Abstract of the lesson 2 junior group on ftskm. Olga dybina classes on familiarization with the outside world in the second junior group of kindergarten class notes

1. To form the ability of children to recognize vegetables in their natural form and in a planar image.

2. Continue to form a subject dictionary for kids on the topic: a high level of 5 names of vegetables (onions, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, sekla); low level 3 names (cabbage, carrot, onion).

3. To consolidate the ability to use the generalizing word vegetable.

4. Develop the ability to use a noun in the nominative case, singular.

5. Exercise in the ability to use the numerals "one - many" in speech

6. Develop elements of coherent speech high level - answer questions with a simple sentence; low level - in a word.

7. To develop children's speech communication with each other and the game character.

8. To form a good attitude towards each other, a desire to treat each other and the character with a carrot.



Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 16"


According to FTsKM in the first junior group (2-3 years)

Theme "Reviewing vegetables"

1. To form the ability of children to recognize vegetables in their natural form and in a flat image.

2. Continue to form a subject dictionary for kids on the topic: a high level of 5 names of vegetables (onions, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, sekla); low level 3 names (cabbage, carrot, onion).

3. To consolidate the ability to use the generalizing word vegetable.

4. Develop the ability to use a noun in the nominative case, singular.

5. Exercise in the ability to use the numerals "one - many" in speech

6. Develop elements of coherent speech at a high level - answer questions with a simple sentence; low level - in a word.

7. To develop verbal communication of children with each other and the game character.

8. To form a good attitude towards each other, a desire to treat each other and the character with a carrot.

Individual work(Ulyana, Nikita). Repetition of the name of vegetables.

Develop the ability to respond with a simple sentence.

Differentiated Approach:High level 5 names of vegetables (onions, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, sekla); low level 3 names (cabbage, carrot, onion).

Funds: Toy - a hare, a basket of vegetables (5 vegetables) and a planar image of vegetables (carrots, onions).

GCD progress:

  1. Organizing time.

There is a knock on the door. Children with a teacher go to meet guests.

A bunny toy appears. Children greet.

Z: "Did you recognize me?"

Q: "Who's that guys?"

D: "Bunny"

Z: “Yes, my name is Bunny - a runaway. what is your name? Let's get acquainted"

Children sit on chairs. Bunny comes up to each child and asks: What is your name? Children's answers.

  1. Main part.

Q: “Guys, our bunny worked in the garden in the summer. Well - ka Bunny - runaway, show what you have grown in your garden.

Z: "Look - this is cabbage, it has grown very tasty."

The children are looking.

Q: “Let’s all say “Cabbage” together (repeat in chorus and individually)

Z: “Now guess what else I grew in the garden (takes out a carrot and shows it to the children)

Carrot - children's answers in chorus and individually.

Z: "You guessed right" Well done "(praises the children), What else do I have in the basket?"

Takes out alternately onions, beets, potatoes. Children name each vegetable (in chorus and individually)

Q: “All this (onions, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, sekla) how can you call it, in one word?

Vegetables (repeat in chorus and individually)

Q: Who do you think grew all these vegetables?

D: "Bunny - runaway" (the teacher praises the children for the correct answers)

Q: “Bunny, and we also have a garden in kindergarten. Let's go and show it to you. Children come to the beds where carrots and onions grow.

What's this? The teacher shows one carrot (children's answers)

What is it? Points to the bow (children's answers)

Q: Collect one carrot each!

What did you rip? Child's answer

How many carrots do you have?

One carrot? child repeat one carrot!

Q: “Put your own carrots on a plate.

Look how many carrots are on the plate. How many carrots are on the plate?

D: A lot.

Q: “Now look what has grown on the other bed. What is it?"

D: "It's a bow" (repeat in chorus and individually)

B: "Take one bow each" (children take)

- “Nikita, you have one bow in your hands. Repeat "One bow" (repeat in chorus and individually.)

- “Put each of your onions on a plate” (children put)

“Look how many onions we have collected in the garden? Say "Many" (repeat in chorus and individually).

Z: "Well done, guys, you have harvested a good harvest in your garden."

Q: "Now let's sit on the chairs and tell you what grew in the summer in the garden at your place" (conversation from personal memories)

- “And how can we call in one word everything that has grown in your garden?

"Vegetables grew in the garden" (Repeat in chorus and individually)

  1. Final part.

B: “The bunny invites you guys to try a delicious sweet carrot that he has grown in his garden.

Sit down at the table and treat each other with carrots, do not forget to say "Eat, please" Do not forget to treat the bunny.

Children treat each other with carrots, thank the bunny, say goodbye to him.

"Goodbye, Runaway Bunny, come visit us again."

Municipal educational budgetary institution elementary school-kindergarten No. 80, Sochi


topic: "Objects of the man-made world"

(second junior group)

Prepared and hosted:


Target. To teach children to distinguish between objects of the natural and man-made world.


Ø develop speech;

Ø cultivate curiosity, respect for the world around;

Ø encourage children to identify, distinguish and name objects of the natural and man-made world.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment:

Children sit on chairs in a circle. The teacher draws the attention of the children:

Hear someone knocking on the door! (I open it, the toy is Squirrel)

Hello squirrel, why are you so sad? I was asked to wash the dishes, but I don't know how to do it.

Don't worry, the guys will help you wash up. Really guys? Love to help? First we'll see what's in your box. (I take out the children's dishes from the box).

I take out a plate. I ask:

2.- What is the name of this item? What is it for? Who made it?

That's right, the man did. What a person did, we will put in a box with a conditional symbol (man)

I take out a cat figurine.

And where do we put it? (I ask the children to come up and put animals in the appropriate box). And so with the rest of the items.

3. Finger game "Dishes".

One two three four,

We washed the dishes

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon,

And a big ladle!

We just broke a cup.

The ladle was broken

The bucket also fell apart

The teapot's nose broke off.

We broke the spoon a little

So we helped mom.

4. Plot - role-playing game "Wash the dishes."

Now the guys will help you wash the dishes. Tell me, children, what do we need in order to wash the dishes? Children answer: Water, soap, sponge, towel to dry the dishes.

We'll also bring a basin. Can you tell me in what order to wash the dishes. Do you need to dry it with a towel first? And then wash? (Not)

But as? (Children answer, after the answers I give the children the opportunity to show the correct sequence one by one).

We put the washed dishes in a box to the squirrel.

Thank you children, you are great fellows, they washed the dishes for me well. Here's the trouble, I lost my spoons while I was walking towards you. What to do? (Answer options are heard) The teacher invites the children to color the spoons for the squirrel.

5. Drawing "Spoons for squirrels."

We put the finished products on a tray.

Questions are being asked:

Ø “What are they for?”; "Dishes - what kind of world is an object?".

6. -Did you enjoy the activity?

How did we help the squirrel? ; - What items did we use? - Will you help your mother at home, wash the dishes?

Used Books:

1. Gerbova on the development of speech in the second junior group of kindergarten. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2009.

2. Komarova on visual activity in the second junior group of kindergarten. M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

3. Pomoraeva on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the second junior group of kindergarten. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

4. Development of speech of children 3-5 years old. 3rd edition, addition / Under the editorship. - M.: TC Sphere, 2014. - 192p.

Synopsis of OOD on cognitive development (FTsKM) "Bunny visiting the guys" for children of an early age group (2-3 years old)

Gribanova Anna Leonidovna
Position and place of work: educator, MBDOU No. 44 "Kindergarten of a combined type", Kemerovo.
Material Description: I bring to your attention a summary of the open lesson "Bunny visiting the guys" using the regional component. The material includes the following educational areas: "Cognitive development" and "Speech development". The summary of the lesson can be useful for educators of early age groups and teachers of additional education in ecology.
Target: Continue to acquaint children with wild animals - a hare.
1. Introduce children to the animal hare, give an idea of ​​the body parts of the hare, the features of the life of the hare in winter and summer, the features of the city and the forest.
2. Replenish passive vocabulary, activate children's speech.
3. Develop sensory perception, the ability to distinguish white and gray colors.
4. Develop comparison skills.
5. Develop physical skills, the ability to breathe properly, fine motor skills of the hands.
6. Cultivate respect for the toy, love for wildlife.

Equipment: Hare toy, cards with the image of animals for breathing exercises, the image of a hare in winter and summer, cut out bunnies from white paper, sheets of white paper for the experience for each child, illustrations of the city, forest and house of the hare.
Educator: Guys, look how many guests came to us today, let's say hello.
Children: Hello!
Educator: Oh, and who is rustling there? (The teacher approaches the house and takes out a hare toy from behind him)
Children: Hare.
Educator: That's right, hare. Hello Bunny! Why are you so trembling?
Hare: Terrible, I ran away from the forest, ran, ran and got lost. So I got to you, but where I don’t go, to a big house or something.
Educator: Guys, where do we live?
Children's answers.
Teacher: We live in the city. What is the name of our city? (picture display)
The city has large houses, asphalt roads, shops, hospitals and our kindergarten. Guys, where does the bunny live?
Children: In the forest.

Educator: There are no houses or roads in the forest, but only trees, paths, mushrooms.
Bunny: Oh, it's so scary in the forest. While I was running from the forest, I saw so many terrible animals.
Educator: Guys, do you know what animals the hare met?
Children list familiar wild animals.
Educator: Well done, let's check ourselves, have we named everyone? The teacher distributes cards, and the children complete the task (Blow on the card, see and name the animal).
Educator: That's how many animals the hare saw on its way. But aren't all animals scary?
Hare: No, I am friends with squirrels, hedgehogs, badgers and chipmunks.
Educator: Sit down, hare, rest, and we will look at you from all sides, and we will get up so that you can see better.
Educator: The hare has paws, front and rear (show). And we have arms, right and left, legs, right and left. We have a torso (demonstration) and the hare also has it. Head. Shake your head and bunny with you.
..... show where the hare's eyes are, okay, and now you blink your eyes.
..... show where the hare has ears, but do we have ears? Where?
…. show where the hare has a nose, and we have a nose? Breathe through your nose. Just like a bunny.
...... show where the hare has a mouth, and a tooth in his mouth, knocked his teeth.
Oh, where's my tail? Have you seen my tail? Where is he?
Children: We don't have a tail.
Educator: Well done, but animals and birds have. Look, the bunny also has a tail. What is he?
Children choose adjectives.
Educator: small, soft, fluffy, short, round, small, funny, stubby ... Gives you to touch the tail. The body of a hare is covered with hair, like a cat or dog.
Showing a picture of a hare in winter.
Educator: Guys, why does our bunny have gray hair, and the other toy that we have in the group (white hare) is white? Look at the white bunny.
Children's answers.
Educator: We live in a place where there is a lot of snow, white as a sheet of paper, take it, put a white bunny on it. Here is a bunny in a snowy forest clearing.

Can you see a rabbit? No. Why? But spring has come, our bunny has changed his coat to a gray one, and the snow will soon melt in the forest, and the bunny will hide behind a bush in a gray coat.

caregiver: Bunny, did you go for a walk, did you warn your mother?
Hare: Of course. And mom and dad.
caregiver: Tell us where you live.
Hare: We each have our own home and animals have their own home. Only hares do not dig holes or make nests, we live in a hole under a bush. (Illustration display).

And my mother is waiting for me at home - a hare, my father is a hare, and my brothers are hare.
Teacher: Let's repeat. A hare and a hare have a lot of rabbits, let's count them.
Finger game "One, two, three, four, five." And they jumped like rabbits.
Educator: Who came to visit us today? Where does the hare live? Who is waiting for the bunny at home? And why did the bunny come in a gray fur coat? Our bunny is not in a hurry to go home, he warned his mother that he would go to kindergarten to play with the children. How can we play with a bunny? Well done, get out the furniture, dishes, prepare the cars, we will play with the bunny.

Type of children's activity: game, communicative, cognitive-research, productive.

Used educational program: the main general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, 2012.

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about plants, about the simplest relationships in wildlife, about the properties of water.

Program content:

  • Educational tasks:
cultivate curiosity, a desire to care for plants;
  • Development tasks:
  • develop fine motor skills, attention; aesthetic perception, perseverance;
  • Educational tasks: to form an idea of ​​​​the structure of a flower, to learn to distinguish between leaves, stem; fix red, yellow and green colors; fix the properties of water.
  • Age of children: 3-4 years (second junior group).

    Direction: “Cognitive and speech development”.

    Main educational area: “Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world).

    And Integration of educational areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Labor”, “Socialization”.

    Form of holding: subgroup.

    Expected results: creation of interest, emotional mood for activities, children are active in creating an individual composition “Flower from a “mosaic”, participate in observing a flower in a vase, in a conversation with a teacher, perceive an artistic word while doing exercises of finger gymnastics “Flower”.

    Methods and techniques:

    - viewing;
    - display;
    - surprise moment
    - appeal to the personal experience of children;
    - leading questions to children;
    - d / and "Mosaic";
    – finger gymnastics “Flower”;
    - watering a flower;
    - Individual work with children.

    Visual learning aids:

    Tulip with closed petals, tulip with open petals, transparent glass vase with water (for flower), carafe of drinking water (for children), dark red syrup, drinking cups, watering can, use of multimedia installation, mosaic (red, yellow, green chips), a withering small flower in a flower pot.

    Organization of children: standing near the teacher, sitting at tables, standing in a circle, sitting on chairs.

    Individual work: watering a flower, assembling a mosaic.

    Vocabulary work: words: stalk, petal.

    Preliminary work:

    - puzzle games
    - work in the corner of nature;
    - didactic game "Colors";
    - reading fiction: an encyclopedia in pictures for kids, an encyclopedia for children “The whole world”, Y. Sokolov, an encyclopedia “Everything about everything” by D.I. Newson;
    – viewing a series of demonstration paintings “Our Kindergarten”.


    Introductory part (duration 2-3 minutes).

    Purpose: creation of interest, emotional mood for activity.

    Main part: (duration 8-10 minutes).

    Purpose: implementation of the tasks of the program content.

    Final part: (duration 2-3 minutes).

    Purpose: summarizing the activity.

    Introductory part.

    Organizing time.

    The teacher shows the children a closed tulip.

    Educator. Guys, look what a beautiful flower.

    (Examination of a flower.) Guys, tell me, what flowers do you know? (Children name flowers.) Our flower is called Tulip, guys come closer let's look at the flower.

    (The teacher on the interactive board once again shows the structure of the flower.)

    Main part.

    Introduction to flowers.

    Educator. A flower has petals and a stem (shows). What an interesting word - petal. Let's repeat its petal. (Choral and individual responses of children.)

    Educator. The petals are red and the stem is green. (The teacher asks 2–3 children what color the petals and stem are.). The flower has middle. At our flower, the petals are closed and therefore we do not see its middle. (Shows the children a flower, the middle is not visible). We will see the middle when the flower opens, let's put our flower in the water. Why do you think you need to put a flower in water? (Children's answers.) Look at the water is clear, we see a stalk.

    Making a flower from a "mosaic".

    (Children sit down at the tables.)

    Educator. The middle of the flowers will be yellow. We take a yellow chip, the petals will be red ... .. ( Shows how to lay out a flower.) What a beautiful flower this is. Now let's make a stem for our flower ( the teacher takes the green chips and shows how to lay out the stalk). Children complete the task on their own.

    Finger gymnastics "Flower".

    Children stand in a circle.

    The sun wakes up a flower: (Palms connect.)
    “Wake up, buddy.
    One, two, three, four, five (Gradually spread fingers apart.)
    A new day has come again."
    And how the evening fell -
    The flower hurried to sleep.
    One, two, three, four, five - (Gradually connect fingers.)
    Get up with sunshine tomorrow!

    The teacher draws the attention of the children to the flower. Look at our flower blossomed. We put him in some water, and he opened his petals. What a magical water! (During this time, the tulip should open, if this does not happen, it can be quietly replaced.)

    Educator. All plants need water. If they are not watered, they will die. Let's go see our flowers in the corner of nature. (Children go to a corner of nature.) Guys, look at our beautiful flowers. Do kids love watering flowers? Well done! All flowers were watered. They gave the flowers some water to “drink”. The teacher takes out a withering flower from the middle. Guys, look, the flower is sick! It's completely dry! How can we help the flower? Children's answers. Of course, it needs to be watered sooner. Egor, take a watering can and fields a flower. A child is watering a flower. Now our flower will come to life again. We will then come and see.

    Educator. Guys, we have all the flowers watered, they drank. Are you thirsty? I have a vodka. (Shows a carafe of water.) The water is clean and transparent. Let's add syrup to it and see what happens. (The teacher adds red syrup to the water.) Now let's interfere. What color did the water become?. It turned out a delicious fruit drink. Who loves sea? let's try . (The teacher pours juice into glasses, the children drink fruit drink.)

    Final part.


    Guys, what did we do today?

    Guys, water gave us a drink, watered our flowers.

    Tulips bloomed -
    yellow cups,
    yellow and red,
    Satin petals.
    That would be a birthday
    Was with my mother in the spring
    I would give her
    Delicate tulips.
    Velvet, different
    The most beautiful
    With a bit of sparkle
    Like silver.
    Let's say thank you to the vodka.


    1. The main general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, 2012.
    2. Encyclopedia in pictures for kids, 2010.
    3. Encyclopedia for children "The whole world", Y. Sokolov, 2009.
    4. Encyclopedia “Everything about everything” D.I. Newson, 2000.
    5. “Our Kindergarten” a series of demonstration paintings with methodological recommendations for teaching storytelling to preschoolers. Educational visual aid author - compiler N.V. Nishcheva, artist O.R. Hoffmann. St. Petersburg “Childhood press”, 2008.
    6. “Physical minutes for every day” Zabaluev A.A.., 2010.
    7. “We develop speech for 3–4 years” Zemtsova O.N.., 2000.

    This material is selected to consolidate the knowledge gained by children in the process of GCD (direct educational activity) in accordance with lexical topics, taking into account traditional and innovative views on the development of speech of preschoolers 3-4 years old.
    With children of younger preschool age, it is advisable to use games aimed at correcting and developing the sensorimotor sphere (motor skills of the hands, general coordination of movements, consolidating the concepts of "color", "size"). In this regard, most of the games and exercises are matched with the use of a ball and buttons.
    For each lexical topic, several applications are offered for individual work of a child with buttons. Applications are made taking into account the complication, due to the increase in the number of buttons and pattern items. Applications are presented in black and white, but in my work I offer children colored applications. This arouses more interest in children, at the same time it allows you to consolidate a greater number of tasks for the development of speech and mental processes.
    The proposed form of classes is subgroup and individual.
    Addressed to educators, speech therapists of preschool educational institutions and parents.

    The workbook "I'm starting to read" is the fourth book of the author's program "From sound to letter (from work experience)". Teaching the technique of reading, the formation of a child's interest in independent reading, the development of reading abilities is the main goal of the book.
    The topics offered for teaching reading are familiar and understandable to children and correspond to the section "Introduction to others" in the "Model Program for Education and Training in Kindergarten".
    The book contains tasks to prepare the child's hand for writing, contributing to the development and strengthening of the muscles of the hand, visual-motor coordination. Through a system of game tasks and exercises with sounds, letters, words, texts, the child will master the basics of initial reading and prepare for schooling.
    It is recommended to a wide range of specialists working in preschool educational institutions, teachers of correctional and developmental education classes, tutors, as well as parents.
    Contents: see continuation...

    Demo material. The proposed textbook contains 28 drawings depicting animals of different latitudes. The manual is universal in nature, as it can be used in the classroom in kindergarten, primary school and at home.
    Designed for preschool teachers, elementary school teachers and parents.

    Determining a child's readiness for school is a topic that worries many parents. The system of exercises proposed in this book will help adults independently determine the degree of readiness of their child for schooling, and certain exercises will help to "pull up" the child if any shortcomings and gaps in his preparation are revealed.

    Card file of riddles with didactic material on lexical topics: trees, wild animals, domestic animals, insects, vegetables, poultry, migratory birds, transport, fruits, flowers, exotic animals, berries.
    Compiled by fantastisch

    The topic "left and right" is usually studied at school quite fluently. But it seems to us that it is worthy of a detailed discussion with preschoolers. This book will teach your child not to confuse "left" and "right" and to freely navigate in space.