (even if it poses a threat to life).
  • The vegan is deprived of many medications, due to which the intestinal microflora begins to suffer.
  • Common diseases of the joints, blood and musculoskeletal system.
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction.

Vegetarian Recipes

Vegans and vegetarians differ not only in the list of products, but also, accordingly, in the dishes. We offer several vegetarian recipes that will allow you to get to know the destination better.

  • Lettuce – 20 grams.
  • Tomatoes – 60 grams.
  • Sun-dried tomatoes – 20 grams.
  • Avocado – 100 grams.
  • Nuts – 1 tablespoon.
  • Parmesan – 20 grams.
  • Pepper, salt, lemon juice and vegetable oil for dressing - to taste.
  • We wash and dry the vegetables.
  • We take a beautiful dish, put lettuce on top, torn into small pieces by hand.
  • Cut fresh tomatoes into small slices and place on top.
  • Next we place the sun-dried tomatoes.
  • Cut the avocado into slices and place on the tomatoes.
  • Prepare the dressing: in a small bowl, mix oil, lemon juice, salt, and ground black pepper.
  • Pour the prepared dressing evenly over the salad and sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  • At the very end, add pine nuts. There is no need to fry them. Bon appetit.

  • Chickpea flour – 100 grams.
  • Eggs – 2 pieces.
  • Banana – 2 pieces.
  • Vanilla – 1 sachet.
  • Carob – 2 tablespoons.
  • Walnuts – 50 grams.
  • Sweetener – 2 tablespoons.
  • Black coffee – 1 bag.
  • Prepare the cake: put flour, banana (1 piece), eggs, vanillin, carob, sugar into a blender bowl and grind until smooth. If it is very thick, you can add a little water. Bake for about half an hour. We'll see if it's ready.
  • Heat the walnuts a little in a dry frying pan. Lightly chop.
  • Cool the shortbread and crush it into small crumbs. This can be done in a blender or coffee grinder. Add the second banana to the dry mixture and mix thoroughly.
  • Add nuts and coffee dissolved in a small amount of water to the dough. Mix everything thoroughly again.
  • Roll the finished dough into sausages of the optimal thickness and length for you. Roll thoroughly in carob or cocoa.
  • Let it sit in the refrigerator for about an hour and a half so that all the ingredients are soaked and “set.” Serve to the table.

Vegan Recipes

A vegan diet is somewhat different from a vegetarian diet, which has stricter limits on food consumption, so the recipes offered also have their own characteristics. Here are some interesting options to consider if you decide to go vegan.

  • Couscous/bulgur – 200 grams
  • Bell pepper – 2 pieces.
  • Pickled cucumbers – 5 pieces.
  • Olives or black olives – 100 grams.
  • Greens – 1 bunch.
  • Lemon juice, salt, spices, chili pepper - to taste.
  • Prepare the cereal according to the instructions on the package and let it cool.
  • Cut vegetables into small cubes.
  • Combine couscous and vegetables in one dish, pour olive oil, lemon juice, and salt/pepper to taste.
  • Let it brew a little so that all the ingredients “set” and serve.

  • Tofu – 200 grams
  • Zucchini – 1 piece.
  • Carrot – 1 piece.
  • Tomato – 1 piece.
  • Green peas – 100 grams.
  • Tomato paste - 3 tablespoons.
  • Curry – 1 teaspoon.
  • Coriander – 1 teaspoon.
  • Bay leaf – 2 pieces.
  • Nutmeg – ½ teaspoon.
  • Black pepper – 1 teaspoon.
  • Greens to taste.
  • Cut the soy cheese into small pieces and lightly fry in a frying pan until golden.
  • Cut tomatoes and carrots into small slices.
  • Coarsely chop the zucchini, combine with other vegetables, tofu, mix, add spices, tomato paste, bay leaf.
  • Pour the mixture with 1 glass of hot water and simmer over low heat for ten minutes.
  • After a couple of minutes, add finely chopped greens.
  • Serve to the table, garnished with green peas.

  • Bulgur – ½ cup.
  • Green peas – ½ cup.
  • Lemon juice – 2 tablespoons.
  • Greens - a few sprigs to taste.
  • Vegetable oil, spices - to taste.
  • Pour the cereal with 1 glass of water and boil until tender for about 10 minutes. Lightly add water first.
  • Fry the peas in a small amount of oil.
  • Stir the bulgur with a fork, as if to loosen it. Add the fried peas along with all the oil.
  • Season with spices, lemon juice, and salt. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Serve to the table in a beautiful serving bowl, after garnishing with chopped herbs.
  • Bon appetit.

These two directions exist today. They have both a lot in common and a huge number of differences. If you want to give up meat and animal products, try switching to a vegetarian or vegan menu. Don’t listen to anyone, the diets offered are tasty, healthy and incredibly nutritious. The most important condition is a serious approach to diet planning and strict adherence to all principles and rules.



A huge number of people around the world do not eat meat. The reasons for this can be different, ranging from ethical, social, moral, physical and ending with spiritual. As a rule, such people are called vegetarians. Although there is a strict version of this trend - veganism. Read more about who vegans are.

Veganism - what is it?

Eating plant-based foods is especially popular among celebrities. Although ordinary people try not to eat meat products, due to their adherence to a special nutrition system. Vegetarianism is the voluntary refusal of animal meat. It can come in different forms. There is vegetarianism, in which a person does not eat eggs, but still drinks milk. A strict variety is veganism, which completely excludes the use of animal products from everyday life and diet, because... they cannot be obtained without killing or exploiting animals.

Who is a vegan

Many people often wonder who vegans are, and are they very different from other plant-based dieters? A vegan is an old-timer of vegetarianism. Veganism is the uncompromising, strictest ethical type of vegetarianism, which excludes absolutely all products acquired through the exploitation of animals. Both vegetarians and vegans do not eat meat, but at the same time, vegans also refuse:

  • honey, because this product is made by bees, and man takes it for his own needs;
  • eggs, milk, animal protein;
  • leather, fur, wool, silk;
  • gelatin;
  • products in the production of which animal components are used;
  • visits to the circus, zoo, bullfight, aquarium;
  • Vegans do not use cosmetics that have been tested on animals.

Vegans are often outspoken animal rights activists. They advocate around the world for a ban on the circus and the abolition of bullfighting, since animals are forcibly kept at such events. In zoos, vegans often organize rallies in support of zoo inhabitants. In addition, meat processing plants, poultry farms, fish factories, hunters and fishermen are subject to negative attitudes from vegans.

Types of veganism

There can be many reasons for choosing veganism - individual preferences, faith, health issues (getting rid of diabetes or obesity). Many people become vegans and eliminate meat products out of concern for animals and the environment. For some, the transition to vegetarianism is often associated with the economic situation, because... cereals and vegetables are cheaper than meat products. There are several types of veganism:

  • Ovo-vegetarianism. You can eat eggs, but you can’t eat milk, cottage cheese, sour cream.
  • Lactovegetarianism. You can eat all dairy products, but you can’t eat eggs.
  • Pesco-vegetarianism. Possible consumption of seafood and fish.
  • Raw food diet. A strict version of veganism. This means eating only raw, non-thermally processed foods.

What do vegans eat?

Often people who want to give up meat products do not know what vegetarians can eat and what vegans should avoid. As a rule, a vegan eats beans, beans, vegetables, fruits, and herbs. Vegans do not eat meat, honey, eggs, dairy products, or fish. Adherents of veganism refuse food in the production of which animal products were used, for example, gelatinous sweets (marshmallows, marshmallows), beer and sauces containing lecithin.

Vegan cuisine

If you are serious about switching to a vegan diet, you should switch to it gradually, gradually adding meat-free recipes to your menu. In addition, a former meat eater should definitely find an alternative to products of animal origin, otherwise the body may become vitamin deficient. Vegans try to replace meat with plant products and make analogues that are not inferior in taste to their meat “predecessors”. Among the recipes you can find different ways to prepare vegan mayonnaise. Here are a few options for dishes that are included in the vegan menu:

  • vegan pilaf with buckwheat and legumes;
  • potatoes with garlic and onions;
  • vegan rolls (avocado, tofu, mushrooms, cucumbers, tomatoes are used instead of fish, and lean vegan mayonnaise is used instead of cheese);
  • vegan baked goods without milk or eggs;
  • vegetable salads with herbs and soy meat.

What do vegans eat?

Veganism is the strictest form of vegetarianism. A vegan completely excludes all animal products from her diet. In addition, a vegan's medicine cabinet contains no medications that have been tested on animals. A standard vegan diet includes only plant foods, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. The most common products for vegans:

  • asparagus;
  • vegetable oil;
  • all nuts (peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts);
  • tofu cheese;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • Soy meat;
  • jujube or Korean asparagus;
  • soy sauce.

Drinks that vegetarians can consume include berries and fruits. Among vegans, compotes and fruit drinks are considered healthy and tasty. To prevent calcium leaching, health-conscious vegans should avoid consuming foods and drinks containing caffeine, meaning coffee and strong tea are consumed infrequently if possible. Due to the fact that milk is not allowed, vegans are automatically prohibited from drinking kefir, yogurt, and fermented baked milk. Veganism does not prohibit drinking alcohol. But vegans, as a rule, drink alcohol in moderation, because... many of them go in for sports.

Vegan bodybuilders use “fast fuel” in the form of fruit before training. In addition, there is specialized sports nutrition consisting of green tea, ginseng, turmeric, ginger, and coconut oil. There is a vegan “protein” option made from vitamins (iron, calcium, potassium, etc.) and plant-based purified protein, which often acts as a complete meal replacement.

What vegans shouldn't eat

Vegan products do not contain animal fats. Many of the adherents of this trend do not consume milk, eggs, or honey. In addition, a vegan diet will not contain:

  • fish and seafood (mussels, squid, octopus);
  • preservatives;
  • mushrooms;
  • Sahara;
  • stimulants;
  • cheese with rennet, because it is obtained from the stomachs of young calves;
  • chocolate, because it contains milk powder;
  • mayonnaise (but you can use a special Lenten sauce);
  • marshmallows, marshmallows, etc. they are based on gelatin, which is made from animal bones (but you can use agar-agar);
  • bakery products.

Vegan diet

Many women switch to veganism in the hope of quickly losing weight, because the menu of such a food system will be limited, because... In addition to the prohibited standard foods for vegans, she also excludes high-calorie foods. A vegan diet for weight loss prohibits the consumption of many foods. Here is a list of some of them:

  • any eggs;
  • all types of meat, fish, poultry;
  • milk;
  • fast food;
  • packaged juices, sodas;
  • Among alcoholic drinks, vegans can only have a little high-quality dry wine.

Over time, the vegetarian’s body adapts to such a nutritional system. In the intestines and stomach of a vegan, saprotrophic bacteria appear that process fiber products that come with food. But we need to act gradually. So, to lose weight on a vegan diet, you should take as a basis fruits and vegetables in unlimited quantities, whole grain dishes (4 servings), in third place for vegans are legumes and nuts, soy meat substitutes, i.e. natural protein (2 servings per day). Here is an approximate vegan diet that takes into account all the requirements:

What is the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian?

The word "vegetarian" comes from vegetus, the literal translation of "healthy, strong, vigorous, fresh", and the Latin phrase "homo vegetus" refers to a physically developed and spiritual person. A vegan is a strict vegetarian. Vegetarianism and veganism, two common food systems in which people give up eating meat, have certain differences. The difference between a vegan and a vegetarian is that:

  • the latter can afford products such as eggs, milk, honey, but a vegan cannot;
  • they become vegetarians to improve the quality of life, and become vegans out of principles that are based on general humanism towards animals (they don’t even visit the circus, zoo, and are against photos with animals);
  • A vegetarian can wear fur, leather, use cosmetics and products that have been tested on animals, but a vegan cannot.

International Vegan Day

Today there are more than a billion people in the world who adhere to the principles of vegetarianism. The strictest form of this movement, veganism, arose in 1944, the term was introduced by Donald Watson. Officially, International Vegan Day has been celebrated since November 1, 1994. It is celebrated exactly one month after World Vegetarian Day - October 1st.

Social events on Vegan Day are widespread and are dedicated to disseminating the basic ideas of veganism in modern society. These events encourage people to lead a healthy lifestyle and protect animals. In addition, adherents of veganism organize rallies in support of the movement and treat everyone to dishes from their cuisine.

Video: how to become a vegan

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Vegans - who are they? The essence of veganism and permitted foods

The article will be of interest to those who do not know the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian or what these concepts mean.

What is vegetarianism

To begin with, it’s worth understanding what kind of trend vegetarianism is, how popular it is and what its basic principles are. In general, this movement implies the rejection of animal products and is divided into four branches, each of which more or less strictly limits itself in some way. In short, this is:

  • Lacto-ovo vegetarians - milk, eggs, and honey are allowed in food. This group has the most followers; they do not eat meat or any meat products, fish, or seafood;
  • Ovo-vegetarians, as you might guess, do not consume dairy products, but enjoy eating eggs;
  • Lacto-vegetarians - do not eat meat, preferring dairy products;
  • And the last group is vegans. Sometimes the name “strict vegetarian” is used.

Veganism and vegetarianism

So, veganism and vegetarianism, what is the difference and what are the basic principles? If the first three areas of vegetarianism can be chosen by a person based on food preferences or allergies (milk, meat, fish), then veganism is based on certain cultural and moral values ​​that a person is endowed with.

That is, a vegan is an “ideological” character. If previously he ate meat, then by becoming a vegan, he radically changes his entire lifestyle, habits, sometimes his habitat and social circle, work and even a loved one. A vegan, like a vegetarian, eats foods of plant origin, but excludes milk, eggs, and honey.

Vegans drink juices and water, just like raw foodists. Considering all these facts, it becomes clear how different a vegan and a vegetarian are; the difference, by the way, is not only in dietary restrictions.

Veganism - a moral aspect

A vegan and a vegetarian also differ from each other in that a strict ideological follower will never wear clothes made of genuine leather, fur, and leather furniture are also not his best friend.

For a vegan, eco-leather or textiles are suitable. Household chemicals, cosmetics, and household items that have been tested on animals will not find their place in a vegan’s home.

They are also opponents of zoos and circuses, since animals there are kept in captivity and often suffer cruel treatment.

Vegetarianism and veganism also differ in that followers of a stricter movement have deep compassion for animals and believe that they have the same right to life as humans.

Some interesting facts

By analyzing in detail the lifestyle of both directions, you can learn even more about how a vegan differs from a vegetarian.

A strict diet also means avoiding white sugar. And here a completely logical question arises - why? It's simple - bone charcoal is used to purify white sugar obtained from sugar beets.

What about honey? After all, the bees collect it quite voluntarily. It turns out that some not entirely conscientious beekeepers “feed” their pets the same white sugar.

A decent vegan will not buy or eat unfamiliar honey; he will get it from a friend or trusted beekeeper. Gelatin, which is produced from burnt animal bones, is also not held in high esteem. An excellent alternative to it is agar-agar.

Of course, store-bought mayonnaise, ketchup, cheese, sauces, chocolate containing traces of animal origin (lecithin) are not consumed. There was a lot of controversy about mushrooms - by default they were classified as plants.

How does a person become a vegetarian?

Sometimes a plant-based diet is prescribed for health reasons. And very often it happens that a person is no longer satisfied with his physical form and, in search of an optimal diet, abandons animal protein.

But alcohol and tobacco do not seem to contain “forbidden” components, so it is quite possible to see a vegetarian with a bottle of beer and a cigarette in his teeth.

Here is another point in which a vegan and a vegetarian will not find a common language - after all, beer is filtered using gelatin, and alcohol and tobacco are also tested on animals by many companies.

Animal rights

What is the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian in relation to our smaller brothers? Among animal rights activists, you can most often find vegans.

Of course, there are also vegetarians among them, however, they will not treat this matter with such dedication.

Numerous protests against the forced exploitation of animals, experiments on them, and environmental pollution are mostly strict vegetarians.

Raw food diet

Vegetarianism, veganism, raw food diet - these movements have similar restrictions, but the last one is more narrowly focused.

Raw foodists are those people who eat food as it grows.. Sometimes they can prepare fresh juice or treat themselves to dried fruits. Also, raw foodists themselves can dry fruits and vegetables in the sun or in the oven, at the same temperature (about 40 degrees).

There is a reason for this - the enzymes contained in foods simply cease to exist at high temperatures. Porridges and soups are not on the raw foods menu; many people refuse salt and spices.

The diet of a raw foodist includes mainly: vegetables, fruits, root vegetables, herbs, nuts and grains, seeds, dried fruits and cold-pressed vegetable oils. Some foods can be sprouted, for example, flax seeds, wheat, lentils. But it’s better not to try sprouted beans - you can get poisoned.

To become a vegetarian or not?

Whether or not to become a vegetarian is an independent decision for each person.

In order to objectively assess all the risks, a person must be mentally mature, otherwise it is optimal to adhere to a vegetarian diet under the strict guidance of wise, competent adults. In any case, nutrition should be balanced so that the body does not feel a lack of one or another vitamin or microelement.

If you approach this issue irresponsibly, you can get the result in the form of digestive disorders or exacerbation of chronic diseases. The American Dietetic Association states that bland vegetarianism and veganism are healthy diets.

Since refusing food that is of animal origin is quite common, it is worth knowing what the difference is between a vegan and a vegetarian. Otherwise, you can find yourself in an awkward situation by offering a person chocolate for tea or bread and cheese.

What is vegetarianism?

According to Vegetarian Society, vegetarians are people who do not eat food or by-products resulting from the slaughter of animals.

Vegetarians do not eat:

  • meats such as beef, pork and game
  • poultry such as chicken, turkey and duck
  • fish and shellfish
  • insects
  • raw materials or fats obtained from the slaughter of animals

However, many vegetarians do consume byproducts that do not come from animal slaughter. These include:

  • dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt

Vegetarians typically consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and legumes, as well as the "meat substitutes" that are derived from these types of foods.

Vegetarianism is generally less restrictive than veganism, so there are several well-known types of vegetarian diets. These include:

  • Lacto-ovo vegetarianism. People who follow this diet avoid all types of meat and fish, but do consume dairy products and eggs.
  • Lacto-vegetarianism. People on this diet do not eat meat, fish or eggs, but do consume dairy products.
  • Ovo-vegetarianism. People following this diet do not eat meat, fish or dairy products, but do consume eggs.
  • Pescetarianism. Those following this diet avoid eating any meat other than fish and other types of seafood. However, it does not fit the traditional definition of vegetarianism, and many people consider the pescatarian diet to be semi-vegetarian or flexible.

What is veganism?

Veganism is a stricter form of vegetarianism. Vegans avoid eating or using any animal products or by-products. Vegan Society defines veganism as “a way of life that seeks to eliminate, as far as possible, all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals that result in food, clothing or anything else.”

Vegans strictly avoid consuming any food or drink that contains:

  • poultry
  • fish and shellfish
  • dairy
  • insects
  • rennet, gelatin and other types of animal protein
  • raw materials or fats derived from animals

Strict vegans also extend these principles beyond their diet and, whenever possible, try to avoid any foods that are directly or indirectly associated with human use of animals. These products include:

  • leather products
  • wool
  • beeswax
  • soaps, candles and other products containing animal fats such as lard
  • latex products containing casein, which comes from milk proteins
  • cosmetics or other products that manufacturers test on animals

Many vegetarians also apply some of these principles to their lifestyle, such as avoiding leather goods and products that involve animal testing.

Benefit for health

Scientific research shows that vegetarian and vegan diets can provide health benefits.

A 2017 study examined the effectiveness of a plant-based diet among 49 adults who were overweight or obese and had at least one of the following medical conditions:

  • cardiac ischemia
  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol

The researchers randomly assigned participants to two groups:

  1. Normal diet
  2. A low-fat, plant-based diet that includes low-fat whole foods and does not rely on calorie counting or mandatory regular exercise

The intervention also included two 2-hour sessions per week that provided participants with cooking instruction and physician training. The nonintervention group did not attend any of these sessions.

At 6 and 12 months of follow-up, participants in the second group had significant reductions in body mass index (BMI) and cholesterol levels compared to the first group.

A 2017 systematic review and meta-analysis suggested that plant-based diets may help reduce total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. The researchers did not analyze how changes in cholesterol affect heart disease outcomes.

Another 2016 observational study found that vegetarians living in South Asia and America were less likely to develop obesity than non-vegetarians.

A 2019 review provides evidence that plant-based diets may benefit the cardiovascular systems of endurance athletes. These beneficial effects include:

  • lower cholesterol levels
  • improving blood pressure and circulation
  • better blood sugar control
  • lower risk and even reversal of atherosclerosis
  • reducing oxidative stress and inflammation

A 2019 study also found a link between a healthy plant-based diet and a lower risk of developing chronic kidney disease. Interestingly, those who followed an unhealthy plant-based diet with a higher proportion of sugar-sweetened foods and refined grains had a significantly higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease.

Vegetarianism and veganism - which diet is healthier?

Both diets provide similar health benefits and generally encourage people to eat more antioxidant- and nutrient-rich whole foods.

It's hard to say which diet is healthier because both diets have their own advantages and disadvantages.

For example, unlike vegans, lacto-vegetarians get calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D from dairy products. However, avoiding dairy and eggs can help vegans lower their cholesterol levels.

Vegans are also at risk of being deficient in omega-3 essential fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA, even if they consume plant sources of omega-3. DHA is essential for brain function and cognition, as well as preventing absent-mindedness, memory problems, and more. Vegetarians and pescatarians can more easily obtain EPA and DHA from eggs and seafood.

According to a 2019 study, vegan adults in Argentina had healthier vegan lifestyles than vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

  • consumption of whole plant foods
  • daily workouts
  • drinking more than eight glasses of water per day
  • regular exposure to sunlight

However, following a plant-based diet does not guarantee good health. Vegetarians and vegans may still live unhealthy lifestyles or eat a diet that includes processed “junk” foods.

Which diet is best for losing weight?

A 2006 cross-sectional study of 21,966 participants and a 2014 review of three prospective cohort studies of Adventists in North America concluded that vegans overall have a lower BMI than vegetarians and meat eaters.

A possible explanation for this trend may be due to the fact that vegans do not consume eggs or dairy products.

A 2006 study also found that vegans gained less weight than vegetarians and meat eaters over 5 years. However, people who changed their diets to reduce their consumption of animal products gained the least weight during the study.

In a 2018 study of 75 overweight adults, researchers randomly assigned participants to either a low-fat diet, a vegan diet, or to continue their current diet, which could include animal protein. After 16 weeks, participants in the vegan group lost significantly more belly fat than participants in the control group.

Potential Harm and Risks

According to the authors of the article in the magazine Journal of the American Dietetic Association(now Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics), carefully planned vegetarian and vegan diets are “healthy, provide the body with adequate amounts of nutrients, and can provide health benefits by preventing certain diseases and promoting healing.” However, it is important for vegetarians and vegans to ensure that their diet is balanced, meeting all their nutritional needs.

For example, plant-based foods do not contain vitamin B12, which is an important nutrient that supports the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Vegans and vegetarians can get vitamin B12 from fortified foods such as breakfast cereals and some plant-based milks.

Vegetarians and vegans can also take vitamin B12 supplements. However, some B12 supplements may contain animal products, so it is important to check supplement labels carefully and only buy from reputable brands.

According to a 2017 study from Switzerland, some vegetarians may not get enough vitamin B6 and niacin from their diet, while vegans may have a higher risk of zinc and omega-3 deficiencies than those who eat certain animal products. .

A variety of vegetarian- and vegan-friendly multivitamin supplements are available in pharmacies, health stores, and online.

As we mentioned above, eating a plant-based diet does not guarantee good health. A large 2017 study found that plant-based diets consisting of unhealthy foods may increase the risk of coronary heart disease.

Here are examples of unhealthy plant-based foods:

  • fried potatoes
  • sweetened drinks
  • refined grains
  • candies
  • processed or packaged snacks

These unhealthy plant-based diets often result in lower intakes of dietary fibre, vegetables and micronutrients, as well as increased intakes of sugar and processed ingredients.


  • How is veganism different from vegetarianism? Both vegetarians and vegans prefer not to eat meat and fish. However, veganism is a stricter form of vegetarianism that prohibits the consumption or use of any animal products, including dairy products, eggs, honey, leather goods, wool and silk.
  • Vegetarians can eat dairy products, eggs, honey and other by-products that do not involve slaughtering animals. However, there are several vegetarian diet options. For example, some vegetarians prefer to eat eggs but not dairy products.
  • Vegan and vegetarian diets typically include a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and legumes, as well as “meat substitutes” that are derived from these types of foods.
  • Both vegetarian and vegan diets can provide health benefits, including weight loss, lower cholesterol levels, and a reduced risk of heart disease.
  • However, it is important for vegetarians and vegans to ensure that their diet meets all their nutritional needs. For example, plant foods do not contain vitamin B12, so vegans and vegetarians may need to eat fortified foods or take supplements to get enough vitamin B12.