The term of conception for ktr. What is KTR

During pregnancy, a woman undergoes several mandatory screening examinations to identify possible pathology of the fetus. They include various tests and ultrasound examination.

What is KTR? The coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus (KTR) is one of the ultrasound indicators that allows you to judge whether the pregnancy is developing correctly.

How is it determined?

Embryo CTE can only be determined during ultrasound screening. This indicator is the distance from the baby's tailbone to the parietal tubercle, determined in millimeters.

The indicator is measured during three screening examinations, and if necessary, ultrasound is done even more often. During screening, many other quantities are also determined, which allow the doctor to get a complete picture of the condition. However, knowing only the KTR by weeks of pregnancy already suggests the presence of deviations.

KTR on ultrasound during pregnancy allows you to determine the following points:

  1. The size of the fetus, its compliance with the gestational age.
  2. Sometimes, on the contrary, it is necessary to determine the gestational age according to KTR.
  3. The presence or absence of genetic abnormalities, fetal malnutrition, hormonal disorders in the mother, infectious diseases.
  4. Control of the treatment, its impact on the development of the baby.

Norm by week

The first time the screening is performed within twelve weeks - at this time all the main dimensions are well defined, which allows the doctor to get maximum information about the gestation process. However, the dimensions of the CTE of the fetus by weeks were determined empirically for various gestational ages, and not just at 12 weeks, so that the indicator could be controlled in dynamics.

The coccygeal-parietal size is measured only up to 14 weeks, since then more accurate indicators become available that help determine the same fetal parameters.

Fetal KTR table by week of pregnancy:

There is a rate of growth of the coccygeal-parietal size. Until the twelfth week of gestation, this size increases by about 1 mm in one week. Then the growth rate increases sharply to 2 mm per day.

Reasons for rejection

The norms of ultrasound screening indicators should be known only in order to notice size deviations in time and carry out appropriate treatment. Already in the first trimester of pregnancy, the coccygeal-parietal size suggests the presence of:

  1. Fetal hypotrophy - developmental delay relative to gestational age.
  2. Prerequisites for the formation of a large fetus, which will complicate the course of gestation and childbirth.
  3. Non-developing pregnancy, when intrauterine fetal death occurs.
  4. Hormonal pathology in the body of a woman.
  5. Infectious diseases that cause pregnancy complications.
  6. Genetic diseases, chromosomal aberrations.

With each of these pathologies, the coccygeal-parietal size can change significantly. And in the period of 12-14 weeks of gestation, it is possible to carry out treatment on time or, if necessary, terminate the pregnancy.


The syndrome of intrauterine growth retardation can be associated with a wide variety of reasons. Exposure to environmental factors, maternal malnutrition, genetic disorders, chronic somatic diseases - all this can affect the process of growth and development of the embryo.

As a result of these influences, the growth of the child slows down, a normal set of indicators of growth and weight - malnutrition develops.

This process can be determined quite early - already in the first trimester of pregnancy. The easiest way to suspect pathology is with the help of ultrasound. Since malnutrition most often causes growth retardation, on ultrasound, the doctor will detect a deviation in the size of the CTE that is less than normal.

In the first trimester, malnutrition responds well to correction. The specialist must determine the cause in time and carry out the appropriate treatment:

  1. Correct somatic diseases of a woman.
  2. Normalize the diet and lifestyle of a pregnant woman.
  3. Treat infectious diseases.
  4. Apply hormonal therapy.

large fruit

An increase in the coccygeal-parietal size above the norm is quite rare. It may be associated with an obstetric problem such as a large fetus. Usually such a diagnosis is made at the end of pregnancy, since this situation seriously complicates the course of childbirth and may require operative delivery.

However, it is possible to determine the prerequisites for the development of a large fetus quite early - at the first screening examinations, the KTR of the fetus will be higher than normal. Also, a large fetus increases such indicators of external examination as the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen.

To prevent obstetric complications, you need to do:

  1. Hormonal examination of a woman.
  2. Recommend weight loss.
  3. Determine the level of glucose and exclude the presence of diabetes mellitus.
  4. Conduct a thyroid study.
  5. Assign the right diet.

Non-developing pregnancy

A rather unpleasant situation can be a frozen pregnancy at an early stage of gestation. As a result of hormonal changes, gynecological problems, infectious diseases or exposure to adverse environmental factors, the fetus dies already in the first weeks of gestation.

The development of the child does not continue, but there is no spontaneous miscarriage. Fetal movements should not yet be observed, so the woman does not notice the problem.

You can determine the pathology using ultrasound, in addition to reducing the size of the CTE, the doctor will also detect other signs of the absence of the fetus's vital functions. If there is not enough data for a diagnosis, the doctor may recommend a follow-up examination.

Non-developing pregnancy requires an induced abortion. It is performed with the help of special preparations that are used for medical interruption.

In the presence of complications, a mini-abortion or vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterine cavity can be performed. In the future, the cause of this condition is clarified so that it does not happen again during the next pregnancy.

Hormonal pathology

All changes in the body of a woman are greatly influenced by hormones. An imbalance of these substances can also cause gestation pathology. A decrease in the size of CTE during pregnancy can be caused by a deficiency of progesterone, the main hormone of gestation.

This substance is produced by the corpus luteum in the ovary and also by the placenta. Progesterone allows the baby to grow and develop normally. Under the influence of this hormone, all organ systems of the expectant mother are rebuilt to properly maintain pregnancy.

One of the most common causes of recurrent miscarriage is progesterone deficiency. In this case, doctors prescribe hormonal drugs and eliminate the problem.

Signs of the disease can be:

  • Frequent spontaneous abortions, habitual miscarriage.
  • Irregular menstrual cycle.
  • Episodes of endometriosis, pathology of the cervix.
  • Delayed development of the embryo, size deviation on ultrasound and obstetric examination.
  • Low hormone levels on special examination.

Progesterone deficiency can be corrected with medication. To prevent the problem, it is necessary to undergo pregravid preparation.

Infectious diseases

One of the most common and dangerous causes of intrauterine growth retardation are infectious diseases. These diseases can be caused by bacteria and viruses.

The most dangerous for the fetus are the following pathogens:

  • Flu.
  • hepatitis virus
  • Rubella.
  • Measles.
  • Meningococcus.

These microorganisms are dangerous because they easily penetrate the fetal membranes and cause a delay in the development of the embryo. As a result, KTR deviates from the age norm, which can be determined by ultrasound.

Usually infectious diseases have rather bright clinical manifestations. The expectant mother is worried about a rash, fever, general malaise, catarrhal symptoms, headache and other manifestations.

In these situations, the doctor should always fully examine the woman and prescribe specific treatment. This is complicated by several problems:

  1. Not every infection has specific drugs. Viral diseases are difficult to treat.
  2. During gestation, the use of antibacterial agents is limited.
  3. A woman does not undergo a full examination before conception, does not have the necessary vaccinations.

genetic abnormalities

Deviation from the age norm of the coccygeal-parietal size may be associated with another difficult situation - various genetic disorders. These problems are hereditary and can be transmitted through the sex or somatic chromosomes from either parent.

Some genetic diseases occur for unknown reasons and cannot be prevented, while others are prevented during preconception preparation.

Down syndrome, Patau, Edwards and many other chromosomal aberrations have several characteristic manifestations that are already detected during the first screening examination. One of the symptoms is a decrease in CTE relative to the norm.

It is impossible to make a diagnosis only with the help of the coccygeal-parietal size in this case. For confirmation, specific methods of additional diagnostics are sometimes necessary.

Upon confirmation of the defect, the woman is offered to terminate the pregnancy at her request. It is not possible to cure a genetic disorder in other ways.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that such a simple indicator as the coccygeal-parietal size is of great importance for diagnosing various anomalies in the development of a child. It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination on time and follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

To date, determining the gestational age is not difficult, as well as tracking the rate of development of the embryo, and then the fetus, in the mother's womb. This is done using ultrasound - the safest method of examination, both for the mother and for the baby. And the most accurate measurement is the determination of KTP - the coccyx-parietal size of the fetus.

It is especially important to measure it in the first trimester, since it is at this time that the laying of all the internal organs, muscle tissue and the bone and joint skeleton of the child takes place. A deviation of the indicator from the average statistical norm may indicate the development of pathology either in the mother or in the baby. Based on the KTR, your local doctor determines the further tactics of pregnancy management and the examination plan.

This is the length of the distance in millimeters from the highest point on the head of the unborn child (crown) to the lowest point (coccyx) of his back. Why not all growth? Yes, because the embryo, and subsequently the fetus, for a short time is in the uterine cavity in a bent state with legs pressed to the stomach, the length of which has not yet been determined.

The KTP indicator is set only with the help of an ultrasonic device. And this is such a universal parameter that practically does not depend on the gender of the unborn child and the individual characteristics of his development.

How the indicator is measured

CTE is usually measured between 7 and 14 weeks (before the placenta forms). But ideally, the procedure should be done between 12 and 13 weeks, which is in line with the timing. It is at this time that the indicator will be the most informative, because with the onset of a 2-3 month period from conception, the parameters of the fetus are already assessed by other indicators. In the meantime, the coccyx-parietal length is almost the only characteristic of the development of the fetus.

KTP is directly proportional to the gestational age: the more time has passed since conception, the higher the value of the indicator. After all, the size of the fetus, albeit with varying intensity, increases daily.

In order to obtain the correct dimensions of the CTE by weeks of pregnancy, it is important for the uzist to adhere to certain conditions:

  • choose the correct projection when the fetus is fully straightened, and it can be conditionally divided into 2 equal halves;
  • wait for a decrease in motor activity, or even better - its absence.

Otherwise, the degree of error is high, and the doctor will not be able to reliably determine whether there are deviations from the norm.

So what should be the norm? For each week of pregnancy, it has its own, and all the average indicators are summarized in one table common to all. It makes no sense for a doctor to memorize a lot of numbers, because normal indicators are calculated not just by weeks, but by days. Every obstetrician-gynecologist has this table, and he compares the results obtained from you personally with the average.

Table of KTR norms by week of pregnancy

It may look different, but the performance is always the same regardless of design.

The gestational age according to KTR may differ from the period according to the last menstruation. After all, conception could occur a little later than expected, due to delayed ovulation. A discrepancy in dates is also possible with an irregular menstrual cycle. The physiological range of deviation from the norm is up to three days in any direction. If the numbers differ a lot, there is most likely a reason for that.

Deviations from the norm, their causes and methods of correction

Shift up

  1. A large fetus indicates non-compliance with the norms - weekly weight gain during pregnancy by weeks -. A woman needs to review her diet and minimize the amount of simple carbohydrates in it.
  2. Also, uncontrolled intake of multivitamin complexes or metabolites can lead to a large positive shift. They should simply be excluded altogether.
  3. The cause of the development of a large fetus may be a concomitant pathology of the mother: diabetes mellitus of both types, the growth of neoplasms of any localization. A pregnant woman should undergo a full range of examinations and treat the detected diseases.
  4. An increase in CTE is also possible with an Rhesus conflict between the mother and the growing fetus.. Most likely, a woman will be prescribed non-specific desensitizing therapy: vitamins, metabolites, iron and calcium preparations, antihistamines.


  1. The most irreparable reason is in which there was no spontaneous miscarriage, and the fetus remained in the uterine cavity. This pathology will be detected immediately on ultrasound by the absence of a heartbeat. In this case, the solution is unequivocal - curettage followed by conservative therapy.
  2. Fetal hypotrophy is possible with chronic diseases of the mother (cardiovascular, thyroid diseases) or the presence of a focus of infection. There is only one way out: examination and treatment of concomitant pathology.
  3. The reason for the negative shift may be the lack of progesterone in the mother's blood, associated with hormonal imbalance. After determining the level of hormones, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed.
  4. A decrease in CTE also develops with a burdened history in terms of genetic pathology. Everything is much more complicated here. If a genetic breakdown is suspected, a specific additional examination is prescribed: sampling for analysis of amniotic fluid, cord blood, or even a biopsy of chorionic villi.

KTP measurement - video

From the video you will learn how the coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus changes at different times of the first trimester of pregnancy.

Let's hope that the size of your fetus corresponds to the average norm, and you do not have a concomitant pathology leading to deviations in the growth and development of the unborn child. Is it so? Share your joy in the comments.

Determining such a parameter as the KTR of the fetus by weeks allows you to establish the correspondence of the size of the child in the womb with statistically averaged parameters, on the basis of which we can talk about its normal growth and formation. If there are deviations, doctors can detect them early, prescribe additional diagnostic tests and engage in corrective therapy so that a woman can give birth to a healthy baby.

After, carried out in the initial trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother receives an image of her baby in her hands, indicating the main indicators of his development. Among them, the value of the coccygeal-parietal size is necessarily present, which is the most reliable diagnostic indicator of the formation of the fetus. In addition, according to the KTR, it is possible to establish, since normally this indicator is little subject to fluctuations.

The coccygeal-parietal size, or KTR for short, is an indicator of the size of the embryo, which is indicated in millimeters and is determined at various stages of pregnancy. Intrauterine measurement of a child is carried out at, which is considered one of the safest ways to diagnose fetal development.

In the first trimester, the embryo has a curved shape, so you can measure the length of its body, given the size of the head and body. In this case, the definition is performed between the most distant points from each other: from the crown of the head to the lower back. Therefore, the indicator is called the coccygeal-parietal.

The definition of KTR is carried out before the 12-13th week of pregnancy, later diagnosis using this indicator is less informative, since starting from the doctor they look at other sizes and parameters of the fetus, which are combined by one term "fetometry".

How is the indicator measured?

KTP depends on the gestational age, while the ratio of the two values ​​​​is in direct proportion, which means that the more time has passed since fertilization, the greater this indicator will be.

The following parameters do not affect the value of the coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus:

  • race;
  • other individual characteristics.

If a woman previously had, it is possible to establish the exact gestational age based on KTR data. With stable menstruation, the parameters obtained allow us to confirm information about the time when conception occurred.

The coccygeal-parietal size is measured from 6 weeks to 14. An earlier determination is not possible due to the too small size of the embryo. Diagnostics for a period exceeding 15 weeks does not provide accurate information, in addition, other fetometric diagnostic tests can be performed, on the basis of which the development and health of the crumbs are assessed.

The main criterion limiting the conduct of KTR is the formation of a child's place (), which is why the indicator is recorded before a period of 13-14 weeks.

How is the measurement of CTE during ultrasound scanning of the fetus:

  1. Diagnosis is carried out in a strictly sagittal projection, when the child's body is conditionally divided into two equal halves. In this case, the measuring line runs from the parietal region to the coccyx.
  2. Indicators are set in the absence of fetal movements.
  3. When the child is too mobile during the diagnosis, the doctor needs to wait until the baby's body is as straight as possible and record the measurement.
  4. Received fetal KTR data are reconciled with the statistical table, which indicates the values ​​​​of the indicator by weeks from conception.

Table by week

The table of values ​​allows you to compare the results of the survey with average indicators. But you need to understand that the child grows daily and increases by 1-2 mm, so the comparison should be made strictly by day.

Number of weeks and days The value of the indicator, mm Number of weeks and days The value of the indicator, mm
6.3 weeks (45 days) 7 10.3 weeks (73 days) 36
7 weeks (49 days) 10 11 weeks (77 days) 40-41
7.3 weeks (52 days) 12 11.3 weeks (80 days) 45-46
8 weeks (56 days) 16 12 weeks (84 days) 52
8.3 weeks (59 days) 19 12.3 weeks (87 days) 58
9 weeks (63 days) 23 13 weeks (91 days) 66
9.3 weeks (66 days) 26-27 13.3 weeks (94 days) 73-74
10 weeks (70 days) 31-32 14 weeks (98 days) 79-80

Deviations from the norm

A slight discrepancy between the indicators is considered normal, however, there are more pronounced deviations from the tabular data, which may indicate the characteristics of the child's development.

An excess of 1 week or more indicates that the fetus is. Therefore, a pregnant woman should limit herself in food, trying not to increase the average daily calorie content of the diet, and also refuse to take metabolite drugs.

When KTR data is significantly less than the average, there are several explanations for this:

  1. Later than usual, so the pregnancy occurred later than was determined during registration. For clarification, it is recommended to perform a subsequent ultrasound after 1-1.5 weeks.
  2. when the embryo dies early. The criterion for confirming this fact is the absence of . In such a situation, an emergency uterine cavity is required.
  3. Hormonal imbalance resulting from insufficient production. After additional diagnostics, the patient is assigned or.
  4. An infectious process, to identify which a woman is swabbed for STIs, after which appropriate therapy is carried out.

If a genetic pathology is suspected, ultrasound screening should be performed, as well as additional diagnostics:

  • amniocentesis - amniotic fluid is taken using a long thin needle for their analysis;
  • biopsy of chorionic villi - a technique for detecting congenital pathology from biological material obtained from particles preceding the placenta.
  • cordocentesis - obtaining blood from the umbilical vein, which is carried out through the abdominal wall of the mother.

The coccygeal-parietal size is the only reliable diagnostic indicator, on the basis of which in the first trimester of pregnancy it is possible to establish the exact term of conception, to monitor whether the fetus is developing normally, and if there are suspicions and deviations from the norm, to conduct an additional examination to determine the pathology and determine the method corrective therapy.

Useful video about ultrasound in the first trimester


The coccygeal-parietal size is measured during an ultrasound scan of the pregnant uterus and is an indicator that reflects the process of fetal growth. Sometimes it is used to conditionally determine the gestational age corresponding to the calculated fetal weight.

How is CTE measured with ultrasound

KTR has an important diagnostic and prognostic value during the period of 7-14 weeks of pregnancy. After this period, other indicators become more important. During this period, the CTE changes literally daily, and these fluctuations during ultrasound can reliably determine the process of development and formation of the fetus.

During ultrasound, the fetus is measured in various projections. In the sagittal projection, the distance from the parietal bone to the coccyx is measured - this is the KTR. Ultrasound is absolutely harmless.

Interpretation of results

Normal KTR indicators at various times are summarized in a table that allows you to accurately determine both the gestational age and the correspondence of the size of the fetus to this period.

The analysis is based on taking into account the deviations of the average sizes (50 percentile) to the smaller (5 percentile) or larger side (95 percentile). Extreme values ​​(5th and 95th percentile) are also the norm. They reflect the estimated weight and size of the unborn child, but cannot indicate a deviation from the norm, a developmental disorder or pathology. Clinical and prognostic values ​​have deviations in KTR during pregnancy below or above threshold values.

Week 11 is of particular importance, since at this stage of fetal development it is possible to most clearly determine the presence of any anomalies, malformations in the unborn child. In the early stages, such data cannot be considered reliable, and in later stages, their US visualization may be difficult.

Since KTP changes daily during ultrasound, it is important to measure this indicator over time. With normal development, it should correspond with certain minor fluctuations to the data indicated in the table. That is, if at week 8 or 9 the CTE was close to the 95 percentile, then at week 11 it should approximately correspond to this indicator. Slowdown or, conversely, unexpectedly rapid growth of the fetus may indicate a certain effect of any factors on the mother's body, which led to inhibition or activation of development. This is not always a pathology. Only a doctor can evaluate the result, taking into account many clinical, social, environmental and other factors. The pregnant woman herself cannot correctly evaluate the KTR data, although they are in the public domain. The correct conclusions should be made by an obstetrician-gynecologist, who will make decisions on further tactics for managing a pregnant woman.


A constant increase in KTP indicators is an indicator of the process of normal development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. At 11-14 weeks, especially rapid growth is noted - this is the norm. If this indicator is slightly higher than the norm, then this most often indicates that a child weighing more than 4 kg will be born. This is important from a prognostic position - if the mother has a narrow pelvis, complicated pregnancy, any chronic diseases, a caesarean section may be necessary for successful delivery and the birth of a healthy child. At this time, the mother is not recommended to take drugs or medicine medicine that can provoke even greater growth of the fetus (actovegin, multivitamins, anabolic steroids, etc.).

The birth of a child weighing 4 kg or more is not a pathology, but such sizes are fraught with the development of complicated childbirth, which are equally dangerous for the mother and the newborn. Often, a large fetus requires prompt resolution of childbirth - a caesarean section.

At the stage of 12-14 weeks, the fetus begins to form into an independent organism. A fetal skeleton is formed, intestinal peristalsis becomes noticeable, the kidneys fill with fluid, the skull is formed, etc. At the end of this period, the measurement of CTE becomes no longer so relevant. Obstetric and gynecological control is carried out directly after the development of the fetus, other indicators are subject to evaluation.

In some cases, there is a slowdown in the growth of CTE or even a slight decrease. This may indicate the following:

  • incorrectly determined obstetric gestational age. This is possible if fertilization occurred after late ovulation. In this case, the KTR is re-measured 5-7 days after the last ultrasound. While maintaining the normal growth dynamics of the CTE, the calculation of the obstetric period is subject to correction;
  • hormonal deficiency. The lack of production of hormones (most often progesterone) is confirmed by laboratory data. Corrected by the appointment of appropriate hormonal drugs;
  • infections, exacerbations of chronic diseases. A correction is made with appropriate specific therapy, taking into account contraindications for taking specific drugs during pregnancy.

Pathological values ​​of CTE

In the worst case, stunting of KTP occurs when the fetus dies, a missed pregnancy. KTR does not increase during ultrasound, heart sounds are not audible, there is no motor activity - an emergency curettage of the uterus is necessary with the total removal of all fragments of the deceased fetus. Delay in seeking emergency help is dangerous for the development of infertility or severe intoxication, even death.

The most common cause of a decrease in CTE is the development of fetoplacental insufficiency. There is a pathological formation of the uteroplacental circle due to violations of the uterine circulation or improper invasion of the egg.

  • anemia, autoimmune diseases of the mother;
  • anomalies in the structure of the uterus;
  • diseases associated with hemodynamic disorders in the mother;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • incorrect presentation;
  • chronic diseases in the mother during decompensation;
  • genetically determined abnormal development of the fetus (hereditary diseases).

Subjective factors can contribute to the growth retardation of KTR:

  • chronic or single severe intoxication (acute poisoning with chemicals, smoking, drug use, alcohol, constant occupational intoxication - work associated with regular inhalation of harmful substances);
  • unbalanced diet;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements and many other reasons.

In a healthy woman, there can be no disturbances in the growth of KTR and fetal development. For the normal course of pregnancy, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance, normalizing the diet, getting rid of foci of chronic infection, providing living conditions without psycho-emotional stress, stress, hard physical labor.

Why is the definition of KTR needed?

KTR must be monitored not only to identify the pathology of fetal development, but also with a successful pregnancy. Deciphering ultrasound allows you to use it to determine the gestational age in the first trimester. Given the specificity of KTR and accurate weekly performance, it is the optimal evaluation parameter.

If the CTE deviates from the norm in the direction of an increase, and most importantly, a decrease, one can judge a violation of the course of pregnancy, the addition of a pathology, which requires an immediate more thorough study of the state of health of the mother and fetus and the adoption of urgent measures. Only such a tactic can guarantee the normal bearing and safe delivery of a healthy child.

KTR stands for coccygeal-parietal size, and is of great importance in accurately determining the gestational age and, based on this, the timeliness of fetal development. The error in setting the deadline for KTR is only 1 day, in rare cases - 3 days.

How is fetal CTE measured?

Measurement of KTR is performed during a planned ultrasound. In this case, the uterus is scanned in different planes, after which the largest indicator of the length of the fetus is selected. It is this indicator that is considered true in this period. However, it should be borne in mind that the very next day the embryo will grow another millimeter.

Why check the KTR of the fetus by week?

KTR of the embryo by week allows you to track its development and diagnose deviations in time. Deviations are said when the average fetal KTR deviates significantly from the norm.

At 10-12 weeks, the first planned ultrasound is performed, during which the development of the fetus, the work of its heart is assessed, the sex of the baby is determined. In this study, the gestational age is specified by measuring the CTE - the size of the child in millimeters.

Using the table of results of the KTR of the fetus by weeks, one can judge the normal development of the baby in the first trimester of pregnancy, since it (in the table) shows the average norm for weeks of pregnancy.

On the presented table of the KTR of the fetus, you can see that the indicators are available only up to 13 weeks. The fact is that it is for up to 13 weeks that these data are most indicative. The last measurement of fetal CTE can be taken at 15 weeks. After 16 weeks, the KTR of the fetus is not evaluated, because other characteristics come to the fore.

It is advisable to measure the CTE for a period of 11-12 weeks - the earlier this procedure is done, the faster the issue with the presence or absence of fetal malformations will be resolved. And the first trimester is the best.

It is necessary to decipher the KTR values ​​\u200b\u200bwith a doctor, since trying to figure out all the intricacies of this measurement on your own is quite difficult. One thing is clearly visible - it increases by 1 mm per day, and starting from the 13th week - by 2-2.5 mm. This means that the child begins to actively grow, since all its systems and organs are fully formed.

Deciphering KTR indicators by week

For a period of 6 weeks, the KTR of the fetus has a value of 7 to 9 mm. Already at week 7, the KTR of the fetus increases to 10-15 mm. At 10 weeks, the KTR of the fetus is 31-39 mm. And at 12-13 weeks this figure increases to 60-80 mm.

The CTE of the fetus at 14 weeks is about 86-90 mm. And already at 16-17 weeks, the KTR of the fetus ceases to be measured. This indicator is being replaced by other, more important characteristics at this stage.

Why exactly from the crown of the head to the coccyx?

The entire first trimester of the child is measured from the crown to the coccyx. It is quite difficult to measure it differently due to its position inside the uterus. He is very "crooked", so to speak. And the legs are still very small. A little later, he will straighten up somewhat and it will be possible to measure it from the crown of the head to the heels.

But even after the legs of the oven have grown to their full length, it will be difficult to measure the child in full growth, because the legs remain bent. You can find out the full length of the fetus only by adding the values ​​\u200b\u200bof separately taken measurements from the crown to the coccyx, thigh and lower leg.

But usually doctors do not do this, defining everything separately and basing their conclusions on the development of the baby on this. Adding up results is the lot of mothers who want to show off their baby's full growth.