Plan for the “New Year” themed week in the second junior group. Topic: “Hello New Year!” Fourth week of December Theme week New Year 2nd junior group

Elena Beglova
Calendar and thematic planning in the second junior group “New Year at the Gates”

Calendar and thematic planning in 2 ml. gr. Subject weeks: « New Year at the gate» .


1. Musical activity.

Educational area:

Integration of educational regions: social and communicative development, speech development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development.


1. Teach children to react to changes in the nature of music; continue to introduce children to genre music. Form ideas about dance music and lullaby; develop children’s ability to respond to changes in the nature of music. Form aesthetic taste

("Artistic and aesthetic development").

2. Continue to teach children to actively sing along, drawing out long sounds( "Speech development").

3. Develop children's imaginative thinking. Teach children to navigate in a game situation. ( "Cognitive Development").

4. Create a joyful mood( ).

Methods and techniques:


- visual


(see summary)

2. Cognitive and research activities.

Educational area:"Cognitive Development".


Subject:"Christmas tree"


1. Build knowledge about the upcoming holiday. ( "Cognitive Development")

2. Enrich children's vocabulary and develop the ability to describe the Christmas tree and toys using adjectives. Fix the name of clothes and shoes. Cultivate a desire to listen and understand the content of the story. Answer questions in complete sentences. ( "Speech development")

3. Promote the physical development of children through outdoor play. Promote the development of fine motor skills. ( "Physical development").

4. Cultivate in children a good attitude towards game characters, arouse a desire to help them. ( "Social and communicative development").

Materials and equipment: a letter with a riddle; pictures of a New Year tree; a toy hare, illustrations of people preparing for the New Year.

Methods and techniques:

-practical: game exercises;

- visual: looking at toys;

verbal: explanation, encouragement, support, instructions

Logic of educational activities (see summary)


Communication activities. Conversation "What's happened New Year

Perception of fiction. Introduce children to the poem by G. Ladonshchikov “Lena dressed up the doll”

Conversation: "Our friend is Santa Claus"

Target: - create a festive atmosphere in children.

Did/game (The world) “What do I play?”Target: - develop timbre hearing; learn to distinguish the character of music.

Round dance game: "In an even circle"

Target: continue to teach walking in a circle holding hands, saying words and repeating movements behind the teacher

Finger gymnastics: "Magpie - crow» Target

Education of KGN: “Let’s show the hedgehog how to behave at the table”- develop basic behavior skills during meals.

Walk 1. Observing the weather conditions. Target: learn to determine the time of year by characteristic


Outdoor games « Sparrows and car» .

Target: teach children to run quickly on a signal, but not bump into each other, start moving and change it on a signal from the teacher, find their place.

"Take care of the object".Target: learn to act and navigate according to a signal, in space, develop dexterity.

Individual work with Kolya. Development of movements.

Evening. BSD. "I'm exploring the world"(objective environment of social life"

Subject:"Introducing the Difficulty of Babysitting"/Preparation bedtime groups/.Goals: Introduce children to the labor process nannies: Preparation bedtime groups. Continue to work on developing interest in the work of a nanny, the desire to observe the process of her achieving the result of her work.

Working with templates and stencils on the topic "Cloth". Target: develop coordination, motor skills, color perception.

Role-playing game "Family": "Let's iron the clothes". Target: expand children’s ideas about care and respect for clothing. Encourage attempts to independently select attributes and organize the game environment.

Walk 2. Observation of the bus. Goals: learn to distinguish vehicles by appearance;

name the main parts of the car; consolidate behavior skills on the bus.

Work assignments. Clearing the path leading to the site. Target: learn to use spatulas correctly.

Outdoor games "Cars", « Sparrows and car» .Goals: teach to follow traffic rules; consolidate knowledge about buses.


Direct educational activities.

Cognitive and research activities (FEMP)

Educational area:

"Cognitive Development"

Integration of educational regions: social and communicative development, speech development, physical development, cognitive development

Subject: "Winter Adventures"


1. To develop the ability to identify and compare the properties of objects, to find a common property groups of objects("Cognitive Development").

2. Learn to use accompanying and final speech when working on handouts( "Speech development").

3. Develop the ability to work in a team, a sense of camaraderie( "Social and communicative development").

4. Formation in pupils of the need for physical activity through physical exercises. ( "Physical development").

Materials and equipment:bag, mittens,

snowflakes, paths (wide and narrow, cards according to the number of children, geometric shapes according to the number of children

Methods and techniques:practical;visual; verbal: explanation, encouragement, support, instructions

Logic of educational activities (see summary)

2 Motor activity

Educational area:physical development.

Integration of educational regions

Subject: "Zimushka-winter".


1. Improve the skills of the main types movements: running, walking, throwing, crawling; Continue to develop spatial orientation skills; Develop coordination abilities. Continue introducing children to jumping over objects. Exercise children in maintaining stable balance when walking on a reduced support area, stopping at the teacher’s signal. Development of attention, cultivation of observation, as well as expressiveness of imitative movements. (physical development)

(socio-communicative development)

(speech development).

Materials and equipment: herringbone, arcs of different heights, cubes.

Methods and techniques:

-practical: outdoor game; game exercises

- visual:showing how to perform movements

verbal: explanation, encouragement, support, instructions

Logic of educational activities (see summary)

Educational activities in special moments

Motor. Morning exercises. Target: creation of an emotional mood, accumulation and enrichment of motor experience, formation in children of the need for motor activity and physical improvement

Communication development. Conversation “Where does Santa Claus live?” Conversation about the upcoming holiday, the New Year tree. Looking at an illustration of a holiday tree. Goals:To foster love and respect for folk traditions.

Ind. Job (Misha): "From small to big". Target: learn to lay out a sequence of 3-4 homogeneous objects of various sizes from smallest to largest from left to right.

Perceived thin Literary: D. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale of the Brave Hare – Long Ears, Slanting Eyes, Short Tail”Target: to introduce children to reading works of art, to develop artistic perception ( "Reading fiction")

Walk1Watching snowfall. Target: to formulate about the diversity of water conditions. Movable a game: "Don't step on the line" Didactic a game: "Who can name more actions" Target: expand your vocabulary by selecting verbs. Individual work on physical education: throwing snowballs into the distance. Tr. instructions: shovel snow, clearing paths. Target

Block of joint activities. "Lessons from an Inquisitive Person"."Ice Fantasy"

Target: Formation of ideas about the properties of ice (ice is solid water, ice melts in heat).

Walk 2. Watching birds while feeding. Goals: instill a desire to take care of birds; develop knowledge about the habits of birds; cultivate a love for nature.

Work. instructions. Feeding the birds. Goals:

encourage self-fulfillment

basic instructions (feeding birds, cleaning the area); develop a desire to care for animals.

Outdoor games « Sparrows and cat» . Goals: learn to jump softly, bending your knees; run without touching each other, dodge the driver;

run away quickly, find your place; be careful when taking up space, do not push


1. Musical activity.

Educational area

Integration of educational regions: social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

"New Year's party"


1. Create conditions for the development of creative abilities in students through active activities in preparation for the New Year holiday; promote the comprehensive, including artistic and aesthetic development of the child; teach children to behave freely and expressively by participating in small performances;

bring children joy from singing songs, playing games, dancing;

involve children in active participation in preparation for the holiday; develop children’s performing and creative skills; consolidate the material covered;

teach children to emotionally perceive and understand the figurative content of musical works ( "Artistic and aesthetic development")

2. Uniting the children's team; introducing them to the culture of celebrating the New Year; developing the emotional sphere, a sense of belonging to the holidays; creating a culture of communication between children and parents at the holiday ( "Social and communicative development")

Materials and equipment:

silver plumes for snowflake girls;

bunny ears for boys; masks: mice, bunnies, foxes with a bag of gifts for a surprise moment; bell;


Presenter, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden

Bunnies, Fox

(see script)

2. Visual activity.

Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration of educational regions: artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Subject:"Mittens for Santa Claus"


1. strengthen the ability to hold a brush; develop attention and color perception "Artistic and aesthetic development")

2. Develop fine motor skills, independence ( "Physical development").

Materials and equipment: paints (gouache);brushes with stiff bristles; tinted paper with the silhouette of a mitten; plates for paint.

Methods and techniques:practical;visual;

verbal: explanation, encouragement, support, instructions

Logic of educational activities (see summary)

Motor. Morning exercises. Target: To introduce children to a healthy lifestyle, to strengthen the physical health of children.

Conversation: "Our Friend the Snowman".Target: - To develop children’s ability to conduct a conversation. Learn to answer questions, develop logical thinking.

A game (Connected speech) "Magic bag".Target: develop the ability to identify an object by touch.

Finger gymnastics: « "Freezing"Target: Develop speech in accordance with the text and fine motor skills of the hands.

Work assignments: Collect toys. (Masha, Nastya)Target: Instill the ability to clean up toys after themselves.

Education of KGN: Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: Teach children sequences when washing hands.

Walk1. Observing snow - forming basic ideas about changes in nature.


Outdoor game "Let's make it snow".Target

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths to music

BSD. Winter safety lessons." Target: developing safe behavior skills in winter, expanding preschoolers’ understanding of safety rules. Tasks:Repeat children's knowledge about winter, about the properties of snow and ice; Introduce children to the characteristic features of winter; form in children a responsible attitude towards personal safety; teach children safe behavior in winter; form friendly relationships in play, a sense of responsibility.

Game Who's Faster? Children practice their ability to combine items of clothing into groups according to the way they are used. The teacher gives all the players pictures of items of clothing, invites them to look at them, and introduces them to the rules of the game. On signal "one two Three" children must complete the given actions:

"One two Three"- everyone who is wearing dresses, run to me!”

"One two Three"- everyone who is wearing a jacket, run to me!”

"One two Three"- everyone who is wearing skirts, run to me!”

"One two Three"- everyone who is wearing trousers, run to the room!”

Play activity: Didactic game “Tell me what color” (pictures depicting clothing items of different colors). Target: consolidate knowledge of primary colors (blue, yellow, white) and introduce shades (blue, orange, gray

Walk 2. Observation of the sky. Target:form ideas about the sky. Base a game: "Train" Didactic a game: "Blots." Target: develop imagination, visual skills, speech, color perception. Work: clear the paths of snow. Target: learn to use shovels, develop motor activity, cultivate hard work, the desire to complete the work started.

1. Motor activity.

Educational area:physical development.

Integration of educational regions: social and communicative development, speech development, physical development.


1. lead children to form a column through play tasks with dolls; exercise balance (climbing stairs with dolls without holding handrails, rolling balls while sitting on the floor (physical development)

2. Increase children’s emotional state, self-confidence, and develop communication skills

3. Master speech as a means of communication and culture when conducting outdoor games (speech development).

Materials and equipment: Dolls in "houses"- flat hoops lying in a row - according to the number of children; balls (20 cm)- according to the number of children; large hoop, stationary gable slide.

Methods and techniques:

-practical: outdoor game; game exercises

- visual:showing how to perform movements

verbal: explanation, encouragement, support, instructions

Logic of educational activities (see summary)

2. Communication activities.

Educational area: "Social and communicative development"

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development, speech development, physical development, cognitive development

Subject: "Visiting a fairy tale".


1. formation of cognitive interest in reading fiction (cognitive development)

2. To form in children primary ideas about kindness and mutual assistance using the example of the heroes of R. n. With. "Zayushkina's hut";promote the development of gaming activities, develop the ability to accept a gaming task; generate interest in joint activities with an adult (social and communal development)

3. develop onomatopoeia skills. develop the ability to answer questions in complete sentences.

(speech development).

Materials and equipment: bunny toy;

fairy tale hero hats "Zayushkina's hut"(dog, bear, rooster, hare)

Methods and techniques:practical;visual; verbal: explanation, encouragement, support, instructions

Logic of educational activities (see summary)

Educational activities in special moments.

Motor activity.

Morning exercises. Target: creation of an emotional mood, accumulation and enrichment of motor experience, formation in children of the need for motor activity and physical improvement.

Conversation “How the animals decorated the Christmas tree”Target: - develop children's thinking, imagination, creative imagination and spoken language.

Listening and singing along to a song "Top, top boot"Target: - develop song creativity.

Finger gymnastics:"Snow"Target: Develop finger motor skills

Didactic game "Find the tallest tree".Goals: Classification of objects.

I. workDidactic game "Collect the Christmas tree"

Working with geometric triangular shapes. (Karina, Maxim)

Perception of fiction. reading and acting out a poem by K. Chukovsky "Christmas tree".Goals: Evoke an emotional response to the poem; answer questions about the content, reproduce the text based on the drawing.

Walk 1 Observation of freshly fallen snow. Goals: to form an idea of ​​winter; to evoke an aesthetic experience from the beauty of winter nature, the joy of a walk.

Work assignments. Removing snow from the site.

Target: continue to teach how to use a scraper and shovel.

Outdoor game "Let's make it snow".Target: develop motor activity.

Evening Healthy gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths to music. Finger gymnastics “That’s what a Christmas tree is”

Practical exercise "We dress ourselves". Target: remind children of the sequence of dressing and undressing; cultivate independence.

Block of joint activities.

"Speech Creativity". Reading and perception of fiction literature: S. Marshak "It's snowing, it's snowing". develop a desire to listen to a poem about winter; cultivate a love for winter.

Hearing: "Lanterns" (melody by A. Matlina, arranged by R. Rustamov)Target: Learn: listen to songs and understand their content, instrumental music of various types; recognize familiar pieces of music.

Artistic and aesthetic development - ind. work with Artem, Sasha T. - consolidate skills in using paints, continue to teach children to rhythmically touch paper with the bristles of a brush, restrain hand movements within the confines of a sheet of paper.

Walk 2 Frost Watching patternsPurpose: examine the frosty patterns on the window. Removable material Wooden spatulas.

conversation “Why do people dress in warm clothes in winter?”.Movable a game: "Bunny" Didactic a game: “What wind?” Target: expand your vocabulary. Individual work on physical education: standing long jump. .

1. Visual activity.

Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration of educational regions:artistic and aesthetic development; development; Physical development

Subject: “Let’s give Santa Claus boots”(applique).


1. Teach children to first lay out details of different shapes and colors prepared by the teacher on a sheet of paper, arrange them in a certain sequence, and then stick the resulting image onto the paper. Arouse interest, develop accuracy and a sense of rhythm. Fix red, yellow and green.

("Artistic and aesthetic development").

2. Develop children’s general and fine motor skills and eye ( "Physical development").

Materials and equipment: hats for basics, on trays there are figures made of colored paper, a glass with a brush, oilcloth for gluing, a fabric napkin, a rosette with paste.

Methods and techniques:practical;

- visual:showing how to do it verbal: explanation, encouragement, support, instructions

Logic of educational activities (see summary)

2. Motor activity.

Educational area:physical development.

Integration of educational regions: social and communicative development, speech development, physical development.


1 Continue teaching children to walk and run, while making sure that they do not overtake each other or lag behind. (physical development)

2. Increase children’s emotional state, self-confidence, and develop communication skills (social_communicative development)

3. Master speech as a means of communication and culture when conducting outdoor games (speech development).

Materials and equipment:

Methods and techniques:

-practical: outdoor game; game exercises

- visual:showing how to perform movements

verbal: explanation, encouragement, support, instructions

Logic of educational activities

1. Introductory part. Walking one after another. Run after the instructor.

2. Main part

A) General developmental exercises “Where are our pens?”

1. I. p. - o. With.

1-2 – extend your arms forward, palms up.

3-4 – i. P. (4 times.)

2. I. p. - o. With.

1-2 – raise your arms up and twirl them.

3-4 – i. P. (4 times.)

3. I. p. - o. With.

1-4 – jumping in place on two legs.

5-8 – i. P. (4 times.)

4. Breathing exercise “Let’s blow a snowflake off our palm” (2 times.)

B) Basic movements

1. Outdoor game "We Stomp Our Feet"- orientation in space. (4 times.)

3. Final part

Calm walking around the site.

(see summary)

Educational activities in special moments

Motor. Morning exercises. Target: creation of an emotional mood, accumulation and enrichment of motor experience, formation in children of the need for motor activity and physical improvement.

Conversation: "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".Target: Introduce children to holidays. Develop vocabulary. Word game "Hello, gray-haired grandfather".Goals:Development of thinking and speech.

Finger gymnastics: “Like snow on a hill, snow” Target: Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Did. a game “Prepare the bunny and squirrel for winter”Target: Introduce children to the changes in the color of the fur of forest animals with the arrival of winter. Instill interest in natural objects.

Round dance game: “A goat walked through the forest”Target: Continue teaching children to walk in an even circle, performing movements in accordance with the words.

Education of KGN: Continue to teach correctly, use a tablespoon, do not crumble the bread.

Walk 1. Observation of the wind. Learn to determine the direction of the wind.

P/I "Airplane".Teach to run in different directions "Hang a wreath".Learn to dance in a circle.

Work assignments. Clear the paths of snow.

I/R with Karina, Misha. Practice walking one after another.

Gymnastics after sleep. Elements self-massagePurpose: Ease the transition from sleep to wakefulness

BSD. "Health Lessons" "Colored Beads".Give children the idea that not only medicine can cure, but bright colors can also cure them. Explain to children that bright flowers bring joy.

Game - situation: OO "Artistic and Aesthetic". “How Mishutka hurried to the Christmas tree”.

Target:Develop the ability to observe and draw conclusions. Develop the ability to behave correctly on the street, develop a responsible attitude towards traffic rules.

S/R game “Birthday”

Stepashki» Goal: expand children’s knowledge about the methods and sequence of table setting for a festive dinner, consolidate knowledge

about cutlery, to cultivate attentiveness and caring.

Walk 2 "Transport surveillance"

Target: learn to distinguish vehicles by appearance.

Labor assignments: cleaning the territory.

Target: learn how to use snow shovels correctly.

Outdoor games "Trams" Target: Teach children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize colors and change movements according to them "Cars"Goals: teach to follow traffic rules; consolidate knowledge about trucks.

Day of the week, date: Monday, December 25, 2017

Regional component

Individual work

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

4. Hood. - aesthetic.


1. Morning exercises.

2. Morning hygiene.

3. Song “Good Santa Claus”

Construction game "Gorka".

Goal: to clarify the idea of ​​winter fun, to learn how to play with the building.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

5. Physical development.

1. 09:00 - 09:13 Communication activities (speech development) (6, p.104).

Topic: K. Chukovsky “Christmas tree” (memorization)


Learn to answer questions about the content of the poem;

Intensify the use of words with opposite meanings;

Equipment: small tabletop tree, Christmas tree decorations, pictures - small and large Christmas balls.

Move. Nod

1. Introduction.

2. Memorizing a poem.

3. Physical education lesson “Cabbage” (16, p. 12).

4. Questions on the topic.

5. Summary of the lesson.

2. 15:45 - 15:58 Motor activity (hall)

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.




No. 09D “On measures for safe behavior on ice.”

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.

Work before bed:

1. KGN (teach children to chew food thoroughly while eating).

2. Poems for falling asleep (11, No. 32, p. 88).

Occupational safety briefing for students

No. 03D “According to the rules of safe behavior on the roads and in transport.”

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3. Cognitive development.

Work after sleep:

2. Reflection (2, No. 6, p. 20).

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.


1. Conversation “Winter fun”.

Purpose: to talk about winter fun, about precautions when using equipment for winter games.

2. Ritual “Friendship Relay”. Children hold hands and pass a handshake like a baton. “I convey my friendship to you and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Olya, .... I feel that there is more friendship.”

1. Occupational safety briefing for students

No. 04D “According to the rules of safe behavior in transport.”

2. Individual task for a child: “Determine who is lower than you.”

Decorating the playroom and locker room with garlands made by children together with their parents.

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.


1. Weather observation (2, No. 1, p. 33).

Target: teach observation of seasonal phenomena, notice the features of this phenomenon, and draw conclusions.

2. P/I “Winter has come” (1, p. 149).

Goal: to develop speed and strength qualities, speed of reaction to signals.

3. P/I “Migration of birds” (2, No. 4, p. 46)

Target: develop a response to verbal signals.

Labor activity: shoveling snow from the path with a shovel.

Day of the week, date: Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Educational areas, their integration

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Regional component

Independent activities of children (using a developmental environment)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, music schools, educational institutions)

Direct educational activities

Educational activities carried out during regular moments

Individual work

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3. Social and communicative.

4. Hood. - aesthetic.

5. Cognitive development.


1. Morning exercises.

2. Morning hygiene.

3. Round dance “Animals on the Christmas tree” by E. Maykova

3. Song “Good Santa Claus”

4. “Our Christmas Tree” by I. Olkhovik (repetition on the recommendation of the music director).

Looking at illustrations about the New Year holiday.

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.

09:00 - 09:13Musical activities

09:25 - 09:38 Cognitive and research activities (Natural world. Subject and social world, mastering safe behavior) (6, p.100).

Topic: “Hello, Christmas tree!”


Reinforce the idea of ​​the New Year holiday;

Encourage people to share their impressions of preparing for the holiday in kindergarten and at home;

Encourage an emotional response to a piece of music.

Equipment: audio recording of the song, slide presentation “Come to us, Christmas tree!”

Move. Nod

1. Introduction.

2. Conversation about the New Year holiday.

3. Physical education lesson “Toothbrush” (16, p. 15).

4. Questions on the topic.

5. Summary of the lesson.

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.


1. Weather observation (2, No. 1, p. 33).

Target: teach observation of seasonal phenomena, notice the features of this phenomenon, and draw conclusions.

2. P/I “Winter has come” (1, p. 149).

Goal: to develop speed and strength qualities, speed of reaction to signals.

3. P/I “Migration of birds” (2, No. 4, p. 46)

Target: develop a response to verbal signals.

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.

Work before bed:

1. KGN (teach children to hold the spoon correctly while eating).

2. Poems for falling asleep (11, No. 1, p. 75).

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3. Cognitive development.

4. Social and communicative.

Work after sleep:

1. Health-improving gymnastics after sleep “Visiting the sun” (11, p. 11).

2. Reflection (2, No. 6, p. 20).

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.


1. Telling riddles about trees:

The needles glow softly, the coniferous spirit comes from... (Christmas tree)

Alena is standing, green scarf, thin waist, white sundress... (birch)

2. Speech game “Crow”.

The teacher reads a poem, and the children hit the table with a pencil in time:

Where have you been, crow?

What did the crow bring?

I flew to the market

I brought you “Kar-kar”.

An improvisation game based on the poem “Snow” by A. Barto.

1. Developmental practical situation “Let’s show the Snow Maiden how we put away toys.”

A competition among parents for the best and most original child’s costume for the New Year.

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.


1. Weather observation (2, No. 1, p. 33).

Target: teach observation of seasonal phenomena, notice the features of this phenomenon, and draw conclusions.

2. P/I “Winter has come” (1, p. 149).

Goal: to develop speed and strength qualities, speed of reaction to signals.

3. P/I “Migration of birds” (2, No. 4, p. 46)

Target: develop a response to verbal signals.

Observations of seasonal changes in the kindergarten area and the work of a janitor. (12, p. 22).

Labor activity: decorating the site with snow pies.

Day of the week, date: Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Educational areas, their integration

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Regional component

Independent activities of children (using a developmental environment)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, music schools, educational institutions)

Direct educational activities

Educational activities carried out during regular moments

Individual work

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3. Social and communicative.

4. Hood. - aesthetic.


1. Morning exercises.

2. Morning hygiene.

3. Round dance “Animals on the Christmas tree” by E. Maykova

3. Song “Good Santa Claus”

4. “Our Christmas Tree” by I. Olkhovik (repetition on the recommendation of the music director).

Free drawing in the art corner.

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.

1. 09:00 - 09:13 Cognitive and research activities (mathematical and sensory development) (6, p.102)

Topic: “There are toys on the Christmas tree from the floor to the top.”


Learn to compare objects by length by superposition and application;

Practice distinguishing objects in the environment (one and many);

Learn to express in words the results of comparison: wide - narrow, wider - narrower.

Equipment: a large flat Christmas tree, a painting depicting a house and 2 paths to it of different widths, object pictures - a squirrel, a hare.

Move. Nod

1. Introduction.

2. Conversation about the New Year holiday, about the Christmas tree.

3. Physical education “Ball” (16, p. 16).

4. Questions on the topic.

5. Summary of the lesson.

2. 09:25 - 09:38 Motor activity (hall) (according to the physical instructor’s plan).

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.


1. Weather observation (2, No. 1, p. 33).

Target: teach observation of seasonal phenomena, notice the features of this phenomenon, and draw conclusions.

2. P/I “Winter has come” (1, p. 149).

Goal: to develop speed and strength qualities, speed of reaction to signals.

3. P/I “Migration of birds” (2, No. 4, p. 46)

Target: develop a response to verbal signals.

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.

Work before bed:

1. KGN (teach children to eat carefully during lunch, not to douse themselves with soup).

2. Poems for falling asleep (11, No. 2, p. 75).

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3. Cognitive development.

4. Social and communicative.

Work after sleep:

1. Health-improving gymnastics after sleep “Visiting the sun” (11, p. 11).

2. Reflection (2, No. 6, p. 20).

1. Hood-aesthetic development.

2.Speech development.

3. Cognitive development.

4. Social and communicative development.


1. Developmental educational situation based on a game “New Year tree”.

2. D/I “Guess what it’s like”

Goals: developing the ability to select three-dimensional objects using flat samples.

3. Game exercise “Duck”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the habits of ducks, to learn to imitate the movement of ducklings.

Labor safety briefing for students No. 08D “On the rules of safe behavior at railway transport facilities.”

Examination of the painting “Sledding”, conversation about the painting.

Making New Year's decorations for the Christmas tree.

Parents help in preparing for the holiday: making attributes and costumes, learning poems.

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.


1. Weather observation (2, No. 1, p. 33).

Target: teach observation of seasonal phenomena, notice the features of this phenomenon, and draw conclusions.

2. P/I “Winter has come” (1, p. 149).

Goal: to develop speed and strength qualities, speed of reaction to signals.

3. P/I “Migration of birds” (2, No. 4, p. 46)

Target: develop a response to verbal signals.

Observations of seasonal changes in the kindergarten area and the work of a janitor. (12, p. 22).

Day of the week, date: Thursday, December 28, 2017

Educational areas, their integration

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Regional component

Independent activities of children (using a developmental environment)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, music schools, educational institutions)

Direct educational activities

Educational activities carried out during regular moments

Individual work

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3. Social and communicative.

4. Hood. - aesthetic.


1. Morning exercises.

2. Morning hygiene.

3. Round dance “Animals on the Christmas tree” by E. Maykova

3. Song “Good Santa Claus”

4. “Our Christmas Tree” by I. Olkhovik (repetition on the recommendation of the music director).

Children's free play with board games.

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.

1. 09:00 - 09:13 Musical activities (according to the music director's plan)

2. 09:25 - 09:38 Visual activity (application) (6, p.106)

Topic: “Lighting the lights on the Christmas tree.”


Reinforce the idea of ​​the holiday;

Encourage you to express your attitude towards him;

Clarify knowledge of the names of forms;

Strengthen your knowledge of colors;

Fix gluing techniques.

Equipment: decorated Christmas tree, silhouettes, ovals, paper stars.

Move. Nod

1. Introduction

2. Conversation on the topic New Year.

3. Physical education lesson “Teapot” (16, p. 18).

4.. Questions on the topic.

5. Summary of the lesson.

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.


1. Weather observation (2, No. 1, p. 33).

Target: teach observation of seasonal phenomena, notice the features of this phenomenon, and draw conclusions.

2. P/I “Winter has come” (1, p. 149).

Goal: to develop speed and strength qualities, speed of reaction to signals.

3. P/I “Migration of birds” (2, No. 4, p. 46)

Target: develop a response to verbal signals.

Making a snowman with a teacher: “This is daddy’s snowman, and we are his children.”

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.

Work before bed:

1. KGN (teach children to wipe their mouth with a napkin while eating).

2. Poems for falling asleep (11, No. 3, p. 76).

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3. Cognitive development.

4. Social and communicative.

Work after sleep:

1. Health-improving gymnastics after sleep “Visiting the sun” (11, p. 11).

2. Reflection (2, No. 6, p. 20).

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.



3. Game: “Who called?”

"We had a little fun,

Everyone is in their places,

Guess the riddle

Find out who called you!”

Labor safety briefing for students No. 08D “On the rules of safe behavior at railway transport facilities.”

1. D/I “Line up in a row” (17, p. 46).

2. Finger. game “Basket with vegetables” (16, p. 54).

3. Story game “Visiting Santa Claus.”

Parent consultation: “What to do with your child on holidays?”

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.


1. Weather observation (2, No. 1, p. 33).

Target: teach observation of seasonal phenomena, notice the features of this phenomenon, and draw conclusions.

2. P/I “Winter has come” (1, p. 149).

Goal: to develop speed and strength qualities, speed of reaction to signals.

3. P/I “Migration of birds” (2, No. 4, p. 46)

Target: develop a response to verbal signals.

Observations of seasonal changes in the kindergarten area and the work of a janitor. (12, p. 22).

Day of the week, date: Friday, December 29, 2017

Educational areas, their integration

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Regional component

Independent activities of children (using a developmental environment)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, music schools, educational institutions)

Direct educational activities

Educational activities carried out during regular moments

Individual work

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3.Cognitive development.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development.


1. Morning exercises.

2. Morning hygiene.

3. New Year's party.

4. Drawing: “Gift for a friend for the holiday.”

Watching New Year's themed cartoons.

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.

1. 09:00 - 10:00 New Year's party.

2. 10:00 - 10:30 photos with Santa Claus.

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.


1. Weather observation (2, No. 1, p. 33).

Target: teach observation of seasonal phenomena, notice the features of this phenomenon, and draw conclusions.

2. P/I “Winter has come” (1, p. 149).

Goal: to develop speed and strength qualities, speed of reaction to signals.

3. P/I “Migration of birds” (2, No. 4, p. 46)

Target: develop a response to verbal signals.

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.

Work before bed:

1. KGN (teach children not to spin around while eating).

2. Poems for falling asleep (11, No. 4, p. 76).

1. Physical development.

2. Speech development.

3. Cognitive development.

4. Social and communicative.

Work after sleep:

1. Health-improving gymnastics after sleep “Visiting the sun” (11, p. 11).

2. Reflection (2, No. 6, p. 20).

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.


1 . Learning how to deal with peers by giving orders and saying polite words.

Target: get acquainted with a polite form of communication with peers, instill the ability to use polite words.

2. P/I “Cat and Mice” (1, No. 2, p. 134).

Goal: development of agility, jumping, attention, sense of rhythm, verbal memory.

3. Game: “Who called?”

Accompanied by a poetic text, the driver, blindfolded, looks for who called him:

"We had a little fun,

Everyone is in their places,

Guess the riddle

Find out who called you!”

1.Instruction on labor protection for students No. 08D “On the rules of safe behavior at railway transport facilities.”

2. Consolidating in children the ability to walk on a stick or roller with an extra step, leaning on them with the middle of the foot.

1. Thematic conversation: “The New Year has come”;

2. The teacher’s story about the New Year’s Eve;

3. Conversation with children about the holiday.

1. Role-playing game “We are celebrating the New Year.”

Consultation for parents on the topic “Holiday table for your baby.”

1. Social and communicative.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Hood-aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.


1. Weather observation (2, No. 1, p. 33).

Target: teach observation of seasonal phenomena, notice the features of this phenomenon, and draw conclusions.

2. P/I “Winter has come” (1, p. 149).

Goal: to develop speed and strength qualities, speed of reaction to signals.

3. P/I “Migration of birds” (2, No. 4, p. 46)

Target: develop a response to verbal signals.

Observations of seasonal changes in the kindergarten area and the work of a janitor. (12, p. 22).


1. “Comprehensive classes according to the program “Childhood”, second youngest 3-4 year old group”, publishing house “Teacher”, Volgograd, 2017, Yu.B. Sergeantova.

2. “Educational activities during walks. Card index of walks for every day according to the “Childhood” program T.I. Babaeva second junior group (from 3 to 4 years old)", Uchitel Publishing House, Volgograd, 2017.

3. “Teacher’s work program “Daily planning according to the program “Childhood”, second junior group”, N.N. Gladysheva, publishing house "Teacher", Volgograd, 2014.

4. “Games for developing fine motor skills using non-standard equipment” O.A. Zazhigina, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2012.

5. “A complex of story-based gymnastics for preschoolers”, L.L. Sokolova, publishing house “Childhood-Press”, 2016.

6. “Notes of comprehensive thematic classes, second junior group” N.S. Golitsyna, publishing house "Scriptorium -2003", 2016.

7. “Drawing with children 3-4 years old, lesson notes”, D.N. Koldina, publishing house “Mosaic-synthesis”, 2013.

8. “Modeling with children 3-4 years old”, D.N. Koldina, publishing house “Mosaika-sintez”, 2007.

9. “Reading fiction” “Communication” in the second junior group of kindergarten”, N.A. Karpukhina, publishing house "Metoda", Voronezh, 2013.

10. “Anthology for the younger group”, M.V. Yudaeva, Samovar Publishing House, 2017.

11. “Invigorating gymnastics for preschoolers” T.E. Kharchenko, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2017.

12. “Educating a little Volzhanian,” a program for teachers and parents on raising children from 3 to 7 years old, ed. E.S. Evdokimova, M., “Planet”, 2012.

13. “Lesson notes on social and moral education of preschool children “I and the world”, L.L. Mosalova, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2017.

14. “Formation of a safety culture. Interaction between family and preschool educational institutions,” L.L. Timofeeva, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2014.

15. “Organization of experimental activities for children 2-7 years old,” E.A. Martynova, Volgograd, publishing house "Teacher".

16. “Card indexes of outdoor games, exercises, physical education minutes, finger gymnastics,” N.V. Nishcheva, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2016.

17. “Game didactic aids for the development of fine motor skills and cognitive processes in preschool children,” S.B. Gorbushina, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2016.

18. “Welcome to ecology” O.A. Voronkevich, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2016.

19. “Road alphabet in kindergarten” E.Ya. Khabbibulina, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2016.

20. “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children” Vetokhina A.Ya., publishing house “Childhood-Press”, 2015.

21. Folder-attachment to the lessons “Images”.

22. “Applique with children 3-7 years old”, D.N. Koldina, publishing house “Mosaika-sintez”, 2007.

23. Folder “Card index of fiction”.

24. “Program “Summer recreation and health improvement for preschool children: first steps towards inclusion” from 3 to 8 years old, E.A. Petrova, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2016.

25. “Joint activities of children, teachers and parents in kindergarten. From work experience." L.S. Zhestkova, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2014.

26. “Parents meeting in kindergarten. Questions and answers” ​​V.F. Hutsul, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2015.

27. Folder “Complex of morning exercises, second junior group.”

28. “500 riddles about everything for children” A. T. Volobuev, publishing house “TC Sfera” 2008.

29. “Conversations about the child’s behavior at the table” Belaya K.Yu., publishing house “TC Sfera” 2016.

30. “Learning to make postcards” N.V. Shaidurova, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2014.

31. “Grow up healthy, baby!”, I.S. Batova, Volgograd, publishing house "Teacher".

32. “Children’s health in winter”, I.S. Batova, Volgograd, publishing house "Teacher".

33. “Parent - child - teacher” V.E. Lampman, Volgograd, Uchitel Publishing House, 2009.

34. “Safety on the streets and roads” N.A. Murchenko, Volgograd, publishing house "Teacher".

35. “Artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children” N.V. Dubrovskaya, publishing house "Childhood-press", 2016.

ROUGH PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for the week of December 26-30, 2016)

Group: II junior group No. 2 Topic: “Wonderful holiday - New Year”

Target: Expand children's ideas about the New Year holiday. Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of the New Year and New Year's holiday. They made us want to congratulate everyone on the holiday. Developed children's creative abilities.

Final event: New Year's fairy tale "The Mischievous Fox" Date of the final event: December 26, 2016

Responsible for the final event: teachers, music director

Day of the week

Main part

Variable part


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

National-cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in special moments


Conversation about the upcoming holiday, the New Year tree. Looking at an illustration of a holiday tree. Foster love and respect for folk traditions.

D/i “What Christmas tree?” - selection of definitions for the word Christmas tree.

Encourage them to independently carry out basic assignments and independently perform the duties of duty officers.

Replenish the book corner with new New Year-themed books.

Prepare and review illustrations of the New Year celebration.

Memorizing poems “Santa Claus”, “Christmas tree”, nursery rhymes, calls about winter

Monday 12/26/16

Christmas story

"The Mischievous Fox"

Create a fabulous holiday atmosphere; encourage physical activity; involve children in the game plot; learn to interact with each other.


Observation “How are passers-by dressed?” “Birds in Nests” - Teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to quickly act on a signal.

Individual work

Walking between the lines (10-15 cm).

Goal: to develop physical activity.

Strengthen children's ability to dress consistently and independently. Learn to ask each other for help.

Independent play activities of children.

Removable materials: shovels, scoops, brooms, buckets, snow molds, oilcloths for downhill skiing.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Hardening procedures.

Preventive actions. Gymnastics for the eyes.

Repetition of previously learned finger games.

CHHL: K. Chukovsky “Yolka”

Offer children boards and plasticine. Strengthen the ability to sculpt according to the model proposed by the teacher.


Observation of a birch tree. Goal: expand ideas about wood; cultivate a desire to protect and preserve nature. P/i “Cat and Mice” - Develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice running in different directions.

Card “Winter.December” No. 16

Individual ATS work:

Exercise “Sharp Shooter” - reinforce throwing snowballs at the target. Involve a subgroup of children.

Encourage children to independently perform basic tasks: washing hands with soap and using a towel after washing.

Independent play activities of children with external materials

Removable materials: shovels, bucket, snowman box, snow molds, oilcloths.


Plot role-playing game "Shop" “Laying out a Christmas tree from sticks” to attract Dima, Yaroslav, Roma.

Offer children the didactic manual “Sun”. Exercise children in walking and jumping.

Independent play activities of children in activity centers.

Working with parents:

Invite parents to New Year's party


Conversation: “How will you celebrate the New Year?”

Game exercise “Solve the riddle”

Create conditions for interaction between children: stimulate children's interest in talking about the New Year holiday, how they prepare to celebrate it in the family, who they expect to visit, how they decorated their home.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Tuesday 12/27/16

1.Cognition. (ICD). "Slide for Katya's doll"

Learn to build a slide by placing parts (cubes, prisms, bricks) next to each other, making the building stable. Learn to distinguish and name the four primary colors. Develop a desire for playful communication, speech activity, and the ability to communicate with adults and peers.

Practice walking in a column one at a time, performing tasks as directed by the teacher, jumping according to symbols, walking along a winding path, and develop attention.


Watching the snow. Goal: continue to get acquainted with the natural phenomenon - snow. Labor: sweeping snow from a bench on the veranda. Place food in bird feeders. Under. Game "Birds in Nests"

Individual ATS work: walking “snake” between objects. Involve Kirill S, Dasha.R, Amelia, Olya, Vika Denisova.

Problem situation “First Ice” - encourage children to solve the problem; develop imagination.

In the art activity center, offer children blank sheets, circles of colored paper, oilcloths, brushes and glue. Continue learning how to coat the part with glue and carefully glue it on.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Walking barefoot on a massage mat.

Preventive actions.

Didactic game “Name the extra one.” Involve all children.

CHHL: S. Kozlova “How a hedgehog, a donkey and a bear cub celebrated the New Year”

Offer children the printed board game “Puzzles”. Strengthen the ability to put together a whole picture from individual parts, develop attention and memory.

GCD: 1.Music development

According to the specialist's plan


Monitoring the roadway. Purpose: to introduce the roadway - highway, traffic rules. “The bears in the forest are taught to run without bumping into each other.

Individual work on the development of ATS: “From bump to bump” - to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs while moving forward. Act on a signal.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills

Learn to clean up toys after yourself. Practice dressing yourself.

Removable materials: buckets, spatulas, molds, ice cubes. Games with snow: “Traces”, “Let’s decorate the area with figures”.


Role-playing game "Family"

Did. game "Cubes". Goal: learn to assemble a picture from separate parts. Involve Jozi, Roma, Yaroslav.

Situational conversation “Every toy has its place”

Offer throwing equipment to children in the sports corner. Learn to throw projectiles with your right and left hands from a standing position.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents “Physical education”


Conversation “What is a gift” - discuss with children when they receive gifts and why they are given.

Did. game “Which one?” Learn to select definitions for nouns.

Education of KGN during breakfast. Strengthen the ability to use a napkin after eating.

Create conditions for viewing illustrations of books on the topic of the week.

Wednesday 12/28/16

GCD:1. Speech development. « Magic box». Looking at Christmas tree decorations. Zatulina p.54

Teach children to look at objects, highlighting color, details, qualities, purpose. Introduce adjectives into children's dictionaries and teach them to agree with nouns. Develop dialogical speech skills: understand the question and answer it with a sentence. To cultivate aesthetic feelings and respect for toys.

2. Music.

According to the specialist's plan.


Observation creates a desire to take care of wintering birds. Labor: clearing snow from paths on the site. Goal: to cultivate hard work, sociability, and teach how to work together. Round dance games: “Near our Christmas tree.”

Individual work

“Hit the ball of snow at the target.” Goal: to develop eye and throwing power.

Situational conversation “You need to know how to dress yourself.” Fix the sequence of dressing and undressing.

Removable materials: scoops, shovels, rakes, snow molds.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage of the chest area.

Musical development: listening to Vivaldi's "Winter"

CHHL: L. Voronkova “It’s snowing” - introduce the work of art.

The center of the art activity “Let’s decorate the mitten” is to consolidate the children’s knowledge of yellow and red colors; learn to draw straight lines with a brush, creating a simple ornament by alternating stripes of different colors; develop the ability to work with paints.

Children's educational institution "Rechetsvetik"

"About the sun and the snowman." Play the anthem: “Sunshine.”

1.Improve finger painting skills.

2. Develop skills to connect dots with a line.

3. Activate your vocabulary through finger games.


Monitoring seasonal changes. Labor: building a snow slide. Goal: to cultivate a love of work, teach to work together. "Aircraft". Goal: act quickly on a signal, attention quickly.

"Forward to the toy."

Goal: to consolidate the ability to perform forward jumps.

Work on developing a culture of behavior at the table during dinner. Developing the skill of quickly and accurately eating food and using cutlery.

Games with external materials. Steering wheels, blades, molds, toys, cars.


S/r game “Family. Buying gifts” - teach how to choose gifts, how to give them, how to accept them, and what to say.

"Bridge for the bull." Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the details of a building constructor, to translate their plans into construction. Involve Dima, Kirill S, Josie.

To teach children to independently organize a story game.

Board and educational games: “Assemble a picture”, “Fishing”, “Assemble a beautiful pyramid”, “Which toy is missing”, “Wonderful bag”, “Dominoes”. Guessing riddles about toys.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents “Non-traditional techniques in the artistic creativity of children 3-4 years old”


Conversation “How to decorate a Christmas tree”

D/i “Wonderful bag”. Learn to identify and name objects by touch.

D/i “Every thing has its place Goal: identifying the level of ability to put things neatly in a closet.

Offer children blank paper, colored pencils, and stencils. Learn to hold a pencil and draw correctly.

Thursday 12/29/16

GCD: 1. Modeling"Decorating the Christmas tree"

Internet resource

Reinforcing the technique of rolling plasticine between the palms. Strengthening the ability to sculpt accurately. Cultivate the ability to listen carefully. To develop an interest in modeling and develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Cultivate the ability to listen carefully. To develop an interest in modeling and develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

2. Physical education.

According to the specialist's plan


Monitoring the weather conditions. Goal: to learn to determine the time of year based on its characteristic features. Labor: shoveling snow to tree trunks. Sub-game “Fox and Hares”

Individual/work on development of ATS: Practice catching the ball and throwing it to each other.

Work on developing a culture of behavior at the table during lunch. Strengthening the skill of neat and quick eating.

Removable materials: spatulas, scoops, bird food.

GCD: 1. Physical development.

According to the specialist's plan.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage of the chest area.

Hardening procedures. Walking on a relief surface.

Musical development:

listening to songs: Snowman's Song, Santa Claus's Song, Snow Song.

CHHL: “Where is my finger?” N. Sakonskaya.

Create conditions for independent play activities while walking. To develop children’s physical activity and the ability to play in a group together.


Observing the sun. Goals: continue to get acquainted with natural phenomena; give an idea of ​​the signs of winter.

Situational conversation about the need to take care of birds.

Reading jokes and nursery rhymes about birds.

Independent activity during a walk.

Removable materials: buckets, shovels, scoops, ice cubes.


Role-playing games:

"The dolls have a holiday"

“Guess by the description” - develop observation skills.

Work in the game center: games to develop fine motor skills. Introduction of the printed board game “Loto”.

Enrichment of the creativity corner: wax crayons, colored pencils, albums.

Working with parents:


Conversation “Dangerous situations on New Year’s holiday.”

Didactic game: “What has changed?” Goal: to develop memory, attention, observation.

Situational conversation about table manners.

Learn to hold a spoon correctly, eat carefully and independently.

Looking at the painting “New Year’s Round Dance”

Develop the ability to examine a picture, highlighting the main events and characters.

Friday 12/30/16

GCD: 1.Music

According to the specialist's plan.

2. Drawing.

"Snowballs for Santa Claus"

Develop the ability to depict rounded shapes.

Develop drawing skills with circular movements of the hand until a shape is obtained.

Continue to develop interest in the holiday.


Together with the children, shovel snow into piles to build New Year's figures; observe the work of the janitor; feed birds in winter and watch them.

Exercise for the development of ATS: consolidate the ability to walk between two lines; develop balance with a subgroup of boys

Work on developing a culture of behavior at the table

at lunch time. Training in memorizing menus and proper use of cutlery.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage of the chest area.

Hardening procedures. Walking on a relief surface.

Guessing riddles about the New Year holiday.

CHHL: “Among our yard” by Z. Alexandrov.

Father Frost's workshop - making the simplest New Year's toys from paper.


Observing the properties of snow (cold, white, crispy). Outdoor games “Chicken - Corydalis” - Develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, practice running in different directions.

"Catch-up in the labyrinth." Goal: to develop coordination of speech with movements, attention, memory, and to cultivate the ability not to break the rules of the game.

A conversation about the rules of behavior when conducting winter games and fun on the street (snowballs, walking on ice paths, sledding from the mountains, as well as when playing games at the New Year's holiday.

Removable materials: ice cubes, spatulas, scoops.

Independent play activities while walking.


" A toy shop"

Goal: to help expand the range of role-playing actions in the game, to teach children to use their favorite toys in the game. select attributes for the game.

"Slide". Goal: to teach children to build a building from building material, to teach them to analyze the building..

HBT. Toy cleaning training. Game situation: The cubes are tired and want to go back to their box, put them in a way that makes them comfortable. Analysis: note that we worked together, the group became cozy and beautiful.

Independent play activities in activity centers.

Working with parents:

Folder “Winter”

ROUGH PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for the week of 12/25-12/29/2017)

Group: Ijunior group No. 2Theme: "New Year"

Goal: to introduce children to the traditions of celebrating the New Year. Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of the New Year and New Year's holiday.

Final event: “Visiting the Christmas Tree” holiday Date of the final event: December 25, 2017

Responsible for the final event: teachers, children, parents.

Day of the week

Main part


DOW component












Morning exercises. Goals: create a positive emotional mood. Examination of the plot pictures and conversation on the topic: “Santa Claus and the Christmas tree.” Goal: to create conditions for enriching children's knowledge about the New Year holiday. Formation of communication skills and abilities of children.

Repeat the round dance “Pencil Kids” Strengthen the ability to move in accordance with the music and text. Involve all children.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills of children. Create conditions for the development of children's skills and abilities in behavior at the table, correctly hold a spoon in the right hand, take food with their lips, biting it off in small pieces.

Organize an exhibition of books on the topic of the week. Introduce a Christmas tree, tinsel, Christmas tree toys, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden toys into the group’s subject environment. Consider them together with your children.

Looking at family photos. Goal: learn to recognize and name loved ones.

Monday 12/25/17

GCD: Musical holiday “Visiting the Christmas tree”

Create conditions for a positive emotional state of children, enrich children with vivid impressions, and encourage them to take an active part in the action.

Walk I :

Traveling through the territory of the site “Looking at snowflakes” Purpose – To create conditions for the formation of an idea of ​​​​winter; evoke an aesthetic experience from the beauty of winter nature, the joy of a walk. Under. The game "Fox and Hares" - learn to quickly respond to a signal.

Individual work on the development of ATS: “Through the snowdrifts”, practice walking with high knees. Involve Leva, Vika, Misha.

Labor: feed the birds flying to the site. To develop the ability to care for birds in the cold season.

Using external material, create conditions for the development of children's play activities. Learn to play together.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.Head massage.Hardening procedures.Preventive actions.Gymnastics for the eyes. Target:Withcreate conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children.

Didactic game "Mosaic" - develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Involve Kolya, Maxim.

CHHL: learning the finger game “Pie” Learn to listen carefully and memorize the text; repeat individual sentences with the teacher.

Offer children Lego construction sets. Learn to create small buildings and play with them.

GCD: Physical education class.

Laizane page 35.

Walk II :

Watching the snow. Notice how the snow sparkles in the dark and creaks under your feet. Under. The game “Crested Hen” is to develop the motor activity of children.

Individual work with Nikita and Kolya - teaching children to take off their clothes independently and put them in the closet.

Strengthen washing skills, facilitate the implementation of the skill consciously and with pleasure.

Independent play activities of children during a walk. Develop children's physical activity.


Role-playing game: “In a toy store” to develop the ability to perform several actions with one object and transfer familiar actions from one object to another.

Individual work on drawing “Balls for kittens” - strengthen the ability to draw in a circle, along a spiral line without taking your hand off the sheet. Bring in Ralina, Nicole.

Instruction “Every toy has its place” Teach after the game to put the toys in their places. Cultivate hard work.

Board games “Puzzles”, “Mosaics”, “Buttons” Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Working with parents:

Folder – moving “Winter”

Day of the week

Main part


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

National-cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in special moments









Morning exercises. Goals: develop motor activity, create a positive emotional mood. “What we do in winter” - looking at pictures of adults.

Instruct Vika to water the indoor flowers. Cultivate hard work.

Teach children to thank an adult after eating, encourage children to active speech reactions.

Offer children blank sheets of paper, colored pencils, and markers. Develop children's creative abilities.

Tuesday 12/26/2017


GCD: 1. Music. class

According to the specialist's plan.

2. Cognition (FCCM and IC).

Topic: “Looking at illustrations about the New Year holiday”

Learn to understand the content of the picture, name the characters and their actions. Cultivate a desire to take part in the holiday. Consolidate knowledge of the concepts “big - small”, practice using them in speech.N. Golitsyna p.60

Walk I :

Observation of a birch tree. Draw the children's attention to the birch trunk, examine it, stroke it. Develop observation skills. Labor: clearing the bench from snow. Cultivate hard work. Under. The game “Sparrows and a car” is to develop the motor activity of children.

Individual work on speech development with Roma, Nicole, Kolya. Finger game “The little gray bunny is sitting...”

Washing. Goal: to create conditions for the development of cultural and hygienic skills in children, to teach children to roll up their sleeves, wash their hands with soap, and use their own towel.

Using external material, create conditions for the development of independent play activities.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.Goals: develop motor activity, create a positive emotional mood. Walking along massage paths.

Didactic game “Multi-colored caps” - teach to recognize and name colors. Involve Ralina, Leva.

CHHL: Y. Akim “Yolka”. Goal: to create conditions for the development in children of a sustainable interest in the reading process, to develop a desire to listen to a poem.

Games in activity centers of the children's choice. Learn to play together, use toys, share with friends.

NOD: Musical development

Walk II :

Continue observing the birch. Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants. Under. The game “Bubble” reinforces the ability to move in accordance with the text.

Individual work with Leva, Vika “What is in the bag” - learn to identify an object by touch.

Didactic game: “Let’s dress the doll Masha for a walk.” Goal – To create conditions for the formation of skills and abilities to dress with the help of an adult in the correct sequence, to enrich children’s knowledge about seasonal clothing.

Remote material for organizing work in nature and games. Promote the ability to play together.


Role-playing game “New Year’s treats for friends” Goal: Development of children’s communication abilities. Formation of friendly relationships among children.

Individual sculpting work with Nikita and Misha - learning how to sculpt round objects.

Musical and rhythmic movements: imitation of animal movements to the music “Hares”, “Bears” The goal is to create conditions for the formation in children of emotional responsiveness to a piece of music.

Board games. Develop the ability to play together.

Working with parents:

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Day of the week

Main part


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

National-cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in special moments









Morning exercises in a group to create a positive emotional mood in the group

Looking at the illustrations “Winter Fun” Developing children’s speech.

Individual working with Masha to teach how to roll up your sleeves, wash your hands yourself, find your own towel and dry your hands.

To teach children to be polite, to form a respectful attitude towards each other; create situations that promote the formation of an attentive, caring attitude towards others.

Offer board games: mosaics, buttons, puzzles. Develop perseverance and the ability to see the game through to the end.

Wednesday 12/27/17


Topic: Poems about the New Year holiday.

P/N: teach to listen to literary works with and without showing toys, encourage them to finish words and phrases. Consolidate knowledge of the names of flowers, toys, and activate speech. Create a joyful mood in anticipation of the holiday.

N. Golitsyna page 62

Walk I :

Bird watching in winter

Goals: to deepen knowledge about the life of birds in winter. develop the ability and desire to help them.

Labor: shoveling snow with shovels, clearing paths. Goal: learn to work together, achieve goals through common efforts. Under. The game “Catch up” is used to practice running and dodging.

Individual PHYSICAL game “We stomp our feet...” learn to repeat the movements of an adult. Invite Kolya, Maxim, Roma.

Conversation “Frosty days” Form an idea of ​​the seasons: winter; connections between seasons and weather; name the main signs of the winter period.

During the walk, create conditions for independent play activities using portable materials: spatulas, buckets, molds.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.Walking barefoot on a massage mat.PreventiveEvents.Exercises for professionals. colds.

Individual work with Misha, Nikita “Assemble a pyramid” Goal: to form comparison operations of the ring of a pyramid and assemble it from a large ring to a small one.

CHHL: Y. Akim “The Christmas tree is dressing up” Goal: To create conditions for the development in children of a sustainable interest in the reading process and memorizing the work they read.

Board games: mosaics, puzzles, buttons. Develop perseverance and the desire to see the game through to the end.

GCD: Physical education class.

Practice walking on a ribbed board, the ability to climb on and off a box, introduce throwing from behind the head with two hands, develop attention and orientation in space.Laizane page 35.

Walk II :

Continue observing the behavior of birds at the feeder. Goal: to develop the ability and desire to help them. Under. game: “Birds and Cat” - learn to quickly respond to a signal.

Practice stepping over obstacles for Nikita and Rom.

Continue to teach how to notice disorder in clothes and eliminate it with the help of adults or other children - to cultivate neatness and careful attitude towards things.

Using outdoor material, create conditions for independent play activities during a walk.


Plot: “Let’s build a house for the little bunnies.” The goal is to develop children's communication abilities. Formation of friendly relationships among children.

Rolling the ball to each other with Nicole, Ralina, Nikita, Roma. Practice pushing the ball with both hands.

D/game “Where is what?” Goal: To create conditions for children to develop skills and abilities in performing simple work assignments. Raising hard work in children.

Games with musical instruments. Develop a sense of rhythm and hearing.

Working with parents:

Ask parents to make bird feeders and bring food.

Day of the week


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

National-cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in special moments









Morning exercises in a group. Goal: to develop motor activity in children. Looking at Christmas tree decorations.

Didactic game “Collect a picture (cut pictures) - develop logic and thinking. Involve Lyova, Vika, Ralina.

Games - warm-ups with fingers. Repeat familiar games, consolidate the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Games with a construction set at tables “Benches for nesting dolls” - learn how to build buildings, name the details of the construction set.

Thursday 12/28/17

GOD: 1. Modeling.

Theme: “Christmas tree”

P/N: learn to roll out plasticine with straight movements between your palms, and make simple images. Strengthen your skills in plasticineography techniques.N.Golitsynstr.64

Walk I :

Vegetation monitoring

Objectives: to develop knowledge about plant life in winter; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. Labor: Place food in bird feeders. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds. Under. The game "Shaggy Dog" - learn to quickly respond to a signal.

Have a subgroup of children practice jumping in place on two legs.

Dressing and undressing: D/game “Sly Shoes”

Goal: to create conditions for the development of skills in fastening and unfastening sandals, undressing/dressing in the correct sequence, and carefully hanging clothes on a high chair.

Independent activity of children in the area with external materials. Goal: to cultivate independence in organizing joint activities.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.Walking along massage paths.Hardening proprocedures.

In the process of playing with toys and building materials, develop in Kolya and Masha an interest in the world around them, and form a respectful attitude towards others.

CHHL: Russian folk tale “The Mitten” Learn to listen carefully, talk about the content.

Independent games in activity centers. Games with didactic material. Develop the ability to play together in a group, the desire to share toys.

GCD: Musical lesson

"Visiting the rattle"

Goal: to introduce a new musical instrument - a rattle.

Walk II :

Continue monitoring the vegetation. Draw children's attention to the beauty of the winter landscape. Under. The game “Snowflakes” develops the motor activity of children.

Repeat the “Pencil Kids” round dance with all the children. Strengthen the ability to perform movements to music.

Strengthen washing skills: be careful; do not wet clothes, do not splash water, carefully soap your hands.

Outdoor materials for games on the site - shovels, buckets, cars.


The role-playing game “Shop” is to arouse children’s interest in the profession of a salesperson, to develop skills in a culture of behavior in public places, and to cultivate friendly relationships.

Didactic game “Remember the movement” Purpose: exercise in the ability to remember and reproduce the shown movements. Involve a subgroup of children.

Conversation about order in the group and in the play corners. Foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults and the products and things they produce.

Games for developing fine motor skills: puzzles, mosaics.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents “Seasons. Winter"

Day of the week

Main part


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

National-cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in special moments









Morning exercises Goals: development of physical qualities;

accumulation and enrichment of motor experience. Conversation: “What do I like about the New Year?” - to develop children’s ability to convey in speech their ideas about winter, impressions, and refer to personal experience.

Individual work with Kolya “Buttons” Learn to find and name the right color, develop fine motor skills of your fingers.

Work in a corner of nature: invite children to water flowers in a group. Cultivate a desire to help elders.

Independent activity in activity centers. Improve your ability to play together.

Friday 12/29/17

GCD: 1.Drawing.

Topic: “New Year’s toys - balls, crackers”

P/N: learn the technique of dabbing, find similarities between your drawings and objects. Create a mood of joyful anticipation of the holiday.N. Golitsyna p.63

Walk I :

Observing the work of a janitor. Develop observation and attention. Labor: help the janitor clear the path of snow. Under. game “Sparrows and a car” - consolidate the ability to quickly respond to a signal.

Ind. work with Nikita, Maxim - to consolidate the ability to turn clothes inside out, to continue to develop children’s ability to dress independently in a certain sequence.

KGN: sit correctly at the table, move a chair closer to the table, hold a spoon correctly, observe the order of dishes.

Creating conditions for gaming activities. Goal: to encourage children to organize games, find activities of interest, and develop their imagination.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage of the chest area.

Hardening procedures.Walking along the massage path.

Individual work with Nicole, Ralina in the book corner. Strengthen the ability to look at illustrations and write a short story about what you saw.

Situational conversation “Masha caught a cold.” Teach children to take care of their health.

Ball games. Strengthen the ability to catch and throw the ball up.

ECD: Physical entertainment

"Journey to a winter fairyland"

Target: consolidate the ability to walk in a column one at a time, maintain balance while walking trail after trail, perform throwing skills at a target, and develop the eye.

Walk II :

Continue monitoring the work of the wiper. Consider the equipment he uses for work. Develop memory, attention, activate children's speech. Under. The game “Bears - Babies” promotes the development of motor activity in children. Games with external material.

Exercise children in walking and running as a whole group in a straight direction behind the teacher.

Situational conversation “Behavior at the table” - form a Ph.D., consolidate the norms of behavior at the table, develop the skill of eating carefully, using a napkin.

Independent activity during a walk. Role-playing games at the request of children.


The plot-role-playing game “We are celebrating the New Year” - learn to reflect in the game the impressions of the New Year celebration.

Individual work with Nikita, Kolya, Misha - teaching children to say goodbye to their peers.

Household work. Teach children to put their toys back in their place.

Foster hard work and a desire to help elders.

Board games. Develop perseverance and the ability to see the game through to the end.

Working with parents:

Individual conversations at the request of parents.