What you can do before a kidney ultrasound: diet before the procedure, how much water to drink. Preparing for an ultrasound: is it possible to eat before the examination?

The human body. There are a number of recommendations that should be followed before doing this procedure. If they are not followed, the diagnosis will not be accurate. The main stage of preparation is a special diet that must be followed. Compliance with all nutritional recommendations is as important a stage in the examination of the abdominal cavity as the ultrasound procedure itself. The quality of examination using ultrasound depends on the qualifications of the specialist who conducts it. And responsibility for the preparatory stage lies entirely with the patient.

What is being studied?

During the procedure, the following parameters of the body are examined:

  1. Stomach condition.
  2. Patient's liver.
  3. Gallbladder.
  4. Pancreatic gland.
  5. Kidney.

In women, the uterus and appendages are diagnosed. In men, the condition of the prostate gland is assessed.


You should know that the intestines, both large and small, are difficult to examine. This is due to its structural features. The fact is that the intestinal cavities do not allow ultrasound to be reflected in such a way that it would be possible to assess its condition with high accuracy. However, through this study, gross changes can be seen.

If there is food or gases accumulated in the intestines during an ultrasound, then the result may be distorted when examining other organs of the abdominal cavity.

Therefore, when preparing for this type of study, it is necessary to avoid products that can cause spasms, gas formation, or other complicating processes.


It is necessary to begin the preparatory process a few days before the ultrasound. To do this, you should start limiting yourself from taking a whole list of products. The ultrasound examination itself is performed on the patient on an empty stomach. Therefore, on the day of the procedure, you must refrain from eating any food.
What foods should you exclude from your menu during the preparatory process before the procedure? It is recommended to start preparing a few days before the procedure. Namely, in three days. The preparatory stage is that the patient will need to switch to a gentle type of nutrition. First of all, you should remove foods that contribute to the formation of gas or any irritation.

There is a certain list of undesirable products, it will be given below.

Dairy products (milk)

What can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound, and what foods should you avoid? Let's figure it out now. Dairy products, namely milk, should be excluded. The fact is that it contains lactose.

The older a person is, the fewer elements in his body that contribute to the breakdown of lactose. If lactose remains on the intestinal walls, the fermentation process will begin and, as a result, gases will appear. In addition to milk, a similar reaction can occur from consuming fermented milk products, namely kefir, sour cream, yogurt, and so on. The accumulation of such substances as lactose from fermented milk products will be much less. But it is better if the patient refuses to use them.


You shouldn't eat fruit. This is due to the fact that they contain fructose. It is a type of sugar.

When fructose enters the human body in large quantities, the fermentation process also begins. You should not eat fruits and berries several days before an ultrasound examination.


This simple product contains a large number of complex carbohydrate-type compounds. They are called polysaccharides. Gases also appear when they enter the intestines. You should know that you should not completely exclude bread from your diet. But you need to limit yourself in its use. It will be better if the patient eats white bread.

It is not recommended to consume black or rye before an ultrasound examination. You should also not eat buns, cakes and other sweets. Since they can negatively affect the results of the study.


Legumes such as soybeans, beans, and peas provoke gas formation. This is due to the fact that they contain polysaccharides. During the digestion stage, these elements can cause increased levels of gas formation. Therefore, you should refuse to eat them.

There are a number of vegetables that are also best avoided. These include cabbage, potatoes, asparagus, onions, and corn. They also contain polysaccharides.

Fatty food

Foods high in fat are prohibited. This category includes fatty meat and fish. They cause fat to accumulate in the stomach, which promotes gas production.

You need to give up carbonated drinks. This is due to the fact that, firstly, they contain carbon dioxide. It is a gas in itself. And secondly, drinks in this category include coloring substances. They can cause the stomach walls to undergo a process of irritation. And this will complicate obtaining accurate indicators of the condition of the abdominal cavity through ultrasound examination.

Also, avoid using spices and spices. They can cause irritation processes. Spices include: pepper, cinnamon, cumin and others.

What drink?

Is it possible to drink before an abdominal ultrasound? In addition to the above food products, tea can cause irritation of internal organs, especially if it is strong. You also don't need to drink coffee. In addition, you should not drink drinks that contain alcohol. Smoking is also not recommended. The fact is that nicotine has a negative effect on the human body. Therefore, it is worth giving up smoking at least for a few days. When smoking, a person swallows air, which settles in the stomach. This process has a bad effect on ultrasound. Swallowing air also occurs while chewing gum. In this regard, it is necessary to abandon this process before carrying out the procedure.


What can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound? Above is a list of foods that are not recommended to be consumed before an ultrasound examination. This list is quite large. Many people may wonder what diet they should follow in order to prepare their body for the procedure. Is it possible to eat before an abdominal ultrasound? It is necessary that food is easily absorbed by the body. Below is a list of foods that can be eaten.

First of all, these are porridges; they should be cooked in water without milk. You can eat rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.

Meat can also be eaten, but only if it is lean. For example, poultry or beef. It must be boiled or steamed.

What can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound? Low-fat and boiled fish, as well as cheese with minimal fat content, are also allowed.

You can use a soft-boiled egg. You can eat it once a day, not more often.

Don't overload your stomach!

What can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound? We have already found this out. There is one more rule that must be followed. No need to transfer. Because it will overload the stomach. It is necessary to eat small portions, but more often. For example, you can eat food 5 or 6 times a day. In this case, a certain time interval between meals must be observed. It is 3 or 4 hours. There are also recommendations for direct food intake. They consist in the fact that food should be chewed with some care. Under no circumstances should you swallow food in large pieces. This will lead to air entering the body along with food, and this should not be allowed.

Tea and water

Can I drink water and tea before an abdominal ultrasound? Yes. But the tea should not be strong. The volume of liquid can reach up to one and a half liters per day.
It is also not recommended to eat before bed.

Especially if the ultrasound is scheduled for the morning. In this case, the last meal of food should be no later than eight o’clock in the evening.

Before the procedure

Is it possible to eat before an abdominal ultrasound? You should not drink before the procedure. If the abdominal examination is scheduled for the afternoon, you can have breakfast. Meals should include only permitted foods. You should finish eating any food before 11 am if the ultrasound is scheduled for 3 pm.

Features of drinking water

Can I have water before an abdominal ultrasound? There are exceptions to these rules. Namely, when examining the bladder and pelvic organs in women, the doctor may ask the patient to drink a certain amount of liquid immediately before the procedure.

If a person has any digestive problems, he should notify the doctor. In this case, the patient will be prescribed special medications that will help him cope with this or that problem. For example, get rid of constipation or increased levels of gas.


Now you know what you can eat before an abdominal ultrasound, and what you should avoid. We hope that our recommendations will help you.

Diagnostic studies require different preparation rules. The doctor may ask the patient to follow a diet, reduce physical activity, or stop taking certain medications for a while. Patients often ask whether it is possible to eat before. The answer to this question depends on a number of factors.

Ultrasound scanning is an instrumental diagnostic method used to visualize organs and tissues. The essence of the research is to use high-frequency sound waves to capture images of various structures of the body. Sound waves are emitted by a special sensor, which is placed against the area being examined during diagnosis. The sensor also receives waves reflected from tissue and sends data to a computer.

The principle of operation of ultrasound is in many ways similar to sonar and radar. The technology allows you to diagnose pathologies of organs, blood vessels and tissues. Unlike other scanning methods, ultrasound equipment does not involve radiation. This is why ultrasound is preferable for examining the developing fetus.

Ultrasound scanning allows you to examine the internal structures of the body in real time.

In this regard, ultrasound is often used as an auxiliary method for operations and medical procedures. The following diagnostic and therapeutic goals also exist:

  1. Pregnancy research. Ultrasound allows you to monitor the condition, determine the timing of pregnancy and diagnose ectopic pregnancy. It is also a valuable screening tool necessary for the timely detection of pathologies of fetal development and disorders of the reproductive organs.
  2. Wide range of soft tissue examinations. However, the method has diagnostic limitations: sound waves are poorly transmitted through bones and air-bearing parts of the body.
  3. Detection of blood clots, fluid in, gallstones and kidney stones, hernias, inflammatory diseases, tumors, cysts, abscesses, etc.
  4. Control of medical procedures. The method may be needed when a doctor needs to insert a needle into a precise area of ​​an organ.

Ultrasound can be used to visualize the following organs and internal structures:

  • , bladder.
  • , and testicles.
  • (in infants).
  • Eyeballs.
  • And .
  • Heart and blood vessels.

To examine blood vessels, Doppler ultrasound is used to accurately visualize arteries and veins.The advantages of the method include accessibility, safety and efficiency. High-frequency waves do not harm the body, so ultrasound can be performed an unlimited number of times. Doctors are not aware of the side effects of this method.

Is it possible to eat before an ultrasound?

The doctor may ask the patient to refrain from eating 8-12 hours before the test. This recommendation usually concerns organ examination.

A full bowel can block sound waves, causing images of organs to be less accurate. However, patients are not prohibited from eating before examining the gallbladder, liver and spleen. The doctor will only ask you to give up fatty foods the day before the test.

If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, colon bacterial overgrowth, or other conditions that affect gas, your doctor may recommend avoiding trigger foods. This is due to the fact that flatulence can persist for several days after the last meal. A few hours before the test, you can take a carminative (for example, based on simethicone).

How to properly prepare for the examination?

Other preparation rules depend on the organ being examined. If the doctor examines the kidneys and bladder using ultrasound, you need to drink 3-4 glasses of water an hour before the procedure. Filling the excretory organs improves the quality of visualization. You should also refrain from urinating before the procedure.

Additional measures:

  1. It is imperative to inform the doctor about diseases and medications taken. Sometimes it is necessary to stop taking medications for a while before diagnosis.
  2. If X-ray diagnostics using barium were performed a few days before the ultrasound, you should inform your doctor about this. Residual barium in the intestine may affect results.
  3. Hygienic procedures are required before transrectal and transvaginal ultrasound.

Failure to follow the preparation rules will affect the test results. An intestine filled with food and gas will prevent visualization of the abdominal organs. Improper preparation for ultrasound of the excretory organs will also lead to distorted results.

How is the procedure performed?

Ultrasound examination is performed in a supine position. The patient will be asked to undress to the waist, place a towel on the couch and lie down. Depending on the organs being examined, the patient will be asked to lie on their back, side, or stomach.

Further actions:

  • The doctor applies a special gel to the sensor. This is necessary for better conduction of sound waves.
  • The sensor is placed against the surface of the skin in the area being examined. The patient may be asked to take a deep breath, exhale, or change position.
  • During the examination, the doctor examines the readings on the monitor and writes down the necessary data.
  • After the examination, the doctor writes a statement about the results of instrumental diagnostics.

For the study, it is necessary to insert a sensor into the vagina, and for the prostate gland - into the rectum, respectively. For this purpose, a special probe equipped with an ultrasonic device is used. To examine the prostate, the patient is asked to lie on his side, and to examine the ovaries, he is asked to lie on his back. Insertion of the device may cause some discomfort, but fortunately the diagnosis can be made fairly quickly. This imaging method significantly improves diagnostic capabilities.

Another type of scanning is endoscopic ultrasound diagnostics.

In essence, this method is similar to gastroscopy. A flexible device (endoscope) equipped with a sensor is inserted into the patient's oral cavity. Gradually, the endoscope is moved deep into the gastrointestinal tract for a detailed examination of the abdominal organs. To perform this procedure, the patient will be asked to lie on their side. Sometimes patients are given a sedative beforehand.

You can learn more about how to properly prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal organs from the video:

There are contraindications that may affect the results of the study:

  1. Significant obesity.
  2. Food inside the stomach and intestines.
  3. Flatulence is an excessive accumulation of gas inside the intestines.
  4. Presence in the gastrointestinal tract.

The ultrasound examination procedure lasts no more than 30 minutes.

Can pregnant women eat before an ultrasound?

Most diagnosticians agree that pregnant women can eat food before an ultrasound scan. This is due to the anatomical features and specifics of the study. The patient may also be asked to drink several glasses of water before the test to get more accurate results.

Before routine ultrasound examinations during pregnancy, expectant mothers have a lot of questions. Preparing for an ultrasound during pregnancy is completely simple. There is nothing wrong with this procedure. Pregnant women are often interested in both the safety of the study for their baby and simpler questions, for example: “Can I eat before an ultrasound? Will this affect the results of the study? Should you drink water? How much water should you drink?

Ultrasound examination does not pose any harm to the child. Ultrasound is considered the safest research method. The number of necessary studies depends on the doctor and the condition of the pregnant woman. According to the plan, screening ultrasound examinations are prescribed for pregnant women during the following periods:

  • 11-14 weeks;
  • 20-22 weeks;
  • 32-34 weeks.

What does preparation for an ultrasound depend on?

In order to properly prepare for the upcoming ultrasound examination, you need to find out from the specialist referring you what specific type of diagnosis you will have to do. There are only 2 types of ultrasound:

  • Through the stomach;
  • Through the vagina.

If you are interested in the question: “Can I eat before an ultrasound?” - the answer is positive. Eating before an ultrasound is allowed. The food in your stomach will not affect the test results in any way. You can eat at any time, only foods that do not contribute to gas formation. And you need to drink water only before the first ultrasound examination.

Preparing for the procedure

To undergo an ultrasound scan during pregnancy, you must initially make an appointment (specify the date and time) and take with you a coupon for examination by a gynecologist. Be sure to take a diaper or towel with you. You will need them to make the couch you will lie on for the examination. Also, do not forget to take paper napkins, they will be useful for wiping the special gel that is used for ultrasound from the abdomen.

If the first examination is carried out using a vaginal sensor, then be sure to take a hygienic shower at home.

When performing the first ultrasound on a pregnant woman, it is desirable that her bladder is full. Thanks to this, the uterus and fetus will be clearly visible. In order not to experience long-term discomfort due to a filled bladder, you can drink water half an hour or an hour before the examination (the water must not be carbonated).

In order to obtain the highest quality results after an ultrasound examination, it is necessary to prepare the intestines. It must be freed from gases, as well as from contents that contribute to the formation of gases. That is why you should not eat foods that enhance fermentation processes in the stomach a day or two before the procedure. You should not eat vegetables rich in fiber, grapes, seeds and nuts. You can eat any other food.

Preparation for an ultrasound scan during pregnancy is influenced by only 2 factors:

  • The period for which the research is carried out;
  • Method of carrying out the procedure.

Any requirements for preparing a pregnant woman before routine diagnostics exist only in the first trimester. They consist of just two points:

  • Before a transabdominal ultrasound, you need to drink water, preferably about a liter, about 1.5-2 hours before your appointment with the doctor. It is forbidden to go to the toilet before the procedure (at the first examination, which is carried out at 11-13 weeks). You can go to the toilet after the examination;
  • Eliminate cabbage, brown bread, any legumes and soda from your diet the day before the procedure. These foods are not recommended to eat or drink because they can cause excessive gas formation in the intestines.

When prescribing a transvaginal ultrasound, it is preferable to empty the bladder. It is not advisable to drink water for this type of study. With a full bladder, the patient will experience some discomfort. Therefore, before an examination performed through the vagina, be sure to go to the toilet.

The need for an ultrasound scan

The main purpose of ultrasound is to monitor the development of the fetus, and also contributes to an accurate assessment of the health status of the pregnant woman. All pregnant women must undergo an ultrasound examination. This procedure is necessary for:

  • Confirmation of pregnancy;
  • Determining the condition of the unborn baby, establishing the presence/absence of anomalies in its development;
  • Establishing the size of the fetus;
  • Observation of the location and structure of the umbilical cord and placenta;
  • Determination of the number of fruits;
  • Establishing fetal presentation;
  • Examination of the reproductive organs of a pregnant woman;
  • Determining the amount of amniotic fluid;
  • Assessments of the child's internal organs.

You should not refuse this type of research. With its help, it will be easier for the gynecologist with whom you are registered to monitor the progress of pregnancy and all the changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother and child. Moreover, an ultrasound does not pose any danger to your baby, and preparing for it is very simple. You only need to drink water an hour before the procedure (in the initial stages).

In a normal pregnancy, the doctor prescribes 3 planned studies (in the first, second, third semesters). If any deviations from the norm arise in the state of health of the mother or child, the number of ultrasound scans can be increased at the discretion of the doctor and the consent of the pregnant woman.

Ultrasound examination is a safe hardware diagnostic procedure. The examination is performed without instrumental intervention (non-invasive), takes a short period of time and has virtually no contraindications. Taking these parameters into account, the method is widely used to monitor the health of expectant mothers and their babies.

The modern rhythm of life dictates its conditions in the field of fertility. Today, most women consciously choose the timing of when they become mothers and approach this issue responsibly. Therefore, the very first ultrasound examination is performed in the system of measures to prepare a woman for motherhood, that is, before planning a pregnancy.

After a woman enters the perinatal period of her life, control diagnostics are carried out according to the medical pregnancy management plan, with an increase in the number of procedures as necessary. An ultrasound can be performed an unlimited number of times.

Preparatory measures for examination for women during pregnancy have some differences from preparation for conventional ultrasound diagnostics. Therefore, questions such as: how many times do you need to undergo the procedure, is it possible to eat before an ultrasound during pregnancy, what drinking regime should you follow, arise for expectant mothers quite reasonably.

In what cases is preparation necessary?

If there are no deviations and the woman is in good health, a routine ultrasound examination during pregnancy is prescribed three times (once in each trimester). An unscheduled ultrasound can be determined by a gynecologist based on somatic symptoms, and immediately before childbirth.

Produced for 7–12 weeks. The purpose of the examination is to confirm the woman’s position and differentiate between a normal pregnancy and a pathological or ectopic one. In addition, at this stage, multiple pregnancies and abnormal fetal development processes are determined. The repeat examination is scheduled for the period from 20 to 23 weeks.

The doctor evaluates the development of the heart, nervous and vascular systems of the fetus. The kidneys and other organs of the urinary system of the unborn baby are clearly visible. At this stage, the correspondence of the child’s development level in proportion to the gestational age can be analyzed. The condition of the amniotic fluid, the location of the placenta, and the position of the baby in the uterus (fetal presentation) are determined. In addition, during the second planned examination, in 80% of cases, the gynecologist determines the sex of the baby.

The third procedure is carried out from 32 to 34 weeks. At this time, possible deviations in the development of the fetus, the size of the child and the functionality of the blood flow between the placenta, the fetus and the woman’s body are analyzed (the presence of fetoplacental insufficiency). An additional ultrasound examination is performed immediately before birth to fully monitor the position of the fetus and its activity, as well as the mother’s health.

Nutrition before ultrasound in the perinatal period

Preparatory measures for ultrasound diagnostics are determined by the period at which the study is carried out and the diagnostic method: transabdominal (moving the sensor along the surface of the abdomen) or transvaginal (the sensor is inserted into the woman’s vagina).

Some of the foods prohibited before an ultrasound, which are limited for 3-5 days

Research using the transvaginal method is used in the early stages of pregnancy. A woman’s diet before such an ultrasound cannot be changed. The diet does not affect the effectiveness of the procedure. To avoid discomfort, you should come to the procedure with an empty bladder. Preparation for transabdominal ultrasound is more meaningful, but does not require excessive effort.

Before an ultrasound, pregnant patients need to adjust their diet two days before the examination.

Products that cause flatulence are excluded:

  • raw, pickled and pickled cabbage;
  • beans, lentils, peas and other legumes, and dishes made from them;
  • fresh milk. The component that causes bloating is lactose;
  • fruits: pears, apples, grapes;
  • raw vegetables: radishes, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • fresh baked goods. Gas formation and fermentation are caused by yeast;
  • sweet desserts.

The changes also apply to women’s drinking regime. You should not consume sweet soda or kvass containing yeast. Directly on the day of the procedure, one and a half hours before the ultrasound, you should drink at least one and a half liters of liquid. Patients often ask the question: do you need to drink water or can you diversify your drinking regimen with other drinks?

Large amounts of water are not always well tolerated by pregnant women. Therefore, diluted juices and fruit drinks are allowed for consumption. Water in such cocktails should be 2/3 of the volume and not contain gas. This manipulation is performed to temporarily displace the body of the uterus. In this state, it is easier for the doctor to examine the embryo and assess its condition.

When asked whether it is possible to eat before an ultrasound, gynecologists are unanimous in their positive answer. Unlike ultrasound examination of the digestive system, the contents of the stomach do not affect the results of the procedure. The internal genital organs of the expectant mother and the fetus itself are subject to examination. Only excess gases in the intestines can negatively affect the results of the study.

Menu correction is necessary to prevent gas formation in the intestines

An additional recommendation for preparing for an ultrasound is to take carminative medications for two days before the procedure. Espumisan is the most popular among patients. There is no need to change the standard dosage regimen specified in the instructions. The dosage of the capsule form of the medicine is two pieces three times a day.

The daily dose of the medication in liquid form is 150 ml, which is divided into three doses. An alternative to Espumisan can be Activated carbon, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10-15 kg of body weight once on the eve of the examination. Ultrasound examination does not harm the woman and the fetus and does not cause pain. With its help, it is possible to control the entire pregnancy process, identifying possible deviations in time.

Routine ultrasound examinations for injuries, illnesses or pregnancy are performed very often, and accordingly, questions regarding preparation for the procedure have become more frequent. Preparation is not difficult, and the test itself is simple and safe. The procedure does not pose any harm to the child and mother, so the number of examinations can be regulated by the doctor based on the patient’s health status. Is it possible to eat before an ultrasound? This is one of a number of questions related to the procedure. Today we will consider it in detail.

Indications for use

Ultrasound is prescribed not only for pregnant women, but also for certain pathological abnormalities in the abdominal organs, so a doctor’s appointment is possible for:

  1. Diagnosing the cause of abdominal pain;
  2. To determine the aneurysm, as well as its stage of development;
  3. To examine the condition of the liver, its size, shape, tissue health;
  4. To examine the bile ducts, as well as the lumen of the gallbladder, stones and their characteristics are detected;
  5. To diagnose diseases associated with inflammatory reactions, necrosis and tumors of organs, in particular the pancreas;
  6. To detect organ damage, mainly from mechanical trauma.

Most often, ultrasound is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for pregnant women. The expectant mother should be prepared to undergo routine examinations; they are usually prescribed during the period:

  • From 11 to 14 weeks;
  • From 20 to 22 weeks;
  • From 32 to 34 weeks.

Preparing for the procedure

No special preparatory measures are required from a person; they are more of an organizational nature. It is necessary to initially clarify the time and date of the procedure; this must be certified on the coupon. It’s better to take a bedding with you to put on the couch for her. It is recommended to take napkins with you to wipe off any remaining gel from your abdomen after the procedure.

There are several methods for performing ultrasound; the specific approach will be determined by the specialist. The examination can be done through the abdomen or vagina. The first method is predominantly used. If the diagnosis will be made using a vaginal sensor, it is necessary to take a hygienic shower.

Preparation includes the key question: is it possible to eat before an ultrasound scan - yes, it is possible, regardless of the method of examination. Food in the stomach practically does not interfere with diagnostics, with the exception of some foods that cause increased formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract - this is especially true for ultrasound in pregnant women.

Important! When determining problems with organs, it is not recommended to eat 8-12 hours in advance, that is, on an empty stomach. When the examination is scheduled for the evening, you need to eat in the morning, but so that there are 6 hours left before the ultrasound.

To find out what you can eat before an ultrasound, it is enough to understand what negatively affects the examination readings and what has no effect. The main condition is that the intestines must be free of gases, as well as foods that provoke them. Thus, for 1-2 days, do not consume foods that provoke the production of gases in the stomach. Accordingly, any other food can be consumed in any quantity.

Is it possible to drink before an ultrasound scan is the next important question, which is controversial. Drinking is allowed during any ultrasound, but the first procedure performed should preferably be performed with a full bladder. Thanks to this approach, the fetus and the uterus will be visible much better. Drink water 30-60 minutes before the examination so as not to experience discomfort for a long time. It is important that the water is clean, still. During an ultrasound examination, you are always allowed to drink water, unless there are contraindications that are specified by the doctor.

The doctor, based on preliminary diagnosis, may prescribe special preparations for fermentation. Thanks to them, it is possible to reduce the production of gases in the intestines. Their use is prescribed 2-3 days before the procedure, but on the day of the ultrasound the drug is not used.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to eat before an ultrasound; in fact, it is recommended to eat, but not everything 8 hours before the examination (if the health of the organs is determined). To avoid any problems with the test results, you can eat before the procedure:

  • Almost any porridge is suitable: buckwheat, flaxseed, barley, oats;
  • Meat dishes from chicken, beef;
  • Low-fat fish, boiled, steamed or baked, is recommended;
  • Low-fat cheeses

It is recommended to adhere to fractional meals, eat food 4-5 times a day, that is, the regularity of consumption is 3-4 hours, but little by little. Drinking water, tea, and juices is allowed up to 1.5 liters per day; it is recommended to drink 1 hour before the examination if an ultrasound is performed on the expectant mother. If the abdominal organs are being examined, you should not drink water.

An ultrasound can be performed in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening. When the study is scheduled for the evening, you should have breakfast early in the morning, and after that you should not eat.

The main aspect is that you should not eat before an ultrasound. These include products that cause increased gas release, including:

  • All legumes (peas, beans);
  • Bakery products;
  • Dairy products;
  • Meat and fish with a lot of fat;
  • Candies, sweet products;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Alcohol;
  • Coffee;
  • Juices are not recommended.

Important! Smoking before an ultrasound negatively affects the examination results, since nicotine from cigarettes leads to contraction of the walls of the gallbladder. This factor may influence the clarification of the diagnosis.

Research results

After receiving the image, it is still necessary to decipher it, which can only be done by a qualified radiologist. Thanks to correct diagnosis, it is possible to achieve a speedy recovery and increases the chances of accurately identifying the source of the problem.

Ultrasound can detect a huge variety of diseases of organs located in the abdominal cavity. It can also act as an auxiliary tool for diagnosing general problems with the body. A timely procedure can prevent the development of diseases and possibly save lives.


Proper preparation for the study allows you to correctly diagnose the disease. Considering the simplicity of preparation, you just need not to consume the listed products; in general, much effort is not required from the patient.