Formation of graphomotor skills in preschool children. Chapter III

KGBS(K)OU "Ozerskaya S(K)O boarding schoolIIkind"

“Development of graphomotor skills in hearing-impaired preschoolers at the initial stage of education”

Compiled by:

Makarova Irina Viktorovna,


S. Ozerki 2015

Compiled by: Makarova Irina Viktorovna, teacher

This collection presents the work experience of preschool teacher I.V. Makarova. on the use of methods and techniques for the formation of graphomotor skills of hearing-impaired children of primary, middle and senior preschool age.


"A child's speech is at the tip of his fingers"

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Preschool childhood is a unique age period with a unique logic and specific development; it is a special cultural world with its own values, language, way of thinking, feelings, and actions.

Graphomotor skills are the final effector link in the chain of operations that make up writing. Thus, they can influence not only calligraphy, but also the entire writing process as a whole. Throughout a significant part of preschool childhood, the regulation of visual movements is carried out primarily on the basis of the motor analyzer. Insufficient development of fine motor skills, poor coordination of movements, lack of self-control, and spatial-temporal orientation in children with hearing impairment can cause motor and optical dysgraphia. Therefore, in preschool age it is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing and to create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience.

The development of a child’s fine motor skills—fine movements of the hands and fingers—is of great importance in psychology and is regarded as one of the indicators of a child’s mental development.

Development movements hands and fingerswithout items Since ancient times, children of early and primary preschool age have been given great importance in folk pedagogy, because the development of fine motor skills was included in a variety of labor processes, and children from an early age were prepared to perform them. For this purpose, children were offered various finger games with nursery rhymes as preparatory exercises. An interesting play form, rhythmic organization of the poetic text and movements associated with it, involved the child in performing the action shown by the adult.

The methodological work of the teachers of the preschool department of our school, including mine, is aimed at implementing a development program, including the introduction of new technologies for correctional education and upbringing in a health-preserving environment. This explains the relevance of this collection, the purpose of which is to describe the most effective exercises that influence the formation of graphics letters.

Features of the formation of graphomotor skills

hearing impaired preschoolers.

In a hearing-impaired child, the features of the formation of graphomotor skills largely depend on the degree and form of the disorder, regardless of the actual age of the child. In this case, correctional work and methods of influence are determined depending on the initial data individually for each child.

The goal of developing fine muscles of the fingers is the formation of visual-graphic skills, the formation of a real display of objects and the ability to depict figures proportionally, take into account the size and size of angles. According to ideas about the psychological structure of graphic activity, this skill is formed in close dependence on the following factors:
- visual perception;

Arbitrary graphic activity;

Hand-eye coordination.

The development of graphomotor skills of a hearing-impaired child occurs over two periods: gross and fine coordination of movements and the development of automatic writing skills, as it requires a rather complex coordination of sensorimotor processes, optimal concentration and distribution of attention. Correction of fine coordination of movements is carried out in two directions - the development of graphomotor skills and the mastery of graphic symbolization. And in this case, the correction process also continues in other types of activities with children. Corrective work to develop coordination of movements begins with large movements of the arms from the shoulder: drawing the contours of imaginary objects in the air, working with crayons, drawing on wet and dry sand and similar exercises. Gradually, the movements become smaller (from the elbow, directly to the hands, fingers) - playing with flags, shadow theater; tracing stencils, drawn contours, various shading, finishing drawings and much more; “writing” letters using stencils, as well as printing them with and without the support of stops (“in the corridor” and without the “corridor”).

“Finger” games and exercises not only improve dexterity and precision of movements, but also improve attention and memory, help learn patience, and develop perseverance. It is impossible to truly coordinate the movements of your hands without focusing visually. It is necessary to teach the hands of a hearing-impaired preschooler “obedience”, since the time has come for active exploration of the surrounding world, which consists of different objects. Each one must be able to not only be picked up, but taken comfortably. Then it can be manipulated. Thus, the development of graphomotor skills is also a way to train and correct higher mental functions such as memory, thinking, perception and speech in a child with intellectual disabilities.

Those who work with hearing-impaired preschoolers know the difficulties these children experience when they have to perform actions that require precision, precision and synchronization of movements: taking something, inserting something, tying it, folding it, sculpting it, cutting it out, gluing it, drawing it, etc. etc. Poorly developed motor functions of the hands and the lack of formalized technique of movements, coordinated actions of the eye and hand cause enormous difficulties for the child, which sometimes force him to retreat before any task related to the performance of the above-mentioned actions.

During games, exercises and training, children begin to involuntarily direct their attention to the muscles involved in the movements. They distinguish and compare muscle sensations, determine their nature: “tension - relaxation”, “heaviness - lightness”; the nature of the movements: “strength - weakness”, pace and rhythm. The development of large movements, physical exercises also shape perception, attention, thinking, spatial and temporal concepts.

At the first stage of learning, the student writes large, and this is due not only to the roughness of his spatial coordination. The reason is that the larger the writing, the smaller the distinctive difference between the movements of the pen tip and the movements of the hand itself, i.e. the simpler and more accessible the re-encryption, and this is confirmed by cyclographic observations. Only as this recoding is mastered, the child learns to transfer first visual and then proprioceptive corrections to the tip of the pen, acquiring the ability to automatically provide the tip of the pen with any required trajectory. Thanks to this, the size of the letters written out gradually decreases. Simultaneously with this process, the development of writing with a ruler takes place.

Improving the ability to control one’s movements, both small and large, and to perform them in a variety of ways, that is, differentiated, accurately, smoothly, beautifully, or quickly, dexterously and technically correctly, continues in older preschool and primary school age.



younger age

Finger games


Our Masha was cooking porridge.

I cooked porridge and fed the kids.

(circular movements with the index finger on the baby’s palm)

Gave to this, gave to this. Gave to this, gave to this.

But she didn’t give it to this one.

(shake your little finger lightly)

He played a lot of pranks

He broke his plate.


We chop and chop the cabbage,

(tap the edges of your palms on the table or knees)

We salt and salt the cabbage,

(stroke the fingertips one by one, as if adding salt)

We are three or three cabbage,

(rub fist on fist)

We squeeze and squeeze cabbage.

(clench and unclench your fists)


One two three four,

(Alternate clapping your hands and hitting your fists against each other.)

We washed the dishes:

(One palm slides over the other in a circle.)

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle.

(Fold your fingers, starting with the big toe)

We washed the dishes

(One palm slides over the other)

We just broke the cup,

The ladle also fell apart,

The teapot's nose is broken.

We broke the spoon a little.

(Extend your fingers one at a time, starting with the big toe)

This is how we helped mom.

(Clap your hands)


One two three four five,

(bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

We came to the yard for a walk.

(we go with the middle and index fingers, the rest are tucked in)

They sculpted a snow woman,

(circular movements with palms, as if making a ball)

The birds were fed crumbs,

(stroke the fingertips one by one, as if crumbling)

Then we rode down the hill,

(run the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand)

And they were also lying in the snow.

(turn palms up and down)

Everyone came home covered in snow.

(shake your hands down)

We ate soup and went to bed.

(movements with an imaginary spoon, hands under cheeks)


(One hand depicts a Christmas tree: resting on the elbow, fingers spread.

The second hand is a beehive: the fingers are closed in a ring. The hive is pressed against the tree.)

A small house on a Christmas tree,

A house for bees, where are the bees?(We look into the hive.)

We need to knock on the house,(Knock your fists together.)

One two three four five.

I'm knocking, knocking on the tree,

Where, where are these bees?

(We knock our fists against each other, alternating hands.)

The bees began to fly out:

One two three four five!

(We spread our hands, spread our fingers and move them, the bees fly.)


The brothers sat in the hut.

(The hand stands on the elbow, the palm is straightened, the fingers are closed.)

The little one wanted to go for a walk

(Move your little finger to the side in the plane of your palm and hold for 2-3 seconds.)

It's boring for him to walk alone.

(The little finger sways slightly, then returns to its original position.)

He invites his brother to go for a walk together.

(Move your little finger and ring finger to the side, pressed against each other; hold for 2-3 seconds.)

Yes, it’s boring for them to walk together.

(The little finger and ring finger sway slightly, then return to their original position.)

They invite the three of us to go for a walk.

(Move three fingers pressed to each other to the side: little finger, ring finger and middle finger. Hold for 2-3 seconds.)

It’s sad for the elders to sit in the hut.

(The thumb and index fingers are joined at the tips four times.)

They call their brothers home to them.

(All fingers join together in a pinch, the hand relaxes.)

Repeat the movements with the other hand, and then perform with both hands simultaneously.


The bunny jumps with a sideways view(Extend the index and middle fingers of the right hand, connect the rest)

Under a tall pine tree.(Raise the palm of the left hand vertically upward, fingers spread wide)

Under another pine tree.(Rise the palm of your right hand vertically upward, fingers spread wide)

Another bunny is jumping. (Extend the index and middle fingers of the left hand, connect the rest.)


There is a lock on the door.

(Fingers in the lock)

Who could open it?

(Tilt the lock left and right)

We turned the lock

(circular movements with hands folded into a lock)

We twisted the lock

(Fingers are closed, palms rub against each other.)

We knocked the lock

(Fingers are closed, palms are knocking against each other.)

They knocked and opened it!

(Show palms.)


We shared an orange

There are many of us - but he is one!

(Left hand in a fist, right hand clasping it)

This slice is for the hedgehog

(With our right hand we open the fingers of our left hand one by one, starting with the little finger)

This slice is for siskin

This slice is for kittens

This slice is for ducklings

This slice is for the beaver

And for the wolf - peel!

(Shake both brushes)


Two centipedes were running along the path.

(The middle and index fingers of both hands go towards each other)

Met(Palms look at each other)

Hugged, (shake one hand with the other several times)

We parted forcibly(Unclench your palms)

And - said goodbye! (Both hands wave to each other)

Cheerful mouse.

Merry mouse

I found a glove(Fingers to the sides, twist your palm)

Having built a nest in it,(Fold your hands like a ladle)

Called the mice.(Break by bending and straightening your fingers)

Give them a crust of bread

Gave me a bite, (Using the tip of the thumb, we tap one by one on the tips of the other fingers.)

Petted everyone(One hand strokes the other and vice versa)

and sent me to bed.(Put folded palms under the cheek)


Our cat has ten kittens,

(We fold our palms and press our fingers together.)

Now all the kittens are in pairs:

(We swing our hands from side to side without separating them.)

Two fat, two nimble,

(Tap our thumbs and then our index fingers against each other)

Two long, two tricky,

(Tap our middle and then ring fingers against each other)

Two little ones are the most beautiful.

(Tap our little fingers together)


Ten gray hares were dozing under a bush,

(Hands lie freely on the table)

And two suddenly said: “There’s a man with a gun.”

(Thumbs up on both hands)

Two shouted: “Let's run away!”

(Raise the index fingers of both hands up)

The two whispered, “Let’s be silent!”

(Raise up the middle fingers of both hands)

Two suggested: “We’ll hide in the bushes!”

(Raise the ring fingers of both hands up)

And two suddenly asked: “Can he do “Bach”?”

(Raise the little fingers of both hands up)

Bang” - the hunter shot, (Clap your hands)

Pulling the trigger of a gun,

And ten gray hares

They took off running.

(We run all our fingers across the table.)

Friendly fingers.

These fingers pinch

(Pinch the palm of the other hand with your thumb and index finger)

These fingers are walking

(The index and middle “go” along the other hand.)

These people love to chat

(Middle and nameless rub against each other)

These are for a quiet nap,

(Press the ring and little fingers to the palm.)

And the big one with the little finger-brother

They can wash themselves clean.

(Twist your thumb around your little finger.)


I walked alone along the path,

(show one finger)

My two legs walked with me,

(show two fingers)

Suddenly three mice meet,

(show three fingers)

Oh, we saw a kitten!

(shaking head)

He has four legs

(show four fingers)

There are sharp scratches on the paws,

(scratch your nails on the table or on your knees)

One two three four five,

(for each count we show the corresponding number of fingers)

We need to run away quickly!

(run away with index and middle fingers)

Task: Help the snake climb the stairs, complete the stairs.

Assignment: Painters came to paint the roofs, but the stairs were broken, draw stairs for them.

Assignment: It started to rain in the city, draw raindrops

Task: Draw needles for the hedgehog

Assignment: Draw windows in the houses.

Task: Draw waves on the sea.

Task: Draw birds in the sky.

Task: Draw a smile on emoticons

Task: Sad emoticons

Assignment: Draw patterns on the plate.


for middle age

Assignment: Draw apples on an apple tree.

Assignment: There is cherry and plum jam in a jar, draw berries in the jam.

Assignment: Draw balls for the juggler dog.

Assignment: Draw wheels for the locomotive and carriages

Assignment: Draw colorful balls in the basket.

Assignment: Draw windows and doors in the house.

Assignment: Draw cubes for the kids so they can build a tall tower.

Assignment: Draw gifts under the Christmas tree.

Task: Draw candles on the cake.

Assignment: Builders are building a house, draw them a lot of bricks.

Task: Draw flags on the garland

Assignment: Draw sails on the boats.

Task: Draw a roof for the houses.

Task: Draw Christmas trees

Task: Draw tails for the fish.

Task: Draw strings for the balls.

Assignment: Draw paths for cars.

Task: Help Santa Claus hang a garland on the Christmas tree.

Assignment: Draw a thread.

Task: Draw worms.


for older people

Assignment: Complete the drawing yourself.


1. Ermakova, S. O. Finger games for children from one to three years old / S. O. Ermakova. – M.: RIPOL classic, 20 p. : ill. - (SUPER educational games for children).

2. Maltseva, I. V. Finger games: from birth to 3 years: [massage, tactile, gymnastics, object, creativity] / I. V. Maltseva. – St. Petersburg. : ABC-Classics, 20 p. : ill. - (Early development).

3. Finger games: [develop thinking, speech, fine motor skills: for joint. leisure activities of children and parents / author-comp. E. Sharikova; artist T. Chizhkova]. – M.: Dragonfly, 20 p. : color ill.

4. Teplyakova, O. N. Practical encyclopedia - M.: ROSMEN, 20 p. : color ill.

5. Tryasorukova, T. P. Together with my mother we play with our fingers / T. P. 7. Tryasorukova. – Rostov on/D: Phoenix, 20s. : ill. - (Series "School of Development").

6. Tsvintarny, V.V. Playing with fingers and developing speech / V.V. Tsvintarny. - St. Petersburg. : Lan, 19с. : ill.

7. Turkina, V. I. Development of fine motor skills for preparing children for school / V. I. Turkina // Teacher of a preschool educational institution

8. Voronina, L.P. What is the influence of fingers on the development of speech? / L. P. Voronina

9. Website "Planet of Childhood" Link:www. razvitierebenka. net

10 . Website

Summary of a lesson on the development of graphomotor skills

Theme "Fun Pencil".

(senior group)

Program content.

Educational objectives:

1. Improve motor skills and skills in manipulating various objects.

2. Improve the ability to hold a pencil correctly and control it.

Developmental tasks:

1. Expand your vocabulary.

2. Develop thinking, memory, visual and auditory perception,

fine motor skills of the fingers.

Educational tasks:

1. Develop skills of cooperation, initiative, a sense of responsibility, and a caring attitude towards animals.

Methods and techniques:

surprise moment

telling riddles,

finger game,

finger massage,

exercises with pencil, beans,

massage ball game,

telling a fairy tale story,




colored hexagonal sharpened and unsharpened pencils, simple pencils,

Kuznetsov applicator,

demonstration sheets withgraphic task "Drawing paths",

massage balls,

toys (cat and dog),

geometric shapes forvisual dictation "Let's build a house for friends,

audio recording "Frisky horses are galloping."

Preliminary work:

games to develop spatial relationships,

games “Labyrinth”, “Confusion”, with geometric shapes “Make the same picture”.

exercises with a pencil, massage balls,

games in a dry pool with cereals,

massages with Kuznetsov applicators,

drawing “Connect the dots”, “Tracks”, shading.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Children, guests will come to our lesson today.

And who, guess for yourself after listening to my riddles.

I can wash myself clean

Not with water, but with a tongue.

Meow! How often do I dream

Saucer with warm milk. (Cat.)

He is friends with the owner,

The house is guarded

Lives under the porch

And the tail is a ring. (Dog.)

The cat Murka and the dog Sharik came to visit us. They brought us magic pencils and want to see how you will play with your fingers, pencils, balls and other objects.

2. Practical part

Finger gymnastics

Let our fingers greet each other first.

Alternately press your thumb against all the others.

(Exercise “Fingers say hello.”)

Finger massage.

(Play the audio recording “Frisky horses are galloping.”)

I don't understand what this noise is? Where are these sounds coming from?

Of course, these are horses galloping.

Take the applicators. Let's remember the exercise "Horses" (performed on a Kuznetsov applicator).

Along the white, smooth road

Fingers gallop like horses.

Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok-chok,

A frisky herd gallops.

Self-massage. Exercises with a pencil

Now we'll play with our pencil friend.

Children, listen to the riddle:

If you hone it.

Draw whatever you want:

Sea, mountains, sun, beach.

What is this? (pencil)

1.Take an unsharpened pencil,

hold it between your palms and rub. (Children roll the pencil between their two palms.)

Listen to how he makes noise.

“Let’s make noise” at the right ear, at the left. Well done!

2. Place your elbows on the table.

Take the pencil by the ends with three fingers of your right hand and three fingers of your left hand, twist it back and forth.

Put down the pencil, lower your hands, shake them.

3. Game "Quiet - loud."

Exercises with the ball.

1. Please take the ball.

Place your right hand on the ball and wrap your fingers around it.

Place your left hand on the ball and wrap your fingers around it.

Squeeze your fingers, unclench (repeat several times).

Place both hands on the ball and grasp it.

Squeeze your fingers, unclench (repeat several times).

2. Take the ball with both hands and roll it between your palms.

Place the balls on the table.

Exercise "Fingers".

Everyone turn your open palms towards me, bend four fingers on each hand to the beginning of the palm. The fingers are pressed tightly together, the thumb is bent and pointed to the side. Well done, you’ve bent everything, now straighten four fingers. The palm is open, all fingers are open. Bend four fingers, straighten. Show me your open palms. Bend and straighten your thumb. (Repeat several times.)

Fairytale story.

I'll tell you how one day a mother hen called the chickens to peck some grains. The chickens pecked them quietly, they are small, but the mother hen pecked them loudly, she is big. Children, let's show how they did it. Take the unsharpened pencil in the fingers of your right hand and place it on the table.

(Children hold a pencil between three fingers, as if writing.)

Let's knock them on the table quietly, like chickens.

Then loudly, like a mother hen.

The chickens pecked the grains and went for a walk together with the chicken.

They saw worms in the thick green grass.

The mother hen showed the chickens how to peck them.

And then the chickens pecked.

This is a wonderful story I told you.

Let our pencil friend rest. We'll play without him.

Exercise with beans.

Now with your right hand, transfer the beans from one jar to another, and with your left hand back.

Let's take a little rest.

3. Physical exercise.

We start running on the spot.

Stop running, let's come running,

We stretched and breathed.

So we threw up our hands,

As if they were surprised.

And to each other to the ground

They bowed low.

Now guys, stand up

Raise your hands slowly

Squeeze your fingers, then unclench them,

Hands down and stand like that.

Working with the demo sheet.

Children, we have prepared a treat for the guests. Look carefully at the picture and tell me what we will treat Sharik with? (bone)

What should we treat Murka? (milk)

“Drawing paths” (graphical task. Children connect the dots).

Now we will draw with a simple pencil paths from the points along which our friends will get to the treat.

You need to draw from left to right, lifting the pencil off the paper to create dots. (The explanation is accompanied by a demonstration.)

Visual dictation "Let's build a house for friends"

Children make a house based on a pattern of geometric shapes.

4. Summary of the lesson.

What did you do in class?

What did you like to do?

Murka and Sharik thank you for taking care of them. And we will thank Murka and Sharik for the funny pencils and say to them: “Goodbye.”

Lesson notes for the senior group

"Development of imaginative thinking and graphic skills in children."

Topic: “Three big friends dot, line and stroke”

Target: Familiarizing children with visual graphic means (dot, line, stroke).

Program content:


1. Improve children’s knowledge about a point, line, stroke.

2. Continue teaching children to create artistic images using graphic elements.

3. Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.


1. Improve the grammatical structure of speech, practice the formation of adjectives

2. Develop coherent speech.

3. Develop imaginative thinking, voluntary attention, fine motor skills of the fingers.


1.Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, initiative, cooperation.

2. Foster a caring attitude towards animals.


Pictures of dogs, sun, flowers, clouds, puddles,

album sheet,

Stencil with triangles,

Markers, pencils.

Methods and techniques:

Problematic situation

reading a poem,

telling riddles,

telling a fairy tale story,

looking at pictures,



Preliminary work:

Slide viewing – a program with photographs of different breeds of dogs (shaggy and smooth-haired),

drawing using stencils,

games to develop spatial relationships in relation to oneself. to another child, “Who is standing where,” etc.,

games "Labyrinth", "Confusion".

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational part.

Teacher: Guys, our friend Karandashkin is visiting us today. He loves to travel. Want to go on a trip with him? To avoid getting lost, we need to draw a map.

We will travel through three districts of one city. The triangle will help us divide the city into districts.

Take the stencil and put it down on album sheet. Circle the triangles.

How many triangles did you get? (we got 3 triangles)

2. Practical part

Want to know who will live in the city? Listen carefully to the poem.

"Three big friends dot, line and stroke"

My dear children, A stroke is a piece from a line,

There are many miracles in the world. A dot is a small circle,

People draw them boldly: Well, the line is big

This is an apple on a platter, both straight and crooked.

A frying pan, a table, a carriage, Can weave a net,

Wood, tape recorder. After all, she is always on the go.

Just who created them, in secret to the whole world

Or rather, did you draw it? I want to give you advice.

Three big friends - You can make friends with us,

Point, line and stroke! Learning to draw!

Just remember, friends,

Draw carefully -

It is necessary!

What are the names of Karandashkin's friends?

(dot, line, stroke - pictures are displayed on the board)

Guys, tell me, the sides of the central triangle were made with the help of which friend? (lines).

If there are lines living in this area, what can it be called?

(linear area).

Listen carefully to where we place the point. We will place the point in the triangle on the left. What can you call such an area? (spot area).

And we’ll place the stroke in the triangle on the right. What should we call this area? (dashed area).

Guys, our map is already ready. We can go on trips around the areas with our buddies.

3. Physical education minute

Let's jump and gallop!
One two three four five!
Let's jump and gallop! (Jumping in place.)
Right side bent. (Tilts the body left and right.)
One two Three.
Left side bent.
One two Three.
Now let’s raise our hands (Hands up.)
And we will reach the cloud.
Let's sit on the path, (Sit down on the floor.)
Let's stretch our legs.
Bend your right leg (Bend your legs at the knee.)
One two Three!
Let's bend the left leg,
One two Three.
Legs raised high (Legs raised up.)
And they held it for a while.
They shook their heads (Head movements.)
And everyone stood up together. (Stand up.)

4. Fairy tale:

One early morning, when the sun came out from behind the scattered rain clouds, a curly dog, Manya, came out. She looked at the sun (picture), atclouds (picture), on puddles (picture). She liked the puddles the most. They were large and small, round and elongated. The dog looked at its reflection in the puddle and flirted with it, barking and touching the water with its paws.

Let's draw Manya in a triangle in the middle.

Manya especially loved to smell flowers; there were a lot of them growing in this area. The flowers were very different (picture).

Manya ran and ran and ran far away from the house, to another area. The sun was shining there too, but it was not the same as in the Linear District (pictures) and there were clouds, puddles, and flowers. But the most curious thing is that Manya met there a dog similar to her, only he was shaggy, his name was Lokhmach.

Let's draw it in the triangle on the right

The dogs ran, played and didn’t notice how they ended up in an unfamiliar place. The sun, clouds, puddles and flowers were made of dots (pictures), which surprised the dogs very much. They were especially amused by the sight of the dog, which introduced itself as Button. It was all made of dots, and really resembled a large number of buttons.

We will draw the button in the triangle on the left

The three dogs became very friendly and did not notice while playing that evening had come. The dogs shook each other's paws, wagged their tails and ran back to their homes. The button remained in the dotted area, Lokhmach ran to the dashed area, and Manya ran to the linear area.

Look at my city, which I made for a fairy tale. What did you notice? How are our cities similar?

Guys who want to make their city as bright and interesting can use a dot, line and stroke to complete the missing elements. We will place the finished works at the exhibition, and everyone will be able to talk about their dog. (Children draw clouds, puddles, flowers, shade them).

5. Final part

What we talked about in class. Who lived in the city? Where did the dogs live? Why were the areas called that? Which dog do you want to talk about?

Task 1. “Fly”

Task 2. “Trace the picture with dots”

Task 3. “Fairytale house”

Task 4. “Butterfly”

Task 5. “Bear

Task 6. “Molars”

Task 7.

Task 8. “Obedient pencil”

Task 9. “Labyrinth”

Task 10. Draw a reflection of the house and Christmas tree

Task 11. Complete the butterfly

Tests to determine the development of graphomotor skills of left-handed preschoolers according to the criteria proposed

N.V. Nizhegorodtseva and M. Frosig’s revised test method by M.M. Bezrukikh.

Exercise 1.

Instructions: “Take the pencil with your thumb, index and middle fingers and twirl it, but first watch how I do it.”

Evaluation of results:

It turns out that the pencil does not fall (2 points);

It works, but very slowly with difficulty (1 point);

It doesn’t work - the pencil falls (0 points) (see Appendix 4).

Task 2.

The child is given a sheet of paper with a pre-drawn circle in diameter

Instructions: “Take a pencil in your hand and place your hand on your elbow,

get ready and on the count of “three” (“one-two-three”), without lifting your elbow from the table, place three dots in the center of the circle.”

Evaluation of results:

Movements are performed clearly, accurately (2);

Movements are performed unclearly, with errors (1);

Movements are practically not performed according to instructions (0).

Task 3.

The child is given a piece of unlined paper with dots and crosses drawn at different distances from each other.

Instructions: “Try to draw straight lines (from the point to the cross) without lifting your hand.”

Evaluation of results:

The lines are straight, even, not broken, without corrections (2);

The lines are not very smooth, with breaks, but without deviations from a straight line, there is tremor (1);

Movements are very slow, lines are uneven, broken, strong tremors (0).

Task 4.

The child is given a sheet of paper on which a labyrinth is drawn.

Instructions: “Navigate the path through the maze from point to point without touching the lines or lifting your hand.”

Evaluation of results:

The line is smooth, without breaks, a small number of contacts with the boundary lines (2);

The line is uneven, with breaks, a large number of touches, tremor (shaking) (1);

Very slow movement, uneven line, broken, strong tremor (0).

Task 5.

The child is given a sheet of paper on which figures and the beginning of shading are drawn, and the child needs to continue shading.

Instructions: “Shade the shapes.” Evaluation of results:

The strokes are even, parallel, and do not go beyond the boundaries of the figure (2);

The strokes are uneven, parallelism is broken, slight violations of the boundary lines (1);

The strokes are uneven, the lines are broken, there is no parallelism, the lines extend beyond the boundaries of the figure by more than 5 mm (0).

The results obtained are summarized:

8-10 points - graphomotor skills are formed (high level);

6 - 7 points - insufficiently formed (average level); 0 - 4 points - low level of skills.

Summary of a lesson with left-handed preschoolers on the topic: “Spatial orientation, development of small movements. Correlation of body parts with the right and left hand."

Target: develop skills in spatial orientation and fine movements.

- teach spatial orientation skills;

Strengthen the ability to identify the right and left hand, correlate body parts with the right and left hand;

Learn to trace dotted lines;

Activate and enrich children's vocabulary;

Improve your ability to listen to spoken word;

Develop attention and fine motor skills;

Coordinate your actions and movements with the actions and movements of other children.

Vocabulary work: right, left, names of fish: pike, bream, crucian carp, pike perch, ruff, catfish.

Equipment: laptop, subject Pictures: tent, fishing rod, nets, pencils, school bag, bucket, crucian carp, pike, bream, pike perch, catfish, ruff, Methodical techniques:

3. Techniques for organizing practical activities: drawing along contours. 4.Techniques of assessment and self-esteem: praise.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time.

Hello children! I'm glad to meet you. Tell me, why did we meet today? (Children's answers). And today we will do exercises that will help us make friends and improve our mood.


Everyone stand in a wide circle! On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend

Extend your hand to your friend and hug him tight!

Now listen to the poem and repeat the movements after me.

“You and I are one family. You, me, he, she.

You pet the neighbor on the right, You pet the neighbor on the left, We are friends,

You and I are one family. Smile at the neighbor on the left, Smile at the neighbor on the right, We are friends,

You and I are one family, I, you, he, she.

Hug the neighbor on the left, Hug the neighbor on the right, We are friends,

You and I are one family."

Game "Right-Left".

What body parts does a person have? Name the body parts of which a person has two?

Instructions. Show your right eye (ear, cheek, leg) with your right hand. Show your left ear (eye, leg, cheek) with your left hand.

Wink your right eye. Stomp your left foot.

Show your right eyebrow and left elbow. Left eye and right leg. Show your right knee and left ear. Left cheek and right shoulder.

Rub your left hand over your right elbow. Scratch your left knee with your right heel. Tickle the left sole with your right index finger. Tap your right elbow on your right side. Bite yourself on the middle finger of your left hand.

Physical exercise. Dance "Boogie-woogie".

“Put your right hand over, and then back it

And again forward and rock it a little.

We dance “Boogie-Woogie”, turning in a circle, We dance “Boogie-Woogie”, one, two, three!

Boogie - woogie okay! Boogie - woogie okay!

Everyone, dance with us and have more fun! (Also with the right leg, ear, and then with the left parts of the body).

Game "Fishermen"

Guys, where do you think I'm going? (fishing) How did you guess? (you have a fishing rod and a bucket in your hands, you are wearing jeans, a T-shirt and a cap, boots on your feet)

Do you want me to take you with me? (children in unison:Yes)

Do you know what to take? (children name the items needed for fishing) Now let’s determine who can go fishing with me.

I have a friend who is a fisherman (the speech therapist puts a picture of a fisherman on the board, he also said that he knows what to take with him when going fishing and this is what came out of it:

“The fisherman began to gather outside the city. I took a fishing rod to catch fish. I took a raincoat to cover myself with. I took a samovar to boil tea.

He took the bed to sleep on the bed. He took a carpet to sunbathe on.

He took the firewood so that he wouldn’t have to look for it. I took my suitcase, why not?”

Why are you laughing?

Go to the table and take one card with a picture of the item we need for fishing.

Fine! I'm taking you all with me. Let's hit the road. (The song “Sits on the lake in the morning...”)

Think and name what kind of fish can be found in our reservoir? (children call speech therapist puts pictures on the board)

Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Take in your hands the leaves that the fisherman left for you and trace the drawing dot by dot. You need to move smoothly, without lifting your hand. What did you get? Reflection.

Guys, did you enjoy today's lesson? What did you like best?

Which task was easier and which was more difficult?

Why do you think we coped with all the tasks?

I thank you for your active participation. And now each of you will praise himself and say: “I’m great!” (Stroke yourself on the head with your left hand).

And for you there are also small prizes - goldfish.

Lesson notes for left-handed preschoolers

on the topic: “Development of graphomotor skills, spatial and figurative thinking.”

Target: formation of graphomotor skills in left-handed preschoolers, development of spatial and figurative thinking.

Teach spatial and figurative thinking skills;

Develop hand motor skills;

Develop graphomotor skills;

Strengthen the ability to guess riddles based on visually perceived information.

Develop creative imagination;

Activate children's speech and cognitive interest;

Cultivate attention, memory, logical thinking.

Equipment: laptop, puzzles, pictures of a house, tent, yurt, hut, drawing of a house with a Christmas tree, drawing of a butterfly, colored pencils.

Vocabulary work: left, right, hut, tent, yurt. Methodical techniques:

1. Techniques for setting goals and motivating children’s activities.

2. Techniques for activating children’s activities in the process of educational activities: problematic situations.

3.Techniques for organizing practical activities: composing puzzles. 4. Techniques to maintain children’s interest: riddles, tracing the contours of objects.

5. Methods of assessment and self-esteem: praise.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time.

Good afternoon Children:

First, let's stand in a circle,

So much joy around! We will all hold hands and smile at each other.

We are ready to play, the meeting can begin!

Guys, I wish you a friendly and fun day, see a lot of interesting things and enjoy the sun, good weather and the beauty that surrounds us.

I want to ask you to sit down at the tables.

Raise your right hand and now your left hand.

Touch your right knee with your left hand, touch your right ear with your right hand. Left hand to left eye.

Exercise making a figure from puzzles.

- Now take the puzzle boxes and assemble the picture.

What did you get? (House). My relatives live there,

I can't live a day without her.

I strive for it always and everywhere, I will not forget the road to it.

I can hardly breathe without him, My home, dear, is warm. (house).

What can a house be built from? (Children answer from concrete, brick, wood).

Guys, there are places where trees do not grow, it is very cold there, summer is short and moss grows there, which deer love. That's why the people who live there breed deer. They also have a house - chum. And it was built from deer skins.

A yurt is also a house made from sheep wool.

Guys, what is a must-have at home? (Roof, window, door).

Exercise drawing the reflection of a Christmas tree and a house.

Pick up a drawing of a house and a Christmas tree, see that the house has a window and a roof. Now draw the same house yourself, as if it were reflected in the water.

Children draw in the cells. The speech therapist helps.

Physical exercise.

On the mountain we see a house (with our palms together we imitate the roof of the house) There is a lot of greenery all around (we spread our arms to the sides, showing how much greenery there is)

Here are the trees, here are the bushes (clasped fingers are trees, spread fingers are bushes) Here are fragrant flowers (we fold our palms in the shape of a bowl)

There is a fence surrounding everything (we draw a zigzag line in the air with our finger) Behind the fence is a clean yard (we stroke the air with our hands)

We open the gate (put our palms together by our sides and move them apart) We quickly run up to the house (we show running with two fingers) We knock on the door: (we knock on the air or on the table with our fist)


Is someone coming to our door? (we listen with our palm to our ear) We came to visit a friend (we shake hands)

And they brought gifts (we stretch our arms forward, as if we were passing something on)

Exercise “Complete the butterfly.”

The sun has warmed up. Guess who flew to our house. On a large colored carpet

The squadron sat down -

It will open and then close its painted wings.

She is bright, beautiful, graceful, light-winged, she herself looks like a flower.

And loves to drink flower juice.

Who is this? (Butterfly). You need to complete the drawing. Do not lift your hand, make smooth movements, try to make straight lines.

Continue, what a butterfly: motley, airy..... Butterfly: curling, spinning...


What new did you learn in class?

What did you like most and what caused difficulties?

I thank you for your active participation, and the butterfly brought you gifts for your work - small colorful butterflies.

One of the psychological basis factors for the development of higher mental functions in children is the development of gross (or general) and fine (or manual) motor skills. Motor skills are a set of motor reactions characteristic of childhood.

By mastering movements, children improve motor skills, they develop muscle sense, spatial orientation and coordination, improve posture, and increase vitality. In the process of motor activity, conditioned reflex connections are quickly established in the child’s cerebral cortex, which means that his all-round development occurs more intensively.

Many years of practice have shown that for the development of fine motor skills it is very useful to shade, paint, and draw with pencils.

Hatching helps the child coordinate movements, respecting the boundaries of the contour, and distribute the drawing over the entire silhouette of the depicted object. Hatching can be done with a solid, dotted or wavy line. But perhaps the most exciting activity is shading several objects in one drawing.

The main means of expression in the classroom is line. It is applied to paper with various tools: ballpoint or gel pen, colored or simple pencil of different hardness, felt-tip pen, special charcoal rod, wax chalk, pastel, hard materials, squirrel or kolinsky brush when working with gouache, watercolor or ink.

Working with various materials allows you not only to evaluate the specifics of their expressive capabilities, but also to correct the work with the muscle tone of the hand, which is important for writing when you need to endure long-term static loads on the hand while maintaining clarity of movements. Playing with cold and hot water, an ice cube, a walnut, or a small massage ball also helps normalize the tone of small muscles.

The following exercises are useful for the formation of finely coordinated graphic movements:
- hatching in different directions with different pressure forces and amplitude of hand movement;
- painting the sheet in different directions with and without limiting the surface to be painted;
- tracing the drawing along the contour, copying;
- drawing by reference points;
- finishing drawing of images;
- drawing on cells and on other limited surfaces;
- ruling;
- graphic dictation.

To conduct games and exercises to develop motor skills, you should have special equipment:
- a variety of small objects (buttons, beads, pebbles, grains, nuts, paper clips, buttons, etc.) and various boxes, jars, trays for laying them out;
- free spools for winding threads, ropes, wires on them;
- boards and lacing toys “Miracle Button” with many holes for stitching and embroidery with cord;
- various types of fasteners: hooks, buttons, laces, zippers, slips;
- sets of ropes and ribbons of different lengths and thicknesses for tying and untying knots, braiding braids, tying bows;
- sets of plastic or wooden sticks, multi-colored clothespins;
- various types of mosaics, construction sets, puzzles.

Games and exercises for developing fine motor skills

Exercises to develop static coordination of movements.

"Nest"- bend the fingers of both hands slightly and place them one next to the other, with the thumbs placed inside the palms.

"Letters"- draw with your hands the letters O, L, M, P, T, etc.

"Lock"- connect the fingers of both hands into a lock, and separate them with the words “chick-chick” (turn the key).

Exercises to develop dynamic coordination of movements.

"Fingers say hello"- on the count of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, connect the fingertips of both hands - thumb to thumb, etc.

"Running competition"- the middle and index fingers of the right, then the left, then both hands represent the legs of runners (on the table).

"Count it"- clench your hand into a fist, count your fingers, straightening them (first on your right hand, then on your left).

Exercises on the rhythmic organization of movements, switchability.

"Fist - rib - palm"- alternately perform movements with each hand, then with both hands together.

"Clenching and unclenching the hands"- alternately performing movements with both hands at the same time, then with both hands, but at different times (one hand is clenched, the other is straightened, and vice versa).

"Drummer"- one child drums on the table with all the fingers of both hands, tapping the rhythm, the other repeats.

Exercises to develop coordinated graphic movements.

"Difficult turns"- at one end of the path there is a car drawn, at the other - a house or garage. The teacher says: “You are a driver, and you need to drive your car to the house. The road you will travel is not easy. Be careful and careful." The child must, without lifting his hand, use a pencil to “drive” along the bends of simple paths, and when he gets used to it, he can be offered more complex road options.

Exercises with objects:

Drawing the contours of objects from sticks, first of larger sizes, and then of smaller ones (table, house, triangle, car);

Making a chain of 6-10 or more paper clips of different colors, observing the order of colors;

Cutting out a shape from paper with the right and left hands;

Stringing buttons and large beads on a cord, and small beads and beads on a thread and needle;

Sorting beans, beans, peas, as well as sorting cereals (millet, buckwheat, rice);

Fastening and unfastening buttons, zippers, snaps, hooks;

Screwing and unscrewing washers, bottle caps, jars;

Taking beads out of a glass with a spoon;

Folding small parts (buttons, beads) into a narrow cylinder;

Threading a needle;

Erasing drawn objects with an eraser;

Dripping from a pipette into the narrow neck of the bottle;

Putting on and removing the ring (finger massage);

Sticking pushpins into a wooden block;

Crumpling the handkerchief (take the handkerchief by the corner with one hand and place it in the palm of your hand with the fingers of only one hand);

Attaching clothespins to a horizontally stretched rope;

Handling rosaries or beads with both hands at the same time back and forth;

Finding hidden objects in a “dry pool” filled with peas and beans, in plastic buckets or basins;

Compressing and unclenching the expander;

Rolling hedgehog balls (with spikes).

Flex lacing “Miracle button”- sewing buttons and stitching materials with various types of seams.

Shaping movements(working with plasticine) - rolling sausages, rolling at an angle, rolling round shapes, pinching, pressing, smoothing.

Parents can come up with exercises themselves, showing creativity.

Good luck.