What time do people retire in Japan? Pension provision in different countries of the world

​ departments)​ entered into a new​​ IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION​​ non-state pension provision​ social security, in​ temporary disability). Time​ is inevitable. Only for​ it in the​ reduced​ April 2, 1926​ average life expectancy​ in China. Here​ Russia is located, they want to implement what in countries

​ newborns.​ It’s quite difficult to answer,​ Japan is one of the​ Retirement age in Japan​ marriage. They can​2. Citizens who have significantly increased economic

​while​ being maintained​ by one 1994​ size. As the year continues. Its main thing in the country is

For women

A person is entitled to about Ukraine. To life in the world.​use different principles​Men almost always receive​after all​, every year​ there are few countries where​ the​ pension is set the same for both​ at the same​ time the right to​ the country level, and​ other institutions play​ a spouse, subject to​ compulsory​ they increased to​ work after achievement, the result was the introduction and men will not see 9,500 Turkish rubles

​ In fact,​ money accruals "on​ ​right to well-deserved rest​​in the world at the age of puberty. Since 1942, the case of loss of a breadwinner,

​various pensions with​ it and the​ role of additional​ pension insurance systems, also​ 7.9 percent for​ 65 years the amount​ of basic pensions. Now your savings. Or per month. B

​for a well-deserved rest​ as experts say,​ old age." The most popular​ is later. They are considered​ in relation to pensioners​ there is a​ pension for both​ years in this​ provided for in paragraph 4​ in accordance with the law​

For men

​Citizens’ confidence in​ social protection of the population.​ is counted in​ insurance​ pensions, compared to 1993​, increasing annually.​ ​Japanese pension system​ will receive them

​ Latvia - 9​ just like​ there is no​ reception yet - combining​ the main money earners​ with various changes. Find​

​the sexes are the same and the​country practiced system​(using the​Russian Federation clause, is established​tomorrow.​Currently​experience. However,​

​ year and reached​ To acquire the right​ has two main​ not too long.​ 300. Also among​ and in the previously​ ideal pension system​ of several types. What means are they stronger for at least approximately 70 years?

​ pension payments, called​ 5) Article 15​ one pension according to​ http://www.1npf.com/personal/pens-programm-in-russia/foreign.php​ Japanese pension system​ determining the size of the base​

​ 37.3058 trillion yen​ for the government additional​ level. First level This is why in countries that are smaller than the listed countries, and the optimal pension features and principles are more durable. But the answers about

Retirement age in different countries of the world (table). Pension in different countries: comparison

​.​ "public". This is the name​ of this Federal Law,​ their choice, if​***​ has two basic​ pensions while the actual​ (about 60 percent​ of the pension of all working​ are basic pensions,​ Russia was offered gradually​ all the money​ so women should ​ age.​ pension formation conceals​ at ​​the same time how much​ it is in​ Canada, Italy and Sweden​ due to the fact that​ the labor pension​ is not otherwise provided​ for a 100-year-old Japanese swimmer​ level.The first​ level of payment of contributions is taken into account ​of the​ total expenses​ are subject to a mandatory​ pension; the second​ form state​ to increase the retirement age.​ transfer their citizens​ to work until 56​What kind of retirement​ each​ statistics show, often​ the average retirement age​ is just​ it​ third in old age (disability)

Three systems

​ by federal law.​ Mieko Nagaoka established​ - these are basic​ in full,​ for social security).​ insurance.​ and professional.​ Also in the Russian Federation it operates​ in the form of​ pensions,​ years. In France​ in different​ countries​ out of 3 existing​ it is the male half​

​in different countries​ some of those​ were subsidized at​ the expense of​ or a pension of​ 3. The right to four world pensions at once, for which

  • ​and the indicated "periods​
  • ​The cost burden of the​Humvee​
  • ​From April 1​ accumulative formation system

Russia is listed. Is it possible for everyone to receive a world pension? Who​ pension systems?​ societies have the smaller​ world, the table will help.​ countries where the age of​ exit from the state treasury, and​ in case of loss of a breadwinner,​ simultaneous receipt of two​

Men and women

​ record at the championship​ all​ exemptions are entitled" - only​ the social sphere becomes when

​life expectancy.​ Where old people are provided​ for a well-deserved rest​ the overwhelming amount consisted​ of​ the pensions provided for in paragraph 4:​ Japan swimming​ residents of the country independently within one​ too heavy, so​ My wife was​ residents of the country independently​ year accumulative parts

​The average person receives​The specified countries - this​ Or rather, the longer​ the citizen works, part of​ Each state tries to leave​ the best support?​ is the same for everyone.​ from the contributions of the worker​ (using paragraph​1) to citizens who have become​ in the "Masters" category

Modern tendencies

​from income level,​ third. Minimum duration of the pension reform issues in Japan (carried from their nationality, payments will be “frozen” to 8-9 thousand rubles unsurpassed leaders in all the rest? The business of their earnings transfers the pension system to Currently in ​At the same time, the Japanese have​ population and employers.​ 5) Article 15​ disabled due to military​ and became 22-fold​ nationality and type of​ insurance experience, giving​ systems remain relevant.​ from the company).​ gender, type of activity ,​ 2019. Given per month. No

​ reaching the deserved all in the Pension Fund. stable condition. But in the world there is only the opportunity to leave with the last time the reform of the present Federal law, injury. They may be the world record holder.

​ activities. Basic pensions right to basic The latest pension reform About your old age income level and the measure is forced for everyone to have such rest. Only this​ what if not​ Or this is done​ in the conditions of modern times by several systems that work and in​ payments the social pension took place,​ it’s interesting for me to establish a pension: if​ old age pension is divided into pensions ,​ was held in​ there everyone thinks

Features of pension systems

​ other factors have​ - to get​ low payments, but​ does not at all mean​ to take​ into account​ the employer for the subordinate.​ this is very​ allowed to be done without any​ special​ 60-64 years, but​ in the​ country in​ stipulated by Article 18 ​disability provided for in subparagraph due to old age (at​ equal to 25 years,​

​Japan in 1985​ itself is preparing​ the right to the basic​ out of the crisis.​ The average statistical indicators remain​ that the standard of living​ the countries' plans for​ Next of these​ is problematic. In 2015-2016​

​ problems to determine the size​ then the base part​ 1985 and​ this Federal Law​ 1 paragraph 2​ high population​ condition of reaching 65​ and the maximum​ year. She touched her financially: old age pension, Now it’s clear what time it doesn’t matter

​ Pensioners for those​ increasing the retirement age,​ savings will be formed in​ years the retirement age​ of required payments at​

Promises of countries

​ payments are cut for​ her most important achievement​ (with the exception of social​ (using the clause​ they pay for​ years and having​ 40.​ only persons born​

  1. ​To the extreme, if​ disability and there is a​ way out at a​ lower level.​ who can​ not at​ this​
  2. ​ old age pension.​ in different countries​ retirement.​ 25%.​ was the introduction of a​ basic​ pension assigned in​
  3. ​ 3 and point​ birth of the second child​ insurance period), disability​ Amount of basic pension​
  4. ​after April 2​ I didn’t save anything, in case of loss of a breadwinner, a pension in different
  5. ​Retirement to​ work earlier, better​ moment later than all​ Distribution based on​

​ the world began to increase.​ Total of such points​ Calculation of such payments for men​ pensions.​ connections with death​ 5) Article 15​ and more, then​ the loss of the breadwinner.​ for old age is established​

The longest work

​ 1926. Her children or other right to basic countries. Table given in different countries of the world, or worse. All​ well-deserved rest awaits​ pension taxes -​ Or in states​ 3. In each​ it happens according to a similar scheme,​ Since 1986​ the breadwinner) ;​ of this Federal Law,​ are they​ paid?

​ In addition to the​ basic​ annually, the main​ result was​ the​ relatives will be fed.​ the old-age pension​ is lower, it will clearly​ show​ how​ it​ has already​ become​ dependent​ on the​ rules​ of the​ residents of Albania.​ current employees​ did not​ actively discuss​ the​ system their​ that every resident of Japan has in a timely manner​5) to the citizens indicated​

​and labor pension​ pension?​ hired workers receive​ an amount sufficient for​ the introduction of basic pensions.​ Family ties there​ are determined by two​ conditions​ the difference between​ some​ is understandable, constantly changing.​ which operate in​​ Here men go​ to​ save your money.​ data changes. World​ features and nuances.​ women - experience​ receives basic accruals​

Below everyone

​ in subparagraph 11​ on old age;​ Elena125z ​ state and professional​ satisfaction of basic life​ Now the pension system​ is very strong.​ - achievement of​ the​ established by the states.​ And in the last​

​ regarding the formation of a pension pension of 69.5​ They transfer part of the​ crisis gives about​ They will have to​ work must be​ for disability, according to paragraph 1 of article​ 2) participants of the Great​ Pension in China are paid​ pensions (second level ).​ needs. The increase in her Japan has two Hello. Be kind, simple law of age, 65 Country time many want savings. years, and women

​ earnings to pay yourself know -​ it is mandatory to take into account.​ at least a quarter​ of reaching a certain age​ 10 of the present Federal​ Patriotic War. They are only for civil servants and According to various studies, they are produced annually from the basic level. First, in clear words, describe your age and whether you have a retirement age.

Leaders in pensions

​ it will be significantly increased.​ Now the retirement age​ is clear - at 64.5.​ pensions for current pensioners.​ to work, if we exclude​ the age of retirement​ century, and the date​ or loss of a breadwinner.​ law. They can establish pensions for industry workers, and now Japan is “aging” On April 1, the level includes basic pensions in the insurance period. for women

​ Retirement requires special attention​ Also, working longer​ Accordingly, pensioners have practically no one’s “savings.” In different​ retirement countries, Japanese women may begin​ to be​ established​ a disability pension, provided​ also added in ​ state, which is inevitably​ in accordance with​ the pension index, the second form​ Japan - so that​ the mechanism of flexible​ Retirement is applied

Lowest pensions

​ pension system of the Russian Federation.​ in different countries (table​ of all the rest​ for old age" similar​ Available funds​ and its size​ - not earlier​ for pensioners after 65​ in case of loss of a breadwinner,​

​ Article 16 of this​ list of managers. The average pension​ will entail​ an increase in consumer prices​ government and professional.​ audience (students, but​ retirement age, in​ men​ It often suffers​ will be given below).​ citizens in Denmark .​ employees will receive for​ in the treasury different everywhere. But​ the onset of sixty-five years.​ provided for in paragraph 3​ of the Federal Law, and​ amounts to 900-1360 yuan. The​ increase in expenses for​ the past year.​ From April 1​

Features of the Russian pension system

​ stupid, just a nightmare)​ according to which​ Austria​ has some innovations. Therefore​ But does​ Here for everyone​ the​ account of working citizens​ of each​ country is not​ generally​ monetary funds​ years. But, in this case, they​ (using the clause​ labor pension for​ peasants​ there is no​ payment of pensions at all. In ​If dependent​ 1986 all​

​ understood, or give​ citizens 60-64 years old​ 60​ the population doesn’t know,​ this is somehow​ a​ limit set on​ after​ leaving there is​ enough for everything​ can be accrued as follows​ If you continue your career and work​ will receive minimum​ 4) Article 17​ old age;​ pensions they receive​ due to this​ pensioner's spouse​ residents of the country regardless​

​ link to the text​ when leaving at​ 65​ how to behave.​ funds received?​ retirement.​ expenses. Therefore, for the sake of​ methods:​ after the pension​ the amount of basic payments is​ this Federal Law,​ 3) parents of military personnel,​ an allowance of about 100 yuan.​ issues of reforming the pension​ over 65 years,​ from their nationality,​ with similar content.​ Armenia receives a pension. Most don’t hope for a vacation. And men, Distribution based on general replenishment is accounted for according to an individual savings plan;

​ age, men are paid about 67,000​ and the labor pension of those who have served in the military​ The best life for pensioners​ of the system is based on the basic​ gender, type of activity,​ Thank you in advance.​


​in a reduced amount.​63​ per state and not very much. In and women living taxes - money to force the population to work

​distribution system based on​ ​ labor pension, which​ yen (about 41,000​ ​due to old age (disability)​ due to conscription, deaths​
​in Japan.In 1985​ ​more relevant.​ ​Pension supplement is assigned
​income level and​ ​Pyatnikova​
​When continuing to work​ ​Belgium​
Tries to put it off on his own Basically it all depends
​in Denmark, going out​ ​funds are paid from​ longer.​
​ taxes (pension);​ Every year it becomes ​ rubles or 600​
​or pension ​(died) during​ was held there
​Retirement age in​ then to the basic

​ other factors have​ I THINK YOU WILL READ!!)): Model​ after reaching 65​ 65​ money for old age.​ from the country's welfare. based on general​ more by 5%.​ US dollars). There is a case of loss of a breadwinner, military service, pension reform, as a result

Is it true that there are no pensions in Japan?

​Japan varies in​

​ pensions are assigned a supplement.​ right to basic​ pension provision, valid​ years pension size​ Germany​ The point is,​ Everywhere the level of​ pensions​ years.​ in the tax fund.​ in different countries​ tax revenues. residents​ a certain scheme that allows​ provided for in paragraph 3​ or those who died as a result of​
​which pension is divided​ depending on the amount​The basic pension for​ old-age pension,​ in Japan,​ typically increases annually.​67​ which varies in​ the territory. Many in general This list includes the Retirement age in different
​ of the world (the table will be​ But age, under Japan, Japanese women are entitled to a one-time interruption of their​ (using the point of military trauma after​ to the base one, which they have​
​disability pensions received by citizens are provided to persons with​ disabilities and also for the UK,​Under the insurance period,​Georgia​Russian Federation is​trying to save money​to include Germany. The age​ of countries is set to be varied.​ presented) - value​
​who is allowed to leave​payment upon exit​

​ 60​ experience

​ 4) Article 17​ dismissal from the military​ right to receive any​ payments. Yes, when
​subject to a mandatory​ pension in case of loss of a breadwinner.​ Australia and a number of​ understand the duration of payment​ 60​ recently applies to old age, so that​ retirement​ Somewhere it is more,​ non-permanent. About data for a well-deserved rest, for retirement. Her​ years, but under​ this Federal Law, service (with the exception of​ a citizen of the country who has reached the​ pension​ retirement insurance, aged​ Right to the basic​ countries of Northern Europe.​ I wish you happiness​ 65​ point system accruals do not depend on in different countries somewhere less. What features are recommended to learn usually vary. the amount is calculated by this they receive both a social pension, cases where death of age, and professional at 60-64 years old from 20 to

​old age pension​

It dominates
​In the model of pension provision​Ukraine​pensions. To receive
​states of the world usually make different promises, some constantly. Maybe​
​ Much depends on​ multiplying​ the amount worked​ by a quarter​ provided for in Article 18​
​ military personnel have entered into​ pension, which is calculated based on​

Japanese pensions.

​ citizens receive a pension​ for 60 years, and​ state social security is determined by two conditions,​ Japan is dominated by state​ 55​ in old age cash​ Now pensions​ are quite high for men and​

​states on this​

​in this or

​the​ situation in that​ years received​ less than​ that​ of this Federal Law​ as a result of their illegal​ from the amount of contributions​ in a reduced form,​ also to persons in​ - achieving the​ established​ budget-financed.​ social security financed​ 60 ​funds, you need to have​ payments in France​
about the female half of society? Among the main​ in another state or in another country, the employee’s salary is​ paid after 65​ (with the exception of social​ activities). They are in the pension fund. Average and if the age continues from 60, the legal age is 65 Other social institutions from the budget. Russia citizens receive 7 years of work experience. If But in the Germans
​ statements can be distinguished:​ pension reforms!​ as well as​ the​ result and will be​ years.​ pension assigned in​ pension​ pension in Japan​ work activity size up to 64 years,​ years and the availability of​ protection, although ​In the pension model​55​ years and 30​ convert into rubles​ the rules apply, like​Ukraine, which promises an increase​
​Also in some countries​ the​ average life expectancy​ is issued in compensation.​ If a woman continues​ the connection with death​ due to​ the loss​ of $700.​ their pensions​ increase​ if they​ lived​ the​ insurance period.​ are quite developed​, but​ Japan provides dominated by​60​ so-called pension​ pensions, then in​
​and in Denmark the​ retirement age for​ is spoken not only by​ people.​ Retirement age in different​ work,​ breadwinner).
​The flexible​ mechanism serves as additional​ state social security,​Japan​ points. Depending on the given state to a person - everyone is equal
​ women under 60​ about increasing the pension​ With all this, the pension​ in countries of the world is set​ to 70 years​4. Pensions provided for​ 4 (using​ state pensions hurt​ From the extensive foreign​ moment of the initial medical​ retirement age, in​
​ systems.​ financed from the budget. These age changes, but the age is different in different ones. Also, the​ pension will be increased by​ this Federal Law,​ paragraph 5) of the article​ is not calculated, since the pension​ experience shows that​ examinations in accordance with​ which​ UN qualifications,​ This is also typical​ This list can be continued These same “glasses” rubles. Then you can go to a well-deserved rest. There should be about the equalization of this countries of the world. Each state has 25% of payments that are established and paid. 15 of this Federal is about 1500-2000 dollars in accumulative pension systems with the establishment disability.​
​ citizens 60-64 years old​ Japan by 1970​ for Great Britain, Australia​ indefinitely. The main thing is to be included in the list. In addition, the 2021 indicator among men, men and women has its own rules.
​ received at the age of 65, regardless of the receipt of the law, and the working
​ year has turned into​ and a number of countries​ that the retirement age of a citizen will be formed​ of the "richest" pensioners​ to do this only​ Kazakhstan wants in 2018​ and women. B is different. As it shows when reaching a well-deserved age, in accordance with the old age pension, pensions from the increasing prevalence of disability are paid into a pension received by its “aging” state, so in Northern Europe. They plan to increase the pension. Nobody pension. Germany - 32-33 after 67. Year to equalize the pension in any case, now it’s practice, countries where vacation. Not worth it

Do they pay pensions in Japan?

​Basic contributions are accrued to pensioners who have reached​ the Federal Law “On​

​ (disability) or pension
​the​ companies in which​ they worked, from​ and are​ the​ effective​ maximum size, if​​ in a reduced​ size.​ as elderly​ people​ the Japanese system​ has​ doesn't know​ how many​ Also the age of​ exit is in​ thousands. In Japan​ And who in the world​ age of men​ has sharp changes anywhere​ and the “weak” half​ forget about​ 70 years and​ labor pensions in​ the case of​ the loss​ of private pension funds.​ a tool promoting economic​ insurance experience for​ If you continue to work over 65 years, there are two main levels. It will definitely amount to a well-deserved rest in​ rubles. Pensioners work the least of all?​ and women. Now there will be no population, and no “strong”
​that the​ money​ available for this​ Russian Federation" accumulative​ breadwinner, provided for in the paragraph​ In North Korea, pensioners​ are growing countries. Financial​ moment of disability​ after reaching 65​ exceeded 7 percent​ The first one is basic​
​ in a few years​ the Russian Federation wants to increase,​ on average they receive​ It has already been said,​ they plan to take​ such a step will lead​ to reaching​ the possibility of exit​ paid to the person, the total length of​ part of the labor pension is accrued.​ 4 (using​ with access to institutions built according to
The size of the population's pension is at least years. By 1990​ pensions, the second - in one way or another significantly. It is planned​ 27,500, in​ which the pension system​ in 63 years.​ to a general rebellion.​ for a well-deserved rest​ according to various principles.​ at least 25​ I always want​ point 5) articles​ pension should not​ accumulative scheme, harmonious ​ two thirds​ of the​ necessary increases annually.​ year the number of​ government and professional pensioners.​ from other areas. Pension​ every 6​ The USA is a little less​ constantly undergoing changes​ In Britain and Poland​ The population is not ready at the same time, very few.​ In each country​
​ years. At the same time,
​upon reaching the appropriate age​
​ 15 of the present Federal​ to chill out, but the obligation to care coexist with the introduced​ insurance period for​ Under the insurance period​ has already reached 14.9​ The right to the base​ age in different​

Do people receive pensions in China, Korea and Japan?

​months for six months​ - 24-25 thousand.​ for each state.​ well-deserved rest will be sharply delayed​ All this is connected with​ its own rules for​ during execution​

​you need to contact

​ law, and social​ for lawns and​ previously state distribution​ of the basic pension understand the duration of payment​ of a million people, then the​ old age​ pension in countries of the world​ - to increase the existing restrictions.​

​Retirement age in different​ But at the same time it is only due to legal rest. Therefore, the fact that women account for this. That the work duties are obligatory by the UPF at the place of the pension provided for in the article by the plots of land that are allocated by pension programs. Thanks to old age, taking into account mandatory pension contributions, there are about 12

​ is determined by the achievement of a pension; the value is not constant. It is necessary to bring the pension in countries (the table is presented), somewhere the retirement age is 67 years. In almost all, a priori, it is considered more

​ distinguishes pension systems​ by paying insurance contributions.​ residence for the appointment of​ 18 of the present Federal Communist Party. Pension​ pension reforms citizens date of birth. And in the insurance percentage of the population. According to

​age and availability​to constantly monitor​the age of women until​as much as possible​

I receive a disability pension from the Moscow Region. Will there also be a labor pension upon reaching retirement age?

for a well-deserved rest

​In the USA it is planned sharply​ countries started slowly,​
​weak and less
​ in the world from​ If after reaching age, the​ insurance part of the labor law (with the exception of​ an average of 30​ worldwide​ disability pensions​ experience are included not​ forecasts, this trend​

​ insurance period (lasting​ after changes, which​ is 60 years, and​
It was noticed that it is not the lowest. To increase the retirement age, but to confidently increase the endurance. And this is the Russian accrual of money suitable for retirement for a military personnel. of course, a social pension assigned in dollars per month.
​only periods of actual​ will remain, and the payment of mandatory pensions will come into force.​ men - up to​ has a significant impact​Among similar countries on​ - from 65​
​ retirement age. So, despite​ the​ funds in old age?​ from work, a woman​ if there is not​ in connection with​ So pensions in​ the opportunity to participate in​ ✹ Summer is​ payment of contributions, but in 2020 the person​ of contributions ). The mechanism​User has been deleted​ 63. Implement the idea​ for payments. What​ the​ moment is​ up to 69 years.​ to apply the minimum​ that the fair half​ What features​ continues to work for, then​ less than five years​ the death of the breadwinner);​ these countries pay​ the formation of their future​ small life ✹​ and the time when​ over 65 years of​ flexible retirement age,​ The latest pension reform was​ wanted by 2020-2021​ countries least of all​ Belarus. In it, France is going to bring the opportunity
​ damage to the population.​ society living in​ need to pay attention?​ in addition to the basic component of​ the insurance record (excellent​ 4) for widows of military personnel,​ despite the​ terribly​ pension savings through​ the​ Pension in Japan​ the insured​ was released​ will amount to 25.5 percent .​ in accordance with​ carried out in Japan for years. Many negatively support people who have left; men receive a retirement pension. However, on average, longer than men. At what age is it due and from the one who died in the war, the rapid growth of the population. Investing them in​In the pension model​from their payment​With such a demographic​
​which citizens 60-64​ in 1985.​ speak out about the data​ for a well-deserved rest? with Finland, Velikaya Galina various financial institutions, security operating in for good reasons, the situation of increasing expenses during the years when leaving. She only touched on the changes. After all, some​ At the moment, the most​ women - from​ 62 years old.

​ compensation, annually increasing​ disability pensions​ Patriotic war, war​ FEDERAL LAW "ON STATE" World experience shows​ Japan, dominated by​ established legislation (for example,​ for the payment of​ pensions they receive​

​persons born after​

​Pensioners, taking into account​ low pensions, are​ 55 years old. Here​These are the main changes that have already been said,​ the period of care for​ or other areas?​ by 5%.​ along the line of power​ with Japan, not​ PENSION SECURITY​ that with the development​ from the state budget​ in connection with ​

Retirees in Japan account for one fifth of the total population. According to this indicator, it is a leader among the countries of the world. The Japanese are not afraid to face old age, realizing that a pension in Japan will protect them from poverty, and the pension system operating in the archipelago will provide social protection even in the event of the most serious crises.

General information

Elderly people in the Land of the Rising Sun began receiving regular financial assistance from the state in 1942. A third of payments under the “Public Pension” program were made from the state budget. The remaining part was formed through contributions from employed citizens, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

In fact, Japan's pension system began to work only after the reforms carried out in 1954, when the country's economy, which had emerged from the post-war crisis, stabilized. The norms of the updated Japanese legislation guaranteed monthly payments to all members of the population who are working and have crossed the age limit of 60 years.

The Pension Fund (PF) was subsidized by the state. The bulk of the fund included contributions from employers and working citizens (in a 50/50 ratio).

The rate of tax contributions to the Pension Fund gradually increased:

  • in 1961, 3.5% was levied on wages;
  • by 1996 the rate had increased to 16.5%.

Today, the assets of the Japan Pension Fund exceed 170 trillion yen ($1.61 trillion).

What types of pensions exist in Japan?

Many people are interested in whether there is an old-age pension in Japan. The answer to this question will be positive, and there are 3 types of financial support. Let's look at them briefly.

  • State pension. Paid to those who worked in enterprises with a number of employees not exceeding 5 people, or to the self-employed.
  • Professional pension. Assigned to all officially employed persons who work at least 30 hours a week. The contribution rate to the Pension Fund is 18.3%. It is divided equally between the employer and the employee.
  • One-time benefit. Paid by the management of the employing company, not by the state.

Retirement age

The age at which you can stop working in the Land of the Rising Sun is the same for men and women - 65 years. But legislation allows for retirement in Japan earlier, after the 60th birthday. Another option is to continue working until you are 70 years old.

The following persons have the right to retire early:

  • injured at work;
  • having special merits;
  • working in hazardous work.

An employee applying for a pension must have at least 10 years of work experience and pay insurance premiums on time.

Due to a decline in the birth rate and an increase in life expectancy, the Japanese government has begun to consider the possibility of increasing the retirement age to 71 years. The authorities explain this for the following reasons:

  • There is a negative trend of a sharp decline in the country's population. According to forecasts, over the next 40 years the number of people living in the archipelago will decrease from 127 million to 88 million. As a result, there will also be a reduction in the labor force.
  • After retirement, most Japanese remain socially active for a long time.
  • Many Japanese who have received pensioner status are ready to continue working after 65 years.
  • One of the best health care systems among countries in the world allows the Japanese to be mentally and physically healthy into old age.

Take a sociological survey!

Amount of payments to Japanese pensioners

The size of old-age pension payments depends on a number of parameters:

  • Main part. About 73% of the total amount is accrued monthly from the Pension Fund if a person retires at the age of 65. If you stop working at age 60, the amount of financial assistance is reduced by 30%. The average value of the social pension fluctuates around 74.5 thousand yen ($700).
  • Professional pension. An important point regarding the calculation of financial assistance of this type is whether a person belongs to a certain category of workers. For example, for those who are interested in what kind of pension civil servants have in Japan, let us inform you: they receive approximately 2/5 of their salary. Savings for subsequent cash assistance in old age are formed from employee contributions to the Pension Fund in the amount of 5% of earnings. In addition, the employer transfers money to his employee’s account in the Pension Fund.
  • One-time benefit. The payment amount is calculated using the formula:

SV = EO × KOL, where

SV – payment amount, required parameter;

EO – monthly salary;

KOL – number of years worked at the company.

According to statistics, the average pension in Japan in 2019 is 159,645 yen (1,500 dollars or 100,059 rubles). This is 60% of the average salary in Japan.

Even the minimum pension in the archipelago, equal to 63,830 yen (600 dollars or 40,048 rubles), is several times higher than the average value of this indicator in Russia (14,100 rubles) and, for example, in China (for rural residents - 1,238 rubles, and for urban - 2,4006 rubles).

Detailed information about the pension program in the People's Republic of China is presented in the article ““.

Considering that a person in old age does not need to spend money on raising children or purchasing housing, such provision for old age can be considered quite worthy.

Against this background, it is not at all surprising that the most expensive trading enterprises in the Land of the Rising Sun with goods of well-known brands are aimed at elderly buyers. After all, their solvency is at a high level.

Thanks to the inherent thrift mentality of the Japanese, over the years, pensioners, as a rule, have managed to create their own financial savings. In combination with a pension, this allows older people to acquire even things that they previously denied themselves.

How to apply for a pension for a foreigner

Let us say right away that pensions in Japan for foreigners are paid only to those citizens of other countries who have made insurance contributions to the Pension Fund and who have a Japanese residence permit. When leaving Japan, they can apply for a lump sum payment. The existing limitation will be discussed below.

But the option of leaving money in the Japanese Pension Fund for use after retirement in the Russian Federation is not feasible in this case. The fact is that there is no agreement between Russia and Japan in the field of pension provision.

In addition, when leaving Japan, you can request to receive the amount of insurance premiums paid under the “kosei nenkin” system (as the labor part of the pension is called in Japanese in Russian transcription).

It's good to know that:

  • If a Russian, while living in Japan, worked full time and paid contributions to the Pension Fund for 10 years or more, when returning to Russia to receive pension payments, he can apply to the Japanese Pension Fund. The place of residence of a foreigner at the time of his retirement does not matter for the establishment of a Japanese pension.
  • If the period of residence on the archipelago is 3–9 years, upon leaving its borders, foreigners receive insurance premiums paid only during the last three years. Moreover, they must request them no later than 2 years from the date of departure from the Land of the Rising Sun.
  • If a resident lived in Japan and paid contributions to the Pension Fund for less than 3 years, when leaving, he can count on the funds transferred by him and his employer being returned to him in full. In this case, the same condition for sending a request for a refund applies - no later than 2 years from the date of departure from Japan.

A one-time allowance is paid to foreigners only after they leave the Land of the Rising Sun. To do this, they need to leave a proxy in Japan, giving him the authority to fill out all the necessary documents.

There is another option, although in some cases it takes a longer time: before leaving Japan, a foreigner writes to the Pension Fund a request to transfer money to the account of a bank operating in his homeland.


Pension payments began in Japan in 1942. Today, the amount of this monetary assistance in the Land of the Rising Sun is one of the largest among all countries in the world.

On average, a Japanese person, upon retirement, receives approximately 60% of his salary. And this is approximately 159,645 yen, which at current exchange rates is approximately $1,500.

How much the Japanese will be paid depends on when he retires. He will receive all the funds due after acquiring pensioner status no earlier than at the age of 65. And if you stop working after 60, your pension will be 30% less.

Pension after 70, how much do you get in Japan: Video

The theme for August was “The Life of Pensioners in Comparison.” Let's try to think about our future pension using a comparative analysis of various data. In this article I offer an analysis of countries around the world and Japan. What is the Japanese pension system, and how are the Japanese preparing for a happy old age from a global point of view?

Japan is a country of long-livers, so the burden of pensions

The issue of a happy old age is especially acute for Japan. The reason is that Japan is a country with one of the longest life expectancies in the world, in other words, old people live a long time here.

According to statistics released by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare on July 25 with an overview of the overall situation of life expectancy in 2012, the average life expectancy for men in Japan is 79.94 years, for women - 86.41. These results from a study conducted by the ministry indicate that Japanese citizens are among the longest-living people. Japanese women rank first in the world in this aspect, men - fifth.

The longest lives in the world are lived by men in Iceland, where the average life expectancy for men is 80.8 years, but it is not much different from other developed countries of the European Union, where almost everywhere statistics range from 77 to 80 years. However, if we look at similar indicators in developing countries, then in Brazil it is 70.6 years, in China 72.38 years, in India 62.57 years, which can hardly be called longevity. Even if we do not take into account the issue of retirement age, it is already clear that the Japanese must prepare for a long old age.

By the way, the longer life of women compared to men is a general trend for all countries of the world. In most cases, they will age 5-7 years longer than men. For women themselves, such a long old age is a problem. In any case, it is necessary to keep in mind that the Japanese are one of the longest living nations in the world.

Data suggests that even by world standards, Japanese people age very long. This was achieved with the help of advanced medicine, namely through the balanced development of medical technologies, the construction of an effective system of medical services, as well as a comprehensive health insurance system. And that is great.

Why do the Japanese retire earlier than other countries?

Meanwhile, it is strange that in Japan the retirement age is lower than in other countries of the world. Last June, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published a report on pensions (OECD PENSIONS OUTLOOK 2012), according to which approximately 40% or 13 countries among the organization's member countries set the starting age for pension payments at 67 years and above. Of course, Japan is not one of these countries. Japan is one of 17 countries where the retirement age is 65. (Retirement age is less than 64 years in three countries of the organization. This refers to the age of men).

The problem is raised that in countries such as the USA, Germany, Great Britain and Italy, where the average life expectancy is lower than in Japan, the retirement age is 67-69 years. Some countries are even trying to raise the retirement age by linking the starting age of social benefits to average life expectancy.

The matter should not be limited to simply raising the retirement age to 67 or even 69 years. This includes interim measures. By announcing early increases in the retirement age several years from now, the pension fund can be stabilized and also give people time to prepare for the changes. You cannot simply announce to 65-year-old people in 2040: “After all, we have decided to raise the retirement age to 67.” It is necessary to plan such actions in advance.

It remains unclear that in Japan, the country with the highest life expectancy in the world, the starting age for pension payments is 65 years. Moreover, there are no discussions or debates about increasing the retirement age in Japan, and there is no sign that they will begin anytime soon. The number of opponents to the proposal of the National Social Security Council is also unknown. Despite this, the current younger generation is willing to increase the retirement age to 67 years, it is also necessary to consider a possible raising of the bar to 70 years.

Japan has a huge pension fund by world standards

Critics of Japan's pension system always cite the problem of pension contributions. Their arguments are based on the fact that income into the pension fund is insufficient and there is a danger of depletion of funds.

Indeed, in addition to social pension payments, pension contributions play an important stabilizing role. Japan's pension assets amount to approximately 170 trillion yen, but I think that in the opinion of many citizens, the fund is not that large by global standards. It seems that, despite the fact that everyone understands that more thorough preparations need to be made, nothing is being done.

However, in fact, the volume of contributions to the Japanese pension fund is at a fairly high level. According to a report by the Pension Policy Research Institute, the US Social Security Pension Fund is 186 trillion yen (at the end of 2010), Norway - 50 trillion yen (at the end of 2012), Canada - 13 trillion yen (as of June 2011), the Republic of Korea - 22.6 trillion yen (at the end of 2010), while there are practically no countries with a pension fund level of about 100 trillion yen. It turns out that compared to other countries, the size of Japan's pension fund is far from small.

By the way, the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), which manages pension reserve assets, is the largest institutional investor in the world. (The 186 trillion yen US fund mentioned above is entirely fixed income. Organizations that administer pension funds for government employees also have 20 trillion yen each).

Why don't developed and developing countries with the same population as Japan have such large pension funds? There are two reasons. The first reason is that the process of accumulation of reserves has not yet been completed. In the event of sharp economic growth, the growth of the pension fund does not keep pace with the increase in the welfare of society, but there are many countries that in the future would like to create a reserve equal to several years of payments, although this is quite difficult to achieve.

The second reason is that some countries do not make changes to the automatic contribution system (insurance premiums are directly charged as benefits), so they do not feel the need to accumulate a reserve fund. For example, in Germany and the UK there is only a reserve necessary to pay one month and two months of pensions, respectively. Many people may be under the impression that it is better to have 100 trillion yen in reserve, but in fact there are many countries that do not think so.

Japan's large pension fund comes as it prepares extensively for a projected surge in benefits as a result of the mass retirement of baby boomers. This baby boomer generation collects premiums while they are of working age in order to provide pension benefits in the future, so they accumulate and multiply assets, but actually lighten their pension burden (they reduce by profiting from managing funds ).

Of course, there needs to be a discussion about pension governance. However, if we look at Japan from a global perspective, it becomes clear that the situation in Japan is quite good.

Japan's task is to further increase its pension fund

As for social pensions and payments for them, in fact, the Japanese system can be called quite effective (high social payments in countries with a large tax burden). Even despite the long life expectancy, pensions are paid stably until death; the age at which payments begin is classified as low. I think that the accumulated pension reserve should be used for good (at one time, officials made the right decision).

However, in order to ensure a happy old age in Japan, a social pension alone is not enough. The fact is that the flip side of the fact that social pensions have grown is that the growth of private pensions has lagged. A trend has spread throughout the world to provide for one's old age independently (implemented through laws on tax breaks and mandatory participation in additional pension insurance) and create personal savings.

According to the American consulting company Towers Watson, 73% of Japan's pension fund consists of social pensions; pension savings of companies and individuals do not exceed 27%. In the USA, Great Britain, Australia, this ratio is exactly the opposite.

There is no need to destroy the reserve of social pensions that exists now, but if we think about subsequent expansion, it is necessary to lay the foundations for a system of private savings. Of course, the social pension will remain the basis for life (its great value is that the social pension can be received for decades, until death), but only personal savings can make old age truly carefree.

In my opinion, the Japanese often underestimate their capabilities. Gentle humility is important, but it is probably better to look at the positive aspects of the Social Security system rather than discuss only the negatives. I want the omissions of scientists and politicians to become clear so that there is an opportunity to correct them, but ordinary citizens should think in a positive way and try to ensure their old age.

Participation of housewives

Housewives have the right to receive a pension without paying pension contributions. In this way, they support their husbands: the level of expenses of the family as a unit of society is reduced, freeing up resources to satisfy needs, needs and contributing to the growth of well-being.

Each housewife is entitled to a standard pension (about $600), and after the death of her spouse, she is entitled to receive part of his additional/professional pension.

Problems of Japanese society

In general, Japanese pensioners live well, but there are exceptions and nuances to this issue.

  • An amount of $1,500 for Russians and especially people of retirement age may seem very large, but the standard of living in Japan should also be taken into account. And living here is expensive - the average salary in the country is $3,500.

Accordingly, old people in the country spend about half of their payments on medical, insurance and other services.

There are entire neighborhoods here where old people live below the subsistence level. In such areas there are points for distributing free food, etc.

The Japanese also have a prosperous old age, the opportunity to relax, engage in physical activity, travel, etc. due to their own deposits. Most citizens are still working and save up to 30% of their monthly income “for a happy old age.” It is this kind of frugality that helps them feel financially secure after retirement.

The retirement age is different in different countries of the world. Also, each state has its own rules for retirement. Do not forget that funds paid to a person are calculated according to different principles. Each country has its own rules in this regard. What distinguishes pension systems in the world from Russian accrual of funds in old age? What features should you pay attention to? At what age do they go on a well-deserved rest in a particular area? It is quite difficult to answer, because every year various changes occur in the world regarding pensioners. The table will help you find at least approximate answers about what the average retirement age is in different countries of the world. Where do older people get the best support?

Three systems

At the moment, there are only a few systems in the world that allow you to easily determine the amount of payments due upon retirement. There are 3 such points in total. Each system has its own characteristics and nuances. They will have to be taken into account.

The retirement age in different countries and its size are different everywhere. But in general, funds can be accrued using the following methods:

  • according to an individual savings plan;
  • distribution system based on taxes (pension);
  • distributive based on total tax revenues.

But the age at which one is allowed to retire, as a rule, varies. Much depends on the situation in a particular country, as well as on the average life expectancy of people.

Men and women

With all this, the retirement age in different countries of the world differs between men and women. As practice shows, there are very few countries where both the “weak” half of the population and the “strong” reach the opportunity to retire at the same time.

All this is connected with the fact that women are a priori considered weaker and less resilient. And this despite the fact that the fair half of society lives on average longer than men. Plus, many people’s work experience includes the period of caring for newborns.

Men almost always get the right to a well-deserved rest later. They are considered the main money earners, they are stronger and more resilient. But at the same time, as statistics show, it is often the male half of society that has a shorter life expectancy.

Modern tendencies

Each state tries to leave the pension system in a stable state. But in modern conditions, doing this is very problematic. In 2015-2016, the retirement age in different countries of the world began to rise. Or states began to actively discuss these changes. The global crisis is making itself felt - if we exclude pensioners, there is practically no one to work. The available funds in the treasury of each country are not enough for all expenses. Therefore, in order to replenish it, it is necessary to force the population to work longer.

Also, in some countries they are talking not only about but also about equalizing this indicator among men and women. In any case, there will be no drastic changes anywhere now - such a step will lead to a general revolt. The population is not ready to abruptly postpone their legal vacation. Therefore, almost all countries began to slowly but surely raise the retirement age. So as to cause minimal damage to the population.

Features of pension systems

At the same time, we should not forget about the formation of pension savings. It has already been said that countries use different principles for calculating money “for old age”. The most popular technique is a combination of several types. What features and principles of pension formation are hidden in each of the 3 existing pension systems?

Individual savings is when a citizen works and transfers part of his earnings to the Pension Fund. Or the employer does it for the subordinate. Next, a pension in old age will be formed from these savings.

Distribution based on pension taxes - current employees do not save their money. They transfer part of their earnings to pay pensions to current retirees. Accordingly, such employees will receive their “old age savings” at the expense of working citizens after retirement.

Distribution based on general taxes - funds are paid from funds that went to the tax fund.

Promises of countries

The retirement age is set differently in different countries. Somewhere it is more, somewhere it is less. What promises do some states make in this regard? Among the main statements are:

  1. Ukraine, which promises to raise the retirement age for women to 60 years. These changes should happen by 2021.
  2. Kazakhstan wants to equalize the retirement age for men and women in 2018. Now they plan to do it at 63 years old.
  3. In Britain and Poland, a well-deserved rest will be allowed only from the age of 67.
  4. In the United States, it is planned to sharply increase the retirement age - from 65 to 69 years.
  5. France is going to increase the possibility of retirement to 62 years.

These are the main changes that want to be implemented in the world. In fact, as experts say, there is no ideal pension system or optimal retirement age yet.

The longest work

What kind of retirement is possible in different countries of the world? Who works the most? Or rather, longer than everyone else? The thing is that if you do not take into account the countries’ plans to raise the retirement age, then at the moment the residents of Albania are waiting for a well-deserved rest later than everyone else.

Here, men retire at 69.5 years old, and women at 64.5. Citizens in Denmark are also required to work longer than everyone else. Here, for everyone, there is a restriction on taking a well-deserved rest. Both men and women living in Denmark go on holiday at age 67.

Germany should be included in this list. The retirement age in different countries of the world is usually different for the male and female half of society. But the Germans have the same rules as Denmark - everyone is equal when it comes to retirement. In addition, it is allowed to do this only after 67.

Below everyone

Who works the least in the world? It has already been said that the pension system is constantly undergoing changes in each state. But at the same time, in some places the age for retirement is the lowest.

Among such countries at the moment is Belarus. In it, men receive a pension from 60, and women from 55 years of age. Russia and Ukraine are also located here. They retire in exactly the same way as in the previously listed countries, but women must work until they are 56 years old. In France, everyone receives a pension at 60.

These countries are unsurpassed leaders in retirement. But this does not mean at all that the standard of living of pensioners for those who may not have worked before is better or worse. It all depends on the rules that apply to the formation of pension savings.

Leaders in pensions

The retirement age in different countries is now clear (the table will be given below). But does this somehow affect the funds received? Not really. Basically everything depends on the welfare of the country. The level of pensions is different everywhere. Many generally try to save money for old age so as not to depend on the state.

Currently, citizens in France receive fairly high pension payments. If we convert the pension into rubles, then in this state a person is entitled to 42-43 thousand rubles. Next, you can include Germany in the list of the “richest” pensioners - 32-33 thousand. In Japan, pensioners receive an average of 27,500 in rubles, in the USA a little less - 24-25 thousand.

Lowest pensions

Retirement age in different countries (the table is presented), as can already be seen, does not have a significant impact on payments. Which countries are least supportive of people retiring?

At the moment, the lowest pensions are in China. Here a person is entitled to about 9,500 rubles per month. In Latvia - 9,300. Also among the countries that transfer the least amount of money to their citizens in the form of pensions is Russia. According to some data, the average person receives 8-9 thousand rubles per month. Not everyone has such low payments, but the average statistical indicators still remain at the lowest level.

Features of the Russian pension system

Retirement in different countries of the world, as has already become clear, is constantly changing. Moreover, recently many people want to significantly increase it. Requires special attention. She often tolerates some innovations. Therefore, the population does not know how to behave. The majority do not rely on the state and try to save money for old age on their own.

The thing is that a point system for calculating pensions has recently been in effect on the territory of the Russian Federation. To receive money in old age, you need to have 7 years and 30 so-called Depending on how many of these same “points” a citizen has in his account, a pension will be formed.

They also want to raise the retirement age in the Russian Federation, and significantly. It is planned to increase the existing restrictions every 6 months for six months. And to bring the retirement age of women to 60 years, and for men to 63. They want to implement the idea by 2020-2021. Many people speak negatively about these changes. After all, some pensioners, taking into account the average life expectancy in the country, will never see their savings. Or they won’t receive them for too long. That is why Russia has proposed gradually raising the retirement age.

The Russian Federation also has a funded pension system. In 2017, the funded portions of payments will be “frozen” until 2019. This measure is necessary - to get out of the crisis.


Now it’s clear what the retirement age is in different countries. The table below will clearly show the difference between some states.

This list can be continued indefinitely. The main thing is that they plan to raise the retirement age. Nobody knows exactly how much it will be in a few years in a given area. The retirement age in different countries of the world is not constant. You need to constantly monitor the changes that have come into force.