Summary of the organization of educational activities in the first junior group "Golden Autumn" outline of the lesson on the world around (junior group) on the topic. Long-term planning for socialization in the first junior group Educational activities,

Natalia Ivanova
Short-term project "Golden Autumn" in the first junior group

Short-term project "Golden Autumn"

Prepared. Educator MADOU No. 97 "Kindergarten of supervision and improvement" Kemerovo Belkina E.V.


Often adults forget to observe with a child, admire the beauty of the natural world, do not support children's curiosity. It is the early age that is the most favorable time for the accumulation of ideas about the world around us. It is necessary not only to show children what a beautiful world surrounds them, but also to explain why it is necessary to love and protect nature.

Project type

Cognitive - creative.

Implementation timeline

Project participants:

Children, teachers, parents.

Children's age

First junior group.

Resource support:

Gouache paints. Paper format A - 3, glue. Sheets depicting a leaflet, illustrations depicting autumn, leaf fall. blue plasticine,

Objective of the project

Creation of the necessary conditions for children to get acquainted with the characteristic signs of autumn, to develop the cognitive activity of children through joint playing activities of ecological content.


To give pupils elementary ideas about autumn (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area).

Continue to expand the pupils' ideas about harvesting, about some vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms.

To acquaint with the peculiarities of the behavior of forest animals and birds in the fall.

Project Implementation Plan

Educational areas Activities Forms and methods of work


Game 1. Role-playing games: “Let's dress Katya's doll for a walk”, “Katya's doll for a walk”, “Let's teach Katya's doll to undress after a walk” Purpose: to encourage the desire of children to dress and undress the doll on their own. To form initial cultural and hygienic skills.

2. Didactic games: “Collect the leaves - red”, “Who came to visit?”, “The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing”, “What did autumn give us?”, “Wonderful bag”, “When does this happen?”

Goal: Development of the ability to collect leaves only by one sign (by color) Development of attention, memory, auditory differentiation and tactile sensations.

3. Games - experiments: "Warm - cold", "Turntable"

Purpose: to consolidate the concepts of "warm", "cold".

“Labor” Labor 1. Assignments: “Collect a bouquet of leaves” Purpose: To develop the ability to collect leaves together with an adult and under the supervision of adults on a walk.

2. Observations: Purpose: To draw the attention of children to what and how an adult does, why he performs this or that action. Encourage the desire to help adults.

"Safety" OBZh 1. Conversations with children: "When it's raining outside, then ...". Objective: To continue to educate children about safety in the winter and when handling objects. Build the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Didactic exercises: "You can - you can not", "Show me how to do it right." Purpose: To form the ability to follow the rules of safe handling of objects.

3. Regime moments: Purpose: To continue to teach children to dress themselves in the correct sequence, to dry their hands and face with their towel. Forming the habit of exercising daily.


Cognitive - research and productive (constructive) 1. "Collect a leaflet", "Bird". Purpose: To teach children to lay out a whole drawing from parts. Continue to learn to distinguish between big and small.

"Artistic Creativity"

Productive 1. Drawing on the topics: “Golden Leaf”, “Rain - cap. Cap, cap…”

To develop the ability to draw with a brush and paints, knowledge of the primary colors of red, green, yellow. Learn to gently apply the side smeared with glue to a piece of paper.

2. Sculpting themes: "Ryabinka", "Mushrooms". Purpose: To consolidate the ability to roll out a plastic mass in a circular motion.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one's horizons (joint activity of an adult and children in free activity, in sensitive moments). 1 "Vegetable shop", "What autumn gave us." Purpose: To teach children to answer questions. Concretize, consolidate children's knowledge of the plant world; about where, what grows. Learn to look at things.

2. Examination of the picture "Autumn" Purpose: To clarify and enrich children's ideas about autumn.

3. Looking at the tree: Purpose: To learn to look at the parts of the tree and answer questions.


Joint activity of an adult and children in free activities and regime moments. 1. Examination of the painting "Katya on a walk" Purpose: To clarify and enrich the ideas of children. Activate the dictionary on the topic "autumn signs". Teach children to listen carefully and observe. To form the ability of children to dialogic speech.

2. Theatrical show of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" Purpose: To help children remember the fairy tale. Involve children in staging a fairy tale, activate speech.

"Reading Fiction"

Joint activities of an adult and children 1. Reading a poem by A. Barto from the "Toys" series. “Our ducks in the morning”, “The cat went to the market”, “Yegor's hare ...”

Physical culture Motor To ensure optimal physical activity of children throughout the day, using mobile, sports, folk games and physical exercises.

Outdoor games: “Leaf fall”, “Let's go to the forest”, “At the bear in the forest”, “Birds and rain”, “Roll the doll” Purpose: To improve the basic movements; running, walking, jumping. Develop a desire to play with the teacher.


Improving Breathing gymnastics "Blow off a leaf", "Blow off a drop"


Musical - artistic


1. Listening: music. P. Tchaikovsky "Autumn". "Rain" RNP; "Bird" music. M. Rauchverger.

2. Singing: "Bird" music. M. Rauchverger. “The chicken went out for a walk”; music M. Rauchverger sl. N. Komissarova “This is how we get on”; music E. Tilicheeva.

Working with parents:

1. Involving parents in the participation and design of the group for entertainment “What did autumn bring us?”, “Autumn”.

2. At home, together with the children, they make crafts from natural materials for the subsequent exhibition in the kindergarten "Autumn Fantasies"

3. Read poems and stories dedicated to autumn to children at home.

4. Preparation of a consultation for parents "Autumn walks with children."

Artistic creativity

Communicative activity

1. Memorizing the poem “Leaves”, “Rain, rain”, “Autumn, autumn”.

1. Entertainment "What did autumn bring us?"

Project summary

The ability to name autumn natural phenomena, to show them in T. Bokova's book “All the Year Round”, in illustrations depicting autumn.

The children had a desire to display what they saw with the help of drawing, modeling.

Children began to resort to active speech more often as a means of communication and expressing their feelings.

Also, children began to enjoy taking care of objects, both animate and inanimate nature.

Parents received new knowledge about some methods of conducting targeted walks and will apply the knowledge gained in practice.

Project product

1. Exhibition of children's collective work "Golden Leaf".

2. Exhibition of crafts made by parents with children at home "Autumn Fantasies".

3. Entertainment "What autumn brought us"


1. N. F. Gubanova. Development of gaming activity. The system of work in the first junior group of kindergarten.

2. O. A. Solomennikova. Classes on the formation of elementary ecological ideas. The first junior group of kindergarten.

3. S. N. Teplyuk. Walking activities with kids. To work with children 2-4 years old.

4. V. V. Gerbova. Classes on the development of speech in the first junior group of kindergarten.

Olga Konnova
Designing in the first junior group. Project "Autumn visiting children"

Information card project:

Type project - short term(1 Week, group.

Members project - educator, fly 2-3 years.

View project- information and creative.


Impressions from the native nature received in childhood are remembered for a lifetime. beauty golden autumn accessible even to the smallest child. Therefore, it is so important from an early age to develop in children the prerequisites for observation, interest in natural phenomena, imagination, the ability to evoke an aesthetic response to beauty. autumn. And of course, the desire to love and protect nature.

Target project:

Acquaintance of children with nature, the formation of a consciously caring attitude towards it.

Tasks project:

1. To form in children elementary ideas about autumn changes in nature.

2. Develop speech understanding and activate vocabulary on the topic.

3. Cultivate curiosity, aesthetic perception.

4. Introduce children to works of fiction about autumn to arouse children's interest in illustrations in books.

5. Learn to convey the image autumn accessible art forms.

Expected Result:

1. Children will be laid first representations and landmarks in the natural world.

2. Children will learn to observe, perceive seasonal phenomena occurring around them (leaf fall, rain, wind, etc.).

3. The dictionary is activated, visual and auditory attention will develop.

Stages of work:

1. Organizational stage - development of the structure project, selection of games, illustrated material, fiction on the topic « Autumn» , drawing up long-term planning project.

2. Practical stage - the implementation of the tasks.

3. Summing up the implementation project, demonstration of creative works.

Implementation plan.

1. Conversations « Autumn has come to visit us» , « autumn pantry» .

Target: to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe time of year - autumn, introduce its characteristic features (yellow leaves, cloudy, damp, it is raining, etc., consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits, the ability to distinguish and name them.

2. Examining the illustrations "Seasons", « Autumn» , "Fruits and vegetables".

Target: develop the ability to notice beauty autumn nature, speech, enrich children's active vocabulary.

3. Didactic games "Get the leaves", "Find all the leaves", "Spread the leaves by color", "Let's dress the doll for a walk".

Target: to develop sensory feelings in children, fine motor skills of hands, visual and auditory attention, clarify the name autumn clothes.

4. Observations on a walk "Leaf fall", "Wind", "Rowan".

Target: clarify the characteristic features autumn, cultivate interest in observation.

5. Artistic creativity.

Finger painting "Rain", modeling « autumn leaves» , application (teamwork) « autumn tree» .

Target: continue to teach children how to work with paints, plasticine, form the ability to follow the instructions of an adult, fix the primary colors, cultivate accuracy in work.

6. Finger gymnastics « autumn bouquet» , "Rain", "Spider".

Target: develop fine motor skills of the hands, strengthen the muscles of the hands of children.

7. Outdoor games "Collect autumn bouquet» , "Sun and Rain", "Leaves".

Target: develop the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise children in running in a flock and in all directions.

8. Reading fiction about autumn:

N. Nishcheeva "Wind", V. Volina « Autumn» , W. Rashid "Our garden", V. Mitrovic "Leaf fall, leaf fall".

Target: to develop the ability to listen to works of art, to understand the meaning with the help of the teacher's explanation.

9. Breathing exercises "Whose leaf will fly away".

Target: develop speech breathing, learn to breathe in through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

Final event - entertainment « Autumn has come to visit us» .

Target: to cause a joyful mood in children, to develop musical abilities, to cultivate a sense of rhythm and love for music, to teach how to perform game movements in musical and didactic games.

Exhibition of children's works.


As a result of the implementation project children received a general understanding of autumn phenomena in nature. Participation in design activity has become for them a way to satisfy cognitive activity, develop creative abilities.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational

institution - kindergarten No. 35

Saint Petersburg

Abstract of the organization of educational

activities in the first junior group

"Gold autumn"

Educator: Rvacheva O.N.


Summary of the organization of educational activities in the first junior group

"Gold autumn"

Target: To acquaint children with the season of autumn, with its characteristic features.


"Speech development"

Enrich the vocabulary of children (Autumn is golden, motley, multi-colored; the sky is gray, gloomy).

To learn to recognize autumn signs of nature in the pictures: “the sun is shining”, “a cloud is floating”, “it is raining”, “puddles have appeared”, “leaves have turned yellow and fall on the trees”, “children put on warm clothes for a walk”.

"Cognitive Development"

Continue to learn to highlight color (red, green, yellow), size (large and small).

"Social and communicative development"

Develop the ability to listen to the teacher, answer questions.

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Help children "see" the beauty of autumn nature.

"Physical development"

Develop motor activity by using health-saving technologies in class (Finger game "Rain", Game exercise "I jump through puddles", Physical education minute "Leaves".)

Methods and techniques:

Practical: Finger game "Rain, game exercise" I'm jumping through puddles "

game exercise (respiratory gymnastics) “Wind”, game exercise “Find a leaf by color”, physical education minute “Leaves”.

Visual: Demonstration material - paintings on the theme of autumn, autumn leaves of different colors and sizes.

Verbal: Conversation on pictures, pronunciation of a poem, questions.

Materials and equipment:Autumn paintings on an easel, carved autumn leaves (large and small, red, yellow, green), a tape recorder with audio recordings “Autumn Waltz”, “I am jumping through puddles”.

GCD progress:

Educator: Guys, today we will talk with you about autumn. I invite you to look at the pictures. (The teacher draws attention to the pictures on the easel). What season is in the pictures, who can guess? (Encourages to answer: "Autumn"). We went for a walk with you and watched the autumn phenomena. At first the sun shone brightly, we were light, warm, joyful. (Encourages you to repeat the words - “warmth”, “light”, “bright”, “joyfully.” Draws attention to the sun).

The sun looks out the window

Shines into our room.

We clap our hands -

Very happy with the sun!

(Encourages you to rejoice, clap your hands).

Educator: But every day in autumn the sun shines less and less, it warms little. The sky is increasingly gray and gloomy. It's getting colder and colder.

We saw clouds in the sky. What is this? (Encourages repeating the word "clouds"). It rains in autumn. (Pay attention to the pictures).

Finger game "Rain".

There was silence - ts-s-s,

silence - ts-s-s, silence - ts-s-s

For each word "silence" we put a finger to our lips and say "shhh"

Suddenly, by the force of the wind, she changed - shhh.

At this time, we raise our hands up, swing to the sides, like swaying trees, and depict the wind, blow "shhh"

And now it's raining, quietly

you hear

We begin to tap the fingers of one hand on the palm of the other. And vice versa.

Dripped, dripped, dripped on the roof.

Now we knock with our palms (quietly)

Probably drumming now

he will become.

We strengthen the knock with our palms (louder)

Already drumming, already drumming!

And strongly, strongly knock with our palms (loudly)

Educator: When it rains, puddles appear on the ground, on the pavement.

Game exercise "I'm jumping through puddles" (music sounds)

Educator: In autumn, a cold wind blows, shaking the trees.

Game exercise (breathing exercises) "Wind":

I am a strong wind, I fly

Arms down, legs slightly apart, inhale through the nose.

I fly where I want!

Turn your head to the left, lips with a tube and blow.

I want to whistle to the left

Head straight, inhale, head to the right, lips with a tube, exhale.

I can blow to the right

Head straight, inhale through the nose, exhale through the lips with a tube, inhale.

I can go up and into the clouds,

Lower your head, touch your chest with your chin, exhale calmly through your mouth.

Well, in the meantime, I disperse the clouds!

Circular hand movements.

Educator: The wind blows and blows the leaves off the trees. Leaves fly to the ground. The leaves are light, so they fall to the ground slowly. They fly and spin in the air. Let's blow on the leaves like a breeze, and see how they spin, fly. (Depict a breeze, blow on the leaves).

Educator: Guys look at the autumn trees. What color are the leaves?

Children: Green, yellow, red. (Shows and names the color, repeats with the children).

Educator: In summer all the leaves were green. (Encourages you to name the “green” color, show green leaves).

Educator: In autumn, many yellow, golden leaves appear on the trees. Autumn is called "golden". (He draws attention to the picture, to the leaves, prompts him to repeat the words “yellow”, “golden”, offers to show the named color).

Educator: Autumn is called colorful, motley, because red leaves also appear on the trees. (Encourages to name the word “red”, show red leaves). The leaves fall, underfoot - a multi-colored carpet of leaves - green, yellow, red.

Educator: What are the size of the leaves? They are identical? Look!

Children: No, not the same! Big and small.

Educator: The leaves are big, there are small.

Guys, take one leaf for yourself - whichever one you like best. (The color and size of the leaf is specified with each child).

Educator: Look, on the tables - large leaves - green, yellow, red. How many leaves are on the table? (Encourages to say: “one”, “one at a time”). Let's spread the small leaves to the big leaves.

Game exercise "Find a leaf by color."

Large leaves are laid out on the tables (on one table - yellow, on the other - green, on the third - red). Invite the children to decompose the small leaves according to the color (Big yellow - small yellow. Etc.).

Educator: How many leaves are on the table?

Children: A lot!

Educator: What beautiful leaves gave us autumn. All the leaves found their place, stood in a round dance - yellow, red, green. (shows).

Let's imagine with you that we are autumn leaves.

Physical education "Leaves".(sounds "Autumn Waltz").

Educator: Guys, look at the pictures. What do you see interesting about them? What did you notice? (Encourages you to see interesting things and tell - the mushroom grew in the autumn forest, children walk under an umbrella, etc.)

Educator: Well done! You carefully examined the pictures, saw a lot of interesting things, played with leaves, stepped over “puddles”.

Educator: Guys, look: autumn has prepared a surprise for us (mushrooms, fruits, leaves)! (Treats children or offers to beat).

Lyubov Pereskokova
Thematic planning in the first junior group in the NGO "Socialization" in accordance with the FGT "Colors of Autumn"

Subject: "Colors of Autumn"


1. To form elementary ideas about autumn (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area).

2. Give primary ideas about harvesting, about some vegetables, fruits.

Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities

Game activity:

C / r game "Dress the Doll for a walk"

D / and "Walk in the forest." Purpose: to form in children the concepts: high - low, fat - thin.

D / and "Find the same"

D / and "Wonderful bag"

Communication activities:

Examination of the painting "Autumn"

Game "Guess what's gone"

Cognitive research activity:

Conversation "Leaf fall, leaf fall yellow leaves fly"


Memorizing the nursery rhyme "Rain, rain"

Reading E. I. Teseeva "Leaf fall". Purpose: to teach children to listen and understand literary works based on illustrations

Musical and artistic activity:

Listening to "Autumn" music. S. Maykapara

Singing "Rain" r. n. melody, arr. V. Fere

Muses. rhythm. movement "Rain" music. and sl. E. Makshantseva

Productive activity:

Drawing "Drip, drip, drip ...",

Collective drawing "Red berry cranberry grew in a swamp" (with a swab)

Application "Falling, falling leaves", "Cup with multi-colored apples"

Modeling "Grains for a bird", "Apples for Masha's doll"

Educational activities carried out during regime moments

Draw the attention of children to items of autumn clothing and shoes, specifying their purpose and color.

Create conditions for water games.

Examining the leaves on a walk.

Learning nursery rhymes, sentences, invocations on the topic

Encourage children to sing and sing along.

Encourage dressing and undressing for walks

Independent activity

Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers

To draw the attention of children to a child who has shown concern for a comrade, who has expressed sympathy for him.

Create conditions for viewing the exhibition of family photographs "Colors of Autumn"

To offer children for independent examination of books, pictures for children to communicate with each other.

Bring in bells, metallophones in order to develop the ability to distinguish sounds.

Interaction with families of children on the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education

Organize an exhibition of family photographs "Colors of Autumn"

Organize home reading.

Short term project

"Golden Autumn"

in the first junior group


Altynbayeva A.K.



Often adults forget to observe with a child, admire the beauty of the natural world, do not support children's curiosity. It is the early age that is the most favorable time for the accumulation of ideas about the world around us. It is necessary not only to show children what a beautiful world surrounds them, but also to explain why it is necessary to love and protect nature.

Project type:

Cognitive - creative.

Implementation timeline:

Short term project.

Project participants:

Children, teachers, parents.

Children's age:

First junior group.

Resource support:

Gouache paints. Paper format A - 3, glue. Sheets depicting a leaflet, illustrations depicting autumn, leaf fall. Blue plasticine.

Objective of the project:

Creation of the necessary conditions for children to get acquainted with the characteristic signs of autumn, to develop the cognitive activity of children through joint playing activities of ecological content.


    give pupils elementary ideas about autumn (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area);

    continue to expand the pupils' ideas about harvesting, about some vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms;

    to acquaint with the peculiarities of the behavior of forest animals and birds in the fall.

Project Implementation Plan

Organizational and preparatory stage

Educational areas


Forms and methods of work


Game 1. Role-playing games: "We'll dress Katya's doll for a walk", "Katya's doll for a walk", "Let's teach Katya's doll to undress after a walk"

Purpose: to encourage children to dress and undress the doll on their own. To form initial cultural and hygienic skills.

2. Didactic games: “Collect the leaves - red”, “Who came to visit?”, “The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing”, “What did autumn give us?”, “Wonderful bag”, “When does this happen?”

Goal: Development of the ability to collect leaves only by one sign (by color) Development of attention, memory, auditory differentiation and tactile sensations.

3. Games - experiments: "Warm - cold", "Pinwheel"

Purpose: to consolidate the concepts of "warm", "cold".


Labor 1. Assignments: "Collect a bouquet of leaves"

Purpose: To develop the ability to collect leaflets together with an adult and under the supervision of adults on a walk.

2. Observations: Purpose: To draw the attention of children to what and how an adult does, why he performs this or that action. Encourage the desire to help adults.


OBZH 1. Conversations with children: "When it's raining outside, then ...".

Objective: To continue to educate children about safety in the winter and when handling objects. Build the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Didactic exercises: "You can - you can not", "Show me how to do it right." Purpose: To form the ability to follow the rules of safe handling of objects.

3. Regime moments: Purpose: To continue to teach children to dress themselves in the correct sequence, to dry their hands and face with their towel. Forming the habit of exercising daily.


Cognitive - research and productive (constructive) 1. "Collect a leaflet", "Bird".

Purpose: To teach children to lay out a whole drawing from parts. Continue to learn to distinguish between big and small.

"Artistic Creativity"

Productive 1. Drawing on the topics: “Golden Leaf”, “Rain - cap. Cap, cap…”

To develop the ability to draw with a brush and paints, knowledge of the primary colors of red, green, yellow. Learn to gently apply the side smeared with glue to a piece of paper.

2. Modeling. Themes: "Ryabinka", "Mushrooms". Purpose: To consolidate the ability to roll out a plastic mass in a circular motion.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one's horizons (joint activity of an adult and children in free activity, in sensitive moments). 1 "Vegetable shop", "What autumn gave us." Purpose: To teach children to answer questions. Concretize, consolidate children's knowledge of the plant world; about where, what grows. Learn to look at things.

2. Examination of the painting "Autumn" Purpose: To clarify and enrich children's ideas about autumn.

3. Looking at the tree: Purpose: to learn to look at parts of the tree and answer questions.


Joint activity of an adult and children in free activities and regime moments. 1. Examination of the painting "Katya on a walk" Purpose: To clarify and enrich the ideas of children. Activate the dictionary on the topic "autumn signs". Teach children to listen carefully and observe. To form the ability of children to dialogic speech.

2. Theatrical show of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" Purpose: To help children remember the fairy tale. Involve children in staging a fairy tale, activate speech.

"Reading Fiction"

Joint activities of an adult and children 1. Reading a poem by A. Barto from the "Toys" series. “Our ducks in the morning”, “The cat went to the market”, “Yegor's Hare ...”

Physical Culture

Motor. To ensure optimal physical activity of children throughout the day, using mobile, sports, folk games and physical exercises.

Outdoor games: “Leaf fall”, “Let's go to the forest”, “At the bear in the forest”, “Birds and rain”, “Roll the doll” Purpose: To improve the basic movements; running, walking, jumping. Develop a desire to play with the teacher.


Improving Breathing gymnastics "Blow off a leaf", "Blow off a drop"


Musical - artistic


1. Listening: music. P. Tchaikovsky "Autumn".

2. Singing: "Bird" music. M. Rauchverger. “The chicken went out for a walk”; music M. Rauchverger sl. N. Komissarova "That's how we know how"; music E. Tilicheeva.

Working with parents:

1. Involving parents in the participation and design of the group for entertainment “What did autumn bring us?”, “Autumn”.

2. At home, together with the children, they make crafts from natural materials for the subsequent exhibition in the kindergarten "Autumn Fantasies"

3. Read poems and stories dedicated to autumn to children at home.

4. Preparation of a consultation for parents "Autumn walks with children."

main stage

Artistic creativity

Communicative activity

1. Memorizing the poem “Leaves”, “Rain, rain”, “Autumn, autumn”.

The final stage

1. Entertainment "What did autumn bring us?"

Project summary

The ability to name autumn natural phenomena, to show them in T. Bokova's book “All the Year Round”, in illustrations depicting autumn.

The children had a desire to display what they saw with the help of drawing, modeling.

Children began to resort to active speech more often as a means of communication and expressing their feelings.

Also, children began to enjoy taking care of objects, both animate and inanimate nature.

Parents received new knowledge about some methods of conducting targeted walks and will apply the knowledge gained in practice.

Project product

1. Exhibition of children's collective work "Golden Leaf".

2. Exhibition of crafts made by parents with children at home "Autumn Fantasies".

3. Entertainment "What autumn brought us"


1. N. F. Gubanova. Development of gaming activity. The system of work in the first junior group of kindergarten.

2. O. A. Solomennikova. Classes on the formation of elementary ecological ideas. The first junior group of kindergarten.

3. S. N. Teplyuk. Walking activities with kids. To work with children 2-4 years old.

4. V. V. Gerbova. Classes on the development of speech in the first junior group of kindergarten.