Report on a mathematical holiday in kindergarten. Mathematical week in the preparatory group of the kindergarten completed

Goals for organizing work with children: to systematize the ideas of children in mathematical education and development; to bring joy to children from educational games; maintain interest in intellectual activity; show resourcefulness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, understanding of humor.

Goals for organizing work with parents: Encourage parents to participate in the educational activities of the group, show achievements children, communication skills. Create a good mood during the game.

Tasks for organizing work with children.

1. To consolidate the ability to solve and guess simple mathematical riddle problems.

2. Improve the ability to find the place of a number in a row, count up to 5.

3. Develop the ability to build an object according to a model, according to a scheme.

4. Develop logical thinking; to train the ability to see various geometric shapes in the image of objects, to determine the spatial arrangement of objects.

5. Develop mental operations, attention, speech, mutual assistance, self-esteem skills.

6. Raise interest and desire to participate in the holiday.

Tasks for organizing work with parents.

1. Continue to introduce parents with features educational - developmental work of the preschool educational institution.

2. Demonstrate in mathematical- an intellectual game of knowledge, skills and abilities that children have mastered in kindergarten.

3. Train parents selection of mathematical games and exercises for development child in accordance with his age and individual characteristics.

4. Form friendly relations between parents, teachers, children.

Equipment: Lego constructor (large); schemes of the house from the designer; 2 sheets of drawing paper with drawn labyrinths, cards with numbers from one to five; four baskets depicting geometric shapes; objects and toys of various geometric shapes; objects made of colored paper (2 Christmas trees - green, sun, 2 clouds, trees - red and orange, lake - blue, 2 lilies - white) 2 sheets of drawing paper; flags; prizes.

The course of the holiday

Children and parents enter the hall to the music.

Leading: - Today we have a mathematical holiday. What do you expect from the holiday? Of course, smiles, jokes, songs, dances, surprises and gifts. I hope the hopes come true. Our holiday is not just a holiday, but a holiday-game.

We have gathered in this hall to find out how you can count, solve riddles, how resourceful and dexterous you are. The Znayki team (children) and the Umniki team (parents) take part in our competition. (Introduces captains). A flag is awarded for each correctly completed task. At the end we will count them. The team with the most flags wins.

Moderator: Let's start the competition with a warm-up. It is necessary to guess riddles about geometric shapes. Riddles are made one by one for each team.

I don't have corners

And I look like a saucer

On a plate and on a lid

On the ring, on the wheel.

Who am I, friends?

Call me! ( Circle.)

The circle rolled and suddenly fell

Boca himself slightly - slightly crumpled.

I recognized this figure:

There was a circle, but now it has become ( Oval.)

From it we build a house

And a window in that house

We sit down for him at lunch.

We have fun in leisure time.

Everyone in the house is happy for him

Who is he? Our friend. ( Square.)

He is a square native brother,

Every corner is right.

Two sides of the same length

And two more sides

A little shorter, but equal. ( Rectangle.)

three tops,

three corners,

Three sides -

Who am I? ( Triangle.)

Four corners and four sides

They look exactly like sisters.

You can’t roll it into the gate like a ball,

And he won't run after you.

The figure is familiar to many guys.

Did you recognize him? After all, this is… (Square.)

Moderator: And now we will game "Who will quickly find objects".

Look at the baskets with the image of a circle, a square, a triangle and a rectangle. Anything that is round, put it in the basket with the image of a circle. Square items in the basket with the image of a square, triangular items, here, and rectangular items must also be placed in the appropriate basket (only one item can be taken at each approach to the table). The team that completed the task first receives a flag.

The game "Say the other way around". The leader says the word, (one for each team) and the team say the opposite word, antonym.

High Low.

Loud - quiet.

Wet - dry.

Clean - dirty.

Wide narrow.

Deep - shallow.

Strong - weak.

Big small.

Narrow - wide.

Left - right.

Front - back.

Down - up.

Hot Cold.

Game "Logic endings"

The facilitator begins the sentence, and the teams take turns finishing.

The heron has long legs, and the duck ...

The watermelon is big, and the apple….

The scarf is narrow, and the plaid ....

The truck is tall, but the race car…

If the table is taller than the chair, then the chair...

If the right hand is on the right, then the left ...

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother...

Physical education:"Aunt merry"

Then there is a competition for captains.

Labyrinths are drawn on two paper sheets. Captains do the following:

"Go through the maze quickly."

The game "Continue the row."

The teams are offered a sample of a logical series of Lego blocks and the teams continue the logical series according to the model. The team that completes the task without mistakes and quickly wins.

Game "Assemble the picture"

Each team has sheets of white paper and objects made of colored paper. It is necessary to decompose objects according to landmarks.

Host: Place the sun in the upper right corner. Two clouds are in the upper left corner. In the middle is a red tree. In the lower left corner there is a lake with four lilies, and in the lower right corner there are two green Christmas trees and one orange tree.

Physical education "One, two, three"

Host: We continue our mathematical holiday.

Who will be the smartest

We want to know.

Let's stand in two lines

And let's start playing.

Game: Line up

Captains, count five people from your team, and line them up. (Children and parents do.)

Each child receives a card with a number on it (from 1 to 5), but in one team the cards are yellow and in the other blue.

Leading: Now, to the music, you will perform different movements: march, run, dance. And when the music ends, you need to quickly line up in order. The first team to line up gets the flag. (The game is repeated 3 times.)

Game "Build a house".

Each team has one house scheme and a large Lego constructor. The team that builds the house without mistakes and quickly wins.

Leading: All riddles are solved, games are played. While the jury is summing up the results of the competitions, I suggest you take a break.

They turn on the song of fixies "Help", children and parents perform movements to the music.

After the announcement of the results, sweet prizes are distributed to everyone. All participants march around the hall, the winning team goes ahead.



combined type kindergarten №32

Smirnova Lyubov Yurievna

educators MDOU №32



Introduction to the project theme

The problem of teaching mathematics in modern life is becoming increasingly important. This is explained, first of all, by the rapid development of mathematical science and its penetration into various fields of knowledge. An increase in the level of creative activity, problems of production automation, and much more presuppose that specialists in most modern professions have a sufficiently developed ability to clearly and consistently analyze the processes being studied. Therefore, training in kindergarten is aimed primarily at educating children in the habit of full-fledged logical argumentation of the environment. Learning experience indicates that the development of logical thinking of preschoolers is most facilitated by the study of elementary mathematics. The mathematical style of thinking is characterized by clarity, multiplicity, dismemberment, accuracy and logic of thought, the ability to use symbolism.

Project type: information and creative

Project duration:short term (1 week)

Project participants:children of the senior group

Project relevance

The problem of mastering knowledge in mathematics is relevant due to the lack of classes, children quickly forget the material they have studied. The need to create this project is aimed at a more in-depth assimilation of knowledge and skills, the application of knowledge in this situation, in everyday life. For this, special conditions are created, parents are connected. It is important to instill in children a love of mathematics. Show its significance around us. Her important participation in all activities. Conducting classes in other activities to prove to children that knowledge of mathematics is also needed here. Nowadays, mathematics in one way or another is needed by a huge number of people of various professions. The special role of mathematics is in mental education, in the development of intelligence. This is explained by the fact that the results of teaching mathematics are not only knowledge, but also a certain style of thinking. Mathematics rightfully occupies a very important place in the system of preschool education. It sharpens the child's mind, develops flexibility of thinking, teaches logic.

Objective of the project: Development of elements of logical thinking and creative abilities in children of senior preschool age.

Project tasks:


  • To expand and systematize the knowledge of children in the FEMP section.
  • To teach ways of practical activity in the field of mathematics.


  • Develop cognitive processes: perception, memory, logical thinking, attention, imagination, will;
  • Develop children's creativity.


  • to form in children an interest in a variety of intellectual activities.

Basic principles of project implementation

  • Availability (correspondence of the didactic task to the age and individual capabilities of preschoolers);
  • Repeatability (consolidation and complication of the same game);
  • The relevance of didactic material(actual formulations of mathematical problems, visual aids, etc.) actually helps children perceive tasks as a game, feel interested in getting the right result, strive for the best possible solution;
  • Collectivity (allows you to rally the children's team into a single group, into a single organism, capable of solving tasks of a higher level than those available to one child, and often more complex ones);
  • competitiveness(creates in a child or a subgroup the desire to complete the task faster and better than competitors, which reduces the time to complete the task on the one hand, and achieve a really acceptable result on the other);

The element of novelty (introduction of new attributes, schemes, samples, the possibility of creativity, changing the rules).

Means of education:

As a means of learning, taking into account the age characteristics of children, the following educational games with mathematical content are used:

Methods and techniques ininteraction of the teacher with children during the project:


Questions that encourage mental activity, indication, explanation, explanation, pedagogical assessment (encouragement, reprimand, approval; praise), explanation.


Demonstration of visual aids, showing the method of action, showing a sample


Game actions, the sudden appearance of objects, the performance of game actions by the educator, guessing and guessing riddles, the introduction of competition elements, the creation of a game situation, exercise, training, modeling.

Expected result:

Evaluation of project results:

During the implementation of the joint project, certain results were achieved:

  • a mathematical corner has been created in the group, in which visual and didactic aids, games, methodological and fiction literature are collected;
  • children have an interest in entertaining mathematics;
  • established relationships between children and parents.


  • "Logic and Mathematics for Preschoolers". E.A. Nosova, G.L. Nepomnyaschaya.
  • "Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions". E.N. Panov.
  • "Steps of creativity or educational games." B.P. Nikitin.
  • Didactic games in kindergarten. A.I. Sorokin.
  • "Let's play". A.A. Joiner.
  • "Game tasks for preschoolers". BEHIND. Mikhailov.
  • "Methods of teaching mathematics in kindergarten." E.I. Shcherbakov.
  • "Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers." BEHIND. Mikhailov.

Day 1. Cheerful account.


1. Fix the skill:

Create sets (groups of objects) from elements of different quality (objects of different colors, sizes, shapes, purposes; sounds, movements);

Count items from a large number according to a sample and a given number (within 10,

Get equality from inequality (inequality from equality, adding one item to a smaller quantity or removing one item from a larger quantity;

2. Exercise children in understanding that the number does not depend on the magnitude

objects, distances between objects, shapes, their location, as well as the direction of the account (right to left, left to right, from any object).


D / game "Pick up a toy", "Number houses", "Neighbors"

Drawing on the theme "Portrait of your favorite figure"

Reading the fairy tale by V. Suteev “About the kid who knew how to count to 10”, a conversation on the content of the fairy tale.


The use of counting rhymes when organizing outdoor games, outdoor games “Be careful, do not be lazy and stand in twos (three, four, etc.)! »


Theatricalization of the Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".

Exhibition of works "Coloring by numbers"

Day two "The world of geometric shapes"


1. To consolidate ideas about geometric shapes of various shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval).

To develop geometric vigilance in children: the ability to analyze and compare objects in shape, to find objects of the same and different shapes in the immediate environment: books, paintings, blankets, table tops - rectangular, tray and dish - oval, plates - round, etc.

2. Develop the ability, in the course of analyzing the image of an object, to highlight its parts, based on similarities with geometric shapes (little man: head-circle, torso - oval or wide rectangle, arms, legs - narrow rectangles, etc.)

Integration of educational areas


Viewing and analyzing the presentation "Fun Geometry"

D / game "Magic beads", "Pick the right one", "What has changed"

Collective application "City of geometric shapes"


Outdoor games using geometric shapes (“1, 2, 3 circle (triangle, square, etc.) find!”, “Find a pair!”, Etc.


C / r game "Hospital"

Master class for parents "Plane design in kindergarten and at home"

Homework (joint work with parents) drawing up a plan-scheme "My house" (using geometric shapes)

Day three “Measure! »


1. To consolidate the ability to establish dimensional relationships between 5-10 objects of different lengths (height, width) or thickness: systematize objects, arranging them in increasing (decreasing) order in size; reflect in speech the order of arrangement of objects and the ratio between them in size;

2. Develop an eye, the ability to find objects longer (shorter, higher (lower, wider (narrower), thicker (thinner) than the sample and equal to it;

3. Form the concept that an object (sheet of paper, ribbon, circle, square, etc.) can be divided into several equal parts (two, four).

4. Learn to name the parts obtained from division, compare the whole and the parts, understand that the whole object is greater than each of its parts, and the part is less than the whole.

Integration of educational areas


Game situation: "Visiting Professor Izmeryaykin"

Viewing the cartoon "38 parrots", a conversation on the content of the cartoon

D / games "Atelier", "Treats for everyone", etc.

Paper construction "Rug"


P / game "Walkers-measurement" (various distances are measured in a group room, on the street, etc. using the individual length of the steps of the pupils)


Game situation "Knizhkina Hospital" (manual labor)

S/r game "Shop"

Homework (joint work with parents): use 3 unusual measurements to measure the height of each family member.

Day four "Space and time"


1. Improve skill

Orientation in the surrounding space; understand the meaning of spatial relationships (top-bottom, in front (front) - behind (behind, left - right, between, next to, about);

Move in a given direction, changing it on a signal, as well as in accordance with the signs indicating the direction of movement (forward, backward, left, right, etc.);

Determine your location among the surrounding people and objects;

Navigate on a sheet of paper (right - left, top - bottom, middle, corner).

2. To consolidate the skill with the help of plot pictures to establish the sequence of various events: what happened before (first, what later (then).

Integration of educational areas


Didactic games: “When does it happen? ”, “It was, is, will be ...”, “What first, what then? "," Sea battle "

Cell drawing

Reading the fairy tale by E. Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time", a conversation on the content of the fairy tale


Game-journey "Treasure hunters" (orientation on the terrain on the map and signs)


Examination of illustrations of various types of clocks

Making the design of the "time machine"

Homework (joint work with parents): creating a collage “I'm growing! »

Day five “Mathematics - physical education! »


1. To form in children an interest in intellectual activity, a desire to play games with mathematical content;

2. Facilitate communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers

3. Cultivate respect and a sense of belonging to one's family

Maintain the interest of parents in solving educational problems in the course of direct communication with children.

Integration of educational areas


"Mathematical Olympiad"


"Fun Starts"


Exhibition of creative works and didactic games created by children together with their parents during homework

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Zvezdochka "

The scenario of the mathematical holiday "Journey to the Land of Mathematics" for children of the preparatory group.

Educator: Kazuk Tamara Arkadievna

highest qualification category


Target : Maintain Interest children to intellectual activity, the desire to play games withmathematical content, showing perseverance, purposefulness, resourcefulness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, understanding of humor.

Event progress:

The hall is decorated with mathematical symbols. Children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Leading: Children, today I received a strange SMS message. Guys, do you want to knowwhat is written there?(children's answers)

Leading: “Dear children!

The kingdom exists.
The queen lives in it.
And her friends are with her.
We live in mathematics
We are waiting for you to visit us!”
Leading: Children, where are we being invited?(children's answers)

Guys, what is math?
- Right! Mathematics teaches us to count, to recognize the quantity.Questions for children: how old are you, Masha, Dasha, Olya?
How many friends do you have, how many paws does a cat have? Also, guys, mathematics introduces us to geometric shapes and you can learn a lot of interesting things about it.

Leading: Children, do you want to get into the kingdom of Mathematics?
Children's answers. Magical music sounds.

Leading: You guys and I are going on a journey through the country of Mathematics. Ready? Close your eyes: one, two, three. We open our eyes. Here we are in the kingdom. Queen Math and her friends have prepared tasks for you.

Shall we do it guys? (children's answers)

Leading: Here is the first task"Don't yawn, answer questions quickly!"

1. What day of the week is it today?

2. How many days are there in a week?

3. What day comes after Thursday?

4. What day comes before Wednesday?

5. What are the "weekend" days of the week called?

7. What season is it now?

8. After what season does winter come?

9. What season comes before summer?

10. Name all the seasons, in order, starting with winter.

To the sounds of music, the Queen enters the hall solemnly and importantly in a long dress with a crown on her head.

Queen: Hello guys! I am the queenMathematics! Who do you think lives in my kingdom?Children speak up.

Queen: Guys, you came to math holiday in my kingdom! - I think you love mathematics and that's all - do you know everything about numbers and figures?(children's answers) - Now we will check it.- I'll tell you guysfunny puzzles in verses.

Four ripe pears.
Swinging on a branch
Three pears were taken by Pavlusha,
How many pears are left? (1)

Five funny pigs.
They stand in a row at the trough.
Three went to bed to go to bed,
How many pigs have a trough? (2)

There were five pies in the bowl.
Lariska took two pies,
Another one got snatched by the pussy.
How much is left in the bowl? (3)

Under the bushes by the river.
May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who can count them? (4)

The seven geese set off.
The two decide to take a break.
How many are under the clouds?
Count yourself, children. (5)

The old woman decided to bake cheesecakes.
I put the dough in and fired up the oven.
The old woman decided to bake cheesecakes,
And how many they need - I completely forgot.
Two things - for the granddaughter,
Two things - for grandfather,
Two things - for Tanya,
Neighbor's daughters...
I thought, I thought, but I lost my way,
And the oven is completely fired up!
Help the old lady count the cheesecakes. (6)

Natasha has five flowers
And Sasha gave her two more.
Who here can count
What is two and five? (7)

Three hares, five hedgehogs.
They go to kindergarten together.
We ask you to count
How many kids are in the garden? (8)

How to stand in a circle under the tree
Bunny, squirrel and badger,
A hedgehog and a raccoon got up,
Elk, boar, fox and cat.
How many animals are there? Count quickly. (9)

Six nuts mom pig.
For children carried in a basket.
The hedgehog met a pig.
And gave me four more.
How many nuts pig
Did you bring the kids in a basket? (10)

Queen: Well done boys! You completed the task, solved all the fun puzzles. - I know that you guys are very friendly! Is that so? (children's answers) - Guys, do you know songs about friendship? (children's answers)/Song "Friendship" Words by Plyatskovsky M./

Leading: Great guys! Well done! And now we have a game! Welet's play a game"Vice versa" . We have a magic bag. And there are notes! You take out a note and say the word - vice versa.

A game "Vice versa"

Queen: Now for you guys, I'm laying out the numbers from 0 to 10 on the carpet, while the music is playing, you guys are walking, the music stops, take one card at a time and build a number series from 0 to 10. - Ready? - One two Three.

Queen: Well done and you guys did a great job.
Leading: Guys, now we are playing the game "Islands".
Game "Islands" Children run around the hall to the music. At the stop signal, they look at an adult, in whose hands are cards with the number 012345. Must complete the task:
0-general circle
1- raise your hands up
2-stand in pairs
3-make an island of three people
4-make an island of four people
5-island of five people
Those who did not have the right amount turn into a palm tree: hands up.

Queen: Thanks guys! You did a good job with all the tasks! And I want to give to all participants math holidaythese emblems "Young mathematician"

Queen: Our holiday ends, I'm sorry you guys have to go back to your kindergarten. Goodbye guys, see you soon!

Leading: Yes, it's time for us guys to return to kindergarten.Children say goodbye to the Queen of Mathematics. (Magic music playing)

Here we are in kindergarten.


Ermolaeva L.I. Games, tasks and exercises of mathematical content.

Kolesnikova E.V. Mathematics for children 6-7 years old. Toolkit.

Pomoraeva I.A. , Pozina V.A. Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Preparatory group (6-7 years).

Tarabarina T.I., Elkina N.V. Both study and play: mathematics.

Week of Mathematics 2017/18 academic year.

From 07.11.2017 to 11/13/2017 Mathematics Week was held in our preschool educational institution.

On the first day, a video letter came from the Queen of Mathematics, in which she told what tests the guys were expecting during the mathematical week.

Every day, the children faced obstacles in mathematics, which they coped with thanks to their endurance, ingenuity, and mutual assistance.

The guys were participants in a mathematical quest, traveled along with the heroes of fairy tales - Besfigurkin and Tsifroed in search of an enchanted suitcase, helped them solve various problems, mathematical and logical riddles, took part in a checkers tournament, watched cartoons about mathematics, took an active part in the game “What? Where? When?".

The most active participants received gifts and diplomas of winners.

Also, parents were involved in the “Week of Mathematics”, who, together with the children, made crafts, games, books and helped arrange an exhibition with their works.

Week of Mathematics 2016/17 academic year.

From November 07 to November 11, "Mathematics Week" is held in our preschool educational institution.

"Week of Mathematics" was opened by the Queen of Mathematics, with her daughters princesses: the Princess of Numbers, the Princess of Time, the Princess of Forms and the Princess of Color. At the solemn line, they handed envelopes with tasks to the children of the senior and preparatory groups, which the children should solve during this week, and the princesses also gave the children small tasks - warm-ups, in which all the children took part. Throughout the whole time, the children are actively engaged in mathematics - the children of the preparatory and senior groups made their own collages for the exhibition “Everything about time”, “Who are the numbers friends with?”. And also the children participated in an entertaining mathematical quest. participated in a checkers tournament, where the winners were determined, who were awarded diplomas for prizes by the Queen of Mathematics. We also watched cartoons on mathematical topics “Clock”, “Geometry in the country again”, “In the country of unlearned lessons”. And at the end of the week, the mathematical Olympiad “Mathematics is the Queen of Science!” is scheduled,where the guys will show their knowledge and ingenuity.

Festive line - Opening of the "Week of Mathematics"

Create collages!


Chess Tournament!

Winners of the "Checkers Tournament" - Ilya Ishchenko - 1st place; Rodion Sheverev - 2nd place; Kirill Shatov - 3rd place!


Name: Planning a thematic week of mathematics "City of Masters"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodical development, 4-5 years
Authors: Novozhilova Elena Mikhailovna, Darsalia Maria Aleksandrovna
Position: educators
Place of work: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 236"
Location: Yaroslavl city

Planning a thematic week of mathematics in the middle group "City of Masters"

Educators: Novozhilova E.M., Darsalia M.A.

Date/Day of the weekOrganized educational activitiesEducational activities in regime momentsIndividual work
1st half of the dayWalk2nd half of the day
  1. Decorative molding based on folk sculpture "Filimonov's toy-whistle",

(11) p. 112

Purpose: To form an idea of ​​the craft of toy craftsmen, what materials and tools they use, what paint they use: yellow green, black, red)

Show a table with characteristic color combinations and decorative elements of the Filimonovo folk craft.

  1. Finger gymnastics.

"Counting fingers" (direct and reverse counting)

  1. 2. Conversation: “What did you see on the way to kindergarten?”

We count cars

  1. Game situation - we build a garage, a parking lot, we count cars in the parking lot, in the garage
Observation: the spring sky. Purpose: to be able to see the beauty of the spring sky.

Poem by A. Pleshcheev (3) p.206

P / s: "Bubble"

D.i: "I'm counting to 5" (direct count to 5)

  1. Game situation "Let's ride dolls in a car"
  2. D / and Compare objects in size.
  3. Y/n What happens in red...?

What happens in green...? and etc.

D / / and “What happens in red (blue, ...) colors?”

Timothy Z.

Rigert M.

  1. 1. Mathematics

"Score within 5"

  1. 2. Decorative drawing with appliqué elements "Beautiful napkins"

Teach children to draw round and square patterns. Show options for combining decor elements in color and shape (dots, circles, spots, straight and wavy lines). Develop a sense of color and rhythm. Raise interest in folk arts and crafts.

  1. Finger gymnastics:

“Once upon a time there were fingers ....”

  1. Conversation: What did you remember most on the way to the garden.
  2. D / and "Above and below" (children choose pieces of furniture in a group and compare it in size)
Stream watching.

Poem Y.Kolas (3) "Stream". page 207

P / and "Sun and rain"

D / and “What happens?”

Games with portable equipment: balls, molds, shovels

  1. D. and "We're walking down the street"

An exercise in comparing objects by width, by adding them (wide-narrow, wider-narrower)

  1. Role-playing game "Puppet Tea Party" (count the number of cups, plates, spoons)
  2. Repeat the reading of the poem by I Kolas "Stream"
  1. Construction "City of Masters" (buildings of various shapes are created from wooden blocks)
  2. Physical culture (according to the plan of the instructor)
  3. Music
  1. Finger gymnastics "Bunnies"
  2. Conversation: How was your day yesterday?

D / and "What time of day" Exercise in the time of day

Watching a willow branch

Poem: “The willow is all fluffy”

P / and "Catch-up"

Y/n: “What does it look like?”

Portable equipment: shovels.

. D / and "Define by form"

- exercise in distinguishing objects by touch, correctly name geometric shapes;

- exercise in the ability to navigate in space (top bottom front back)

  1. Speech development

"We're going to visit the bunny by train"

We build a locomotive

D / and "Let's treat the bunny with candy"

  1. The world around "Journey to the masters of Khokhloma".

Purpose: To acquaint children with the features and stages of the manufacture of Khokhloma products, the history of the emergence of this craft; educate the aesthetic perception of works of art.

What colors are used in Khokhloma painting? (black, red, yellow, green, gold)

  1. Finger gymnastics
  2. Conversation on the topic “Spring has come” (generalize knowledge about spring natural phenomena)
Rain watching; page 214

Poem "Rain"

P / and "We are funny guys"

Ball games, sand.

Role-playing game "Waiting for guests"

- set the table, count the dishes

- prepare napkins of different shapes and colors

Friday1. Fiction.
  1. Finger gymnastics
  2. Conversation on the topic “What colors did you meet on the way to the garden?

What was it?"

Observation of indoor plants and plants on the site (compare if there are leaves)

P / and "Even circle"

D / and “What is gone,

what changed?"

goal: development of visual attention, memory, speech

Exhibition of children's works "City of Masters"

Interaction with parents:

  1. Consultation on fixing ideas about the sequence of parts of the day

We sleep at night and do exercises .... (in the morning)

We do exercises in the morning, and have dinner ... (in the evening)

We have dinner in the evening, and have lunch ... (in the afternoon)

We do exercises in the morning, and sleep ... (at night)

  1. Consultation on the topic "Orientation in space"

Task: Draw circle in the upper right corner;

draw rectangle in the lower left corner;

draw triangle in the lower right corner;

draw oval in the upper left corner;

draw rectangle in the middle.

  1. Consultation on fixing ideas about geometric shapes - SHAR, CUBE

Roll the ball (ball) through the gate, stroke the ball with both hands, recall that it is round and therefore rolls.

The shape of the cube is introduced by playing with cubes. Compare CUBE and BALL. The BALL is round, but the CUBE is not round and has corners, therefore it does not roll ...

  1. Featured Fiction - "Account in Poetry"

I have a brother Misha

And sister Irisha

Count quickly

How many children are in the family? (3)

The hedgehog walked through the forest

For lunch, mushrooms found:

Two - under a birch,

One is at the aspen.

How many will there be

In a wicker basket? (3)

Under the bushes by the river

May beetles lived

Daughter, son, father and mother,

  1. Participation in the competition of didactic games, preparation of a didactic game


  1. A.A. Joiner. "Let's play"
  2. T.I. Tarabarina, N.V. Elkina. "Both Study and Play: Mathematics"
  3. V.V. Gerbova, N.P. Ilchuk, L. N. Eliseeva, N. P. Baburova. "A book to read in kindergarten"
  4. E.Ya. Stepanenkov. "Collection of outdoor games for children 2-7 years old"
  5. I. A. Lykova. "Design in kindergarten" middle group
  6. A.A. Vakhrushev, E.E. Kochemasova, Yu. A. Akimova, I. K. Belova. "Hello World"
  7. M.F. Litvinov. "Mobile games and game exercises"
  8. O.S. Ushakov. "Speech development of children 3-5"
  9. I.E. Averina. "Physical training minutes and dynamic pauses in the preschool educational institution"
  10. L.G. Peterson, E.E. Kochemasova. "Player"
  11. I.A. Lykov. "Visual activity in kindergarten" middle group