Drawing footprints in the snow 2 junior group. Fgos abstract od drawing "traces of a kitten" (younger preschool age)

Julia Ponamarenko
GCD abstract for drawing in the 2nd junior group on the topic: "Whose footprints in the forest."

Target: Introducing children in an unconventional way drawing.


Educational: Teach children draw with your finger. Learn to imitate animal footprints. Continue to learn correctly, use paint.

Educational: Activate the cognitive and speech activity of children. Develop the ability to position the image throughout the sheet. To promote the development of fine motor skills, attention.

Educational: To cultivate love and respect for nature, to cultivate interest in artistic creativity.

Preliminary work with children:

A conversation about the life of wild animals, looking at pictures, reading poems, fairy tales and riddles about animals, active and sedentary games, physical minutes about animals.

Activity progress:

caregiver: Kids, you all know what's in forest many different animals live. Which of them do you know?

(children's answers)

caregiver: Guys, you already know that now we have autumn with you, and in autumn all wild animals in the forest is preparing for winter, and many of them are already sleeping, for example, a hedgehog. Do you want to know which of the animals is still running around? forest, then I suggest you go to the forest for an excursion to the forest. Do you agree?

Children: Yes, we agree.

caregiver: IN forest you need to be very quiet so as not to scare the animals. Come quietly.

(Children go to the forest).

caregiver: Here you and I walked, walked and came to the forest. Look here, someone's big footprints, let's see whose are they so big footprints.

(Consider footprints, the educator specifies that footprints bears are very large).

Children: Bear.

(Consider footprints, the teacher clarifies that the wolf footprints less than a bear)

Children: Wolf.

(Find fox footprints) .

caregiver: Guys, what do you think, whose is this footprints smaller than those of a wolf?

Children: Foxes.

(Consider fox footprints, the educator specifies that footprints foxes are even smaller than wolves).

caregiver: Well guys, let's go further look for traces. (Find the smallest footprints) .

caregiver: Guys, and these the smallest footprints. Whose do you think footprints can be so small

Children: Hare.

(Consider hare footprints, the educator specifies that footprints hares are the smallest).

caregiver: Guys, it's time for us to return to group.

(return from the forest to group) .

caregiver: Here we are back in group, visited forest, considered animal footprints. And now I want to offer you too draw footprints animals on leaves. But first, I'll show you how to do it right.

(Showing the educator and a reminder that the animals footprints vary in size).

Children sit at tables.

Finger gymnastics:

This is a hare, this is a squirrel, This is a fox, this is a wolf cub, And this is in a hurry, hobbles awake Brown, furry, Funny bear cub.

Children's activities.

Summary of activities:

caregiver: What animals ran through our leaves? Which rabbit footprints, fox, wolf, bear? Today you are great fellows coped with all the tasks.

Synopsis of the GCD with children of the 1st junior group "Footprints for the Bunny"

Author: Natalya Sergeevna Bushmanova, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 "Teremok" city of Nikolsk, Vologda region.
continue to introduce children to drawing with paints by sticking fingers to a sheet of paper
- improve the ability to examine objects: learn to examine, feel, stroke;
- to consolidate the idea of ​​​​parts of the animal's body (head, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, stomach, back, tail, paws);
- enrich passive vocabulary;
- activate the speech of children, encouraging them to repeat the words after the teacher;
- develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to communicate with adults and peers.
Equipment: a toy bunny, sheets of paper with painted silhouettes of Christmas trees, wet wipes for each child, paint, a box in the form of carrots with sweets, an easel.

Educator: I'm going to kindergarten today and I see: a bunny is sitting under a snow-covered bush and crying. I felt sorry for him, I took him with me and brought him here, to my children. He told me that he played with his friends bunnies in the forest and got lost. You probably feel sorry for him too. Show how we feel sorry for the bunny (children stroke the toy on the head, hug).
Educator: Look, guys, what a handsome bunny. Let's see what he has.

Children examine the toy (head, ears, tail, eyes, paw torso).

Educator: Guys, do you and I know poems about a bunny, will we tell him?

The poem "The hostess threw the bunny."

Educator: And Vika knows another poem about a bunny. Vika, tell the bunny and the guys.

Bunny - white sweatshirt,
A bunny is afraid of everyone in the forest,
As the bunny hears the crunch.
Immediately hides under a bush.

Educator: Let's play the game "The little white hare is sitting"
Little white bunny sits
And wiggles his ears
Like this, like this - he moves his mustache!
It's cold for a bunny to sit
Gotta warm up the paws
Like this, like this - you need to warm up your paws!
It's cold for a bunny to stand
Bunny needs to jump
Skok - hop, hop - hop - the bunny needs to jump!

Educator: Guys, the bunny is still sitting sad. He probably wants to go home. Maybe we will help him - we will draw traces along which he will return home (on a pre-prepared easel, the technique of sticking the fingertips to a sheet of paper is explained and shown).
- We put our fingers in a cam, and bend one finger and draw paint on it. This is how we dip our finger and put it on the paper - we get a trace. Jump-jump, jump-jump, bunny in the snow jump-jump!
Teacher: Do you want this? Then sit down at the tables, we will help out the bunny.

Children draw.
The teacher makes sure that the children wipe their hands with a napkin. Every child is praised. Then he lays out the drawings on the table, the bunny in the middle.

Educator: Well, bunny, we drew traces that you will follow into the forest and get to your friends.
- Guys, let's close our eyes and imagine that we are funny, mischievous bunnies, we love to have fun. Represented?

The game "Hare, stomp your foot!"
Zainka - stamp your foot,
White, stomp your foot
Like this, like this - stomp your foot / 2 times

Zainka, clap your hands,
White, clap your hands
Like this, like this - clap your hands / 2 times

Bunny, spin around
White, spin around
Like this, like this - spin / 2 times

Zainka, bow,
White, take a bow
That's it, that's it - take a bow! / 2 times

Educator: And what does the bunny like to eat the most? ... That's right, carrots. I have prepared a surprise for you (I show the carrot where the sweets are, I treat the children).

The main general educational program of MBDOU is the kindergarten "Birch" (taking into account "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksa)

Age group: 2 youngest

Subject(in accordance with the complex-thematic planning): New Year's holiday.

GCD theme: "Who lives in the forest?"

Target: creating conditions for working with a pencil or brush.


* to consolidate the ability to work with a pencil or brush, to convey traces of animals with strokes;

* develop creative imagination, plot and game design;

* improve the ability to jump on two legs moving forward;

* learn to maintain balance when walking on a gymnastic bench.

Activities: playful, communicative, productive.

Forms of organization: group, subgroup, individual.

Game (surprise) moment, visual, artistic word, verbal (story, explanation, conversation, questions), practical part, encouragement, individual work, outcome behavior.

Equipment: sample drawing (image of a winter forest), paint (brown or black), brushes, napkins, glasses of water, easel, sheets of paper with applique Christmas trees.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures of animals.




Approximate basic general education program:the main general educational program of MBDOU is the kindergarten "Birch" (taking into account "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksa)

Age group: 2 youngest

Subject (in accordance with the complex-thematic planning): New Year's holiday.


Target: creating conditions for working with a pencil or brush.


* to consolidate the ability to work with a pencil or brush, to convey traces of animals with strokes;

* develop creative imagination, plot and game design;

* improve the ability to jump on two legs moving forward;

* learn to maintain balance when walking on a gymnastic bench.

Activities:playful, communicative, productive.

Forms of organization:group, subgroup, individual.

Forms of implementation of children's activities:game (surprise) moment, visual, artistic word, verbal (story, explanation, conversation, questions), practical part, encouragement, individual work, outcome behavior.

Equipment: sample drawing (image of a winter forest), paint (brown or black), brushes, napkins, glasses of water, easel, sheets of paper with applique Christmas trees.

Preliminary work:looking at pictures of animals.


1. Creation of game motivation.

Educator. Many different animals live in the forest. Which of them do you know?(Children's answers.) We can meet in the forest with a bear, a hare, a fox. And sometimes a wolf runs here and there. Let's "turn" into these animals today.

2. Exercises for animals.

"The fox is sneaking."

Children are built in a column one at a time and walk on their toes, hands on their belts.

"A bear is coming."

Children walk in a waddling column like a clumsy bear.

"The bunny is jumping."

Children jump on two legs moving forward.

"We're going through the ravine."

Children walk on the gymnastic bench, arms outstretched.

3. The mobile game "Hares and the wolf".

A wolf is chosen, the rest of the children are hares. At a signal, the "hares" scatter, and the "wolf" catches up with them. The caught "hare" becomes a "wolf".

4. Drawing "Who lives in the forest?".

Educator. Many animals live in the forest! And each of them leaves their footprints in the snow.(The teacher draws attention to the picture of the forest.)Here is a rabbit jumping.(He draws traces on the easel with small strokes.)And here is a bear stomping.(Draws large strokes.)These are the animals that passed through my forest. And what animals will run in your opinion?

Children depict large and small footprints on the Christmas tree appliqué sheets.

When all the drawings are ready, the teacher checks with each child whose traces he has depicted.

5. Reflection.

What animals live in the forest?

- How do they walk in the forest (sneak, jump, clubfoot)?

- What are the tracks of a hare (bear)?

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the outside world and drawing in the younger group of kindergarten

Subject:"footprints of animals"
- to consolidate children's knowledge about the animal world, the sounds and voices of nature,
The habits of animals.
- develop an interest in working with paint.
- learn to draw by sticking.
- develop speech and its sound culture, speech breathing.
- familiarity with sound (y)
Materials: easel, pictures of animals, jars of paint (white gouache), a blank for each child - an A5 album sheet, painted in pale blue, a brush, animal voices mp3.

Lesson progress:

In front of the guys on the easel is a winter forest.
Sounds music (relaxation).
- guys, what time of year is it now? (winter)
- look at the easel.
What season is shown?
- Why?
- Guys, I know that none of you have been in the winter forest yet.
But you want to be there, don't you? Then sit down properly and help me.
- in front of you is a drawing on which a forest is drawn.
- Tell me, what kind of forest is this? Why are the trees covered in snow?

"everything is white today
And light, even though there is no sun:
Cold falls from the sky
White-white soft snow"

- make palms like mine (show)

Now close your eyes and imagine that Santa Claus dropped snowflakes on your palms.
- blow snowflakes off your palms (breathing)
- well done! The frost could not freeze the hands of the guys.

Who is jumping there?
Jump, yes jump
And sits under the tree
Like fluffy snow
White and clean

A figurine of a bunny is fixed on the easel.

Guys, do you know how a bunny jumps?

Children stand near the chairs and jump.
friendship leads only with a fox,
This animal is angry, evil.
He clicks and clicks with his teeth,
Very creepy grey...

A picture of a wolf is fixed on the easel
Do you know how sad a gray wolf is on a moonlit night and he
Singing your sad song?
What song is this?
Let's sing? (uuuuuuuu)

sly sister
Lives in the forest
Waving his tail
The trail will sweep
What is a little sister?
Call her ... ... .. (chanterelle)

A picture of a fox is fixed on an easel

Guys, the fox is tired, she hid by the bush and sniffs the snow.
The fox was going to play with his friends the wolf and the hare.
And he can't find them.
The blizzard, the naughty one, covered all their traces with snow, and you helped her when
Snow was blown from the palms.
We'll have to help the fox find them.
Can we help?
Now we will draw their traces.
The teacher shows the children the footprints of the animals.

Children are given blank sheets.
The teacher shows the method of drawing by sticking.
The children independently, under the supervision of a teacher, draw traces of animals.
Exhibition of the resulting drawings.
Thank you guys, the fox thanks you. She found her friends.

Direction: Cognitive development, speech development.

Game method (GCD in the form of a game-journey)

Time: 10-15 min.

PURPOSE: consolidation of knowledge about forest animals.

cognitive development: development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation, the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness.

Speech development: enrichment of the active vocabulary, possession of speech as a means of communication and culture.

Physical development: contributing to the correct formation of coordination of movement, large and small motor skills of both hands.

Artistic and aesthetic development: the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around us, the implementation of independent creative activity of children

EQUIPMENT: artificial trees, toys: hare, bear, hedgehog, pictures of animal tracks, sheets of paper, gouache.

PRELIMINARY WORK: learning movements for a poem about a hare, looking at illustrations of a hare, a bear.

I invite the children to go on a trip to the forest and see how the animals prepared for the winter. Sings the children's song "About Traces" from the film "Masha and the Bear".

I draw your attention to the fact that there are a lot of footprints in the forest and I propose to follow them.

Guys, let's follow these tracks and see where they lead us to (Let's go).

Oh, who's that hiding behind the tree? (Answers of children).

Yes, it's a bunny.

He has a white coat in winter. In such a fur coat, the fox will not see him. On white snow in winter, it will not be noticeable. And in the summer he has a fur coat ... (gray).

THE GAME "Once upon a time there was a BUNNY"

Once upon a time there was a bunny (clap their hands)

Long ears (three fingers in a fist, index and middle ears)

Frozen bunny (squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands)

Spout on the edge (tinder spout)

Frozen nose (squeeze and unclench fingers)

I froze the tail (stroking the cat)

And went to warm up (turn the steering wheel)

Visit the kids.

It's warm and quiet there (open fists of both hands)

There is no wolf (clap hands)

And they give carrots for lunch (stroke the tummy with the palm of the leading hand clockwise).

In winter, all hares change their coat color to white. And it is easier for them to hide from the fox and the wolf.

What big footprints! Who could it be? (answers and assumptions of children).

Let's go slowly, don't rush. Let's see who's hiding there. (A bear snores.)

Guys, yes, this bear went into hibernation. All bears go to sleep in the den in late autumn until spring. So the bear sleeps all winter. Let's not wake him up and move on.

Look guys, and there are still traces, very small. Who ran here?

In the morning on the forest path -Top-top-top - feet trample. Walks, wanders along the paths, all in needles, an old hedgehog. Looking for berries, mushrooms for my son and daughter.

Guys, a hedgehog lives in this clearing, but where is he? Let's eat it? (children search and find)

The hedgehog sleeps under the leaves.

The hedgehog, like the bear, sleeps in winter. Let's not wake him up and quietly look at him. He has small eyes, a black nose and a prickly back, let's show how a hedgehog is looking for food, wrinkling his nose, snorting.

So we went around the whole forest, and now it's time for us to go home.


Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps

We came to our home.

Guys, who did we meet on our journey?

What helped us find the animals? (Footprints).

Collective application of children "traces of animals"

Now let's go to the tables and glue its tracks to each animal. Each child chooses an animal, guesses which footprints belong to him in the picture and sticks the footprints of the animal.

The song "About traces" from the m / f "Masha and the Bear" sounds.