Work plan for parents of young children. Interaction with parents of young children

Throughout early childhood, surrounding adults play a decisive role in a child's development. First of all, these are parents who sincerely love their baby, attentive to his needs and hobbies. In the family, all the child’s capabilities are taken into account and conditions are created for their implementation. Thanks to frequent emotional communication with the child, parents satisfy his need for affection, attention, help him master the skills of behavior and comprehension of the world around him, guide his activities, and directly influence his development.

But often modern parents have a hard time due to lack of time and busyness at work, the inability to choose methodological literature and practical aids for the development of preschoolers. Often they clearly underestimate the role of their relationships and actions in the child’s development and do not know how they can help him. But if you wish, you can always find the optimal way for yourself and your child to develop his emotional sphere, support his creative potential, the development of which is subject to the law of interaction between a child and an adult. Any pedagogical system without a family is a complete abstraction.

Many parents do not understand the importance of working with young children, so difficulties arise in establishing contacts with such parents. Raising children is a difficult task, requiring from parents not only love for children, but also great responsibility, endurance, and patience.

Numerous studies have convincingly shown that family and kindergarten are an educational tandem, which creates optimal conditions for a little person to enter a big, complex world.

Early age is important for all subsequent mental, emotional and physical development of a person. It is this period of childhood that is very important, since a lack of education at an early age results in irreparable losses. Every day in a child’s life requires the close attention of parents, educators, and all people close to him. Young children are ready to perceive and learn, but they cannot do it without help.

Contacts with parents of young children in our kindergarten begin from the moment they bring the medical record of the future pupil, that is, 2 months before the child enters the preschool institution. An initial acquaintance with the parents of the children is organized, during which a conversation and questionnaire are conducted aimed at studying the specifics of the family: living conditions, family composition, age of the parents, their level of preparedness in matters of education, etc.

Based on the analysis of the child’s development, his physical and mental characteristics are recorded. The parents of each child are interviewed individually and recommendations are given to improve their adaptation to the conditions of the kindergarten. This can only be achieved with established contact between parents and preschool teachers.

Then the parents and child are introduced to the first junior group. A tour of the group premises is conducted to familiarize parents with the conditions and regime of the group in as much detail as possible. It is necessary to demonstrate where children sleep, play, wash themselves, what cultural and hygienic skills are instilled in children, which is important for parents to take into account in order to properly organize their children’s lives at home. The teacher shows parents toys, teaching aids, children's books, suggests which toys and aids should be purchased for children, special attention is paid to their suitability for the child's age.

Properly organized work on interaction between a teacher and parents is, as a rule, educational in nature, which helps parents gain pedagogical knowledge and skills.

We have divided all work with parents of young children into several blocks, which include various forms of activity:

1. Health:

  • Educating parents about the age and physiological characteristics of children.
  • Organization of consultations with kindergarten specialists on issues of mental and physical health of children.

2. Training, development and communication:

  • Pedagogical education of parents (visual forms of working with parents, family clubs, etc.)
  • Involving parents in kindergarten activities.
  • Individual route and determination of development tasks for each child.
  • Individual work with parents on issues of education and training.
  • Development of joint requirements for the child.
  • Organization of consultations with kindergarten specialists.

3. Leisure:

  • Identifying the interests of parents and children.
  • Definition of family and kindergarten traditions.
  • Involving parents in organizing children's leisure time.
  • Organization of joint events.

The most popular forms of working with parents of young children in our kindergarten are: visual propaganda, visiting families, parent meetings, conversations and consultations. Parent conferences, oral journals, surveys, open days, round tables, club organizations.

Carrying out pedagogical propaganda, we use a combination of different types of visualization. This allows not only to introduce parents to issues of education through materials from stands, thematic exhibitions, etc., but also to directly show them the educational process, advanced methods of work, and provide parents with the necessary pedagogical information in an accessible and convincing manner.

Open screenings (open days, themed evenings) give parents a lot: they get the opportunity to observe their children in a situation different from the family situation, compare their behavior and skills with the behavior and skills of other children, and learn teaching techniques and educational influences from teachers.

In our work, we take pedagogical propaganda seriously, because We are aware of the role of pedagogical education of parents, we carefully consider the content and artistic design of folders, we believe that the combination of all forms of visual propaganda helps to increase the pedagogical knowledge of parents, encourages them to reconsider the wrong methods and techniques of home education at an early age.

The work of teachers of groups of young children with parents is very responsible, because this is the beginning of many years of cooperation between kindergarten and family. The success of such cooperation and its effectiveness largely depends on the extent to which parents, from the first days of their child’s stay in kindergarten, gain confidence in teachers and are convinced that their concerns for the child will now be shared by caring, kind, knowledgeable and skillful people.


1. Shubina Z.A., Komissarova T.V. Togliatti August Pedagogical Readings “From a competent teacher to a competent student.” – Tolyatti “Resource Center”, 2009.

2. Belkina V.N., Belkina L.V. Adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions: Textbook. – M.: Uchitel, 2004.

3. Kostina V. New approaches to the adaptation of young children / Preschool education. – 2006.

4. Lisitsyna I. A., Moleva I. B. “Interaction with parents of young children” article, Moscow

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Organization of work with parents in an early age group

In conditions when the majority of families are concerned with solving problems of economic and sometimes physical survival, the tendency of many parents to withdraw themselves from solving issues of upbringing and personal development of the child has increased. Parents, not having sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child’s development, sometimes carry out upbringing blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results.
Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the first foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality at an early age.”
Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, and patience to hear and understand each other. Misunderstanding between family and kindergarten falls heavily on the child. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in their child’s nutrition and believe that kindergarten is a place where they only look after their children while parents are at work. And we, teachers, very often experience great difficulties in communicating with parents for this reason.
Therefore, having recruited a group of kids, we began to work on the problem of interaction between kindergarten and family.
Work to involve parents in the joint activities of the preschool educational institution was carried out in four directions.

Information and analytical direction
In order to study the family, clarify the educational needs of parents, establish contact with its members, and coordinate educational influences on the child, we began work with a questionnaire. Having obtained the real picture, based on the collected data, we analyzed the features of the structure of family ties of each child, the specifics of the family and family education of the preschooler, and developed tactics for our communication with each parent. This helped us better understand the pedagogical needs of each family and take into account its individual characteristics.
This analysis allowed us to identify three groups of parents.
1. Parents are leaders who know how and enjoy participating in the educational process and see the value of any work of a child care institution.
2. Parents are performers who take part subject to significant motivation.
3. Parents are critical observers. A change in the perception of parents as participants in the educational process has led to a change in the understanding of the types of families: active participants in the educational process, interested in the success of their children; interested, but wanting to solve problems with the help of specialists; indifferent, living by the principle “I was raised the same way.”
We now have the opportunity to provide a differentiated approach to parents during joint events.

Cognitive direction
The cognitive direction is the enrichment of parents with knowledge in matters of raising preschool children.
In our kindergarten group, all conditions have been created for organizing a single space for the development and upbringing of a child. The joint work of pre-school specialists (speech therapist, teacher-psychologist, senior nurse) to implement the educational program provides pedagogical support for the family at all stages of preschool childhood, making parents truly equally responsible participants in the educational process.
For the coordinated work of the kindergarten and parents, we have set ourselves the following tasks::
1. Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.
2. Work closely with the families of your students.
For this purpose, I used active forms and methods of working with parents:
general and group parent meetings;
exhibitions of children's works made together with their parents;
Days of good deeds;
participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of holidays and leisure activities;
design of photomontages;
joint creation of a subject-development environment;
work with the parent committee of the group;
Trust mail;
As a result, the level of educational activities of parents increased, which contributed to the development of their creative initiative.
Visually - information direction
Visual information direction includes:

folders - transfers of various subjects
family and group albums “Our Friendly Family”, “Our Life Day by Day”, etc. (Appendix No. 2 photo and video material
family vernissage “My best family”, “Family is a healthy lifestyle”, “Learn to be a dad”,
emotional corner “I’m like this today”, “Hello, I’m here”,
piggy bank of good deeds, etc.
The form of work through parent corners is traditional. In order for it to be effective and help me to activate parents, we use the following headings: “What and how to keep a child occupied at home”, “We asked - we answer”, “Children say”, “Pub noses”, “Grow up”, “ Thank you”, “This is interesting”, “Let’s play”, “With all my heart”, “Pay attention”, in which we place practical material that makes it possible to understand what a child does in kindergarten, specific games that you can play, tips, tasks
The activity of parents in creating photo newspapers and exhibitions suggests that these forms of work are in demand. The visual information direction makes it possible to convey any information to parents in an accessible form and tactfully remind them of parental duties and responsibilities.

Leisure direction
The leisure area in working with parents turned out to be the most attractive, in demand, useful, but also the most difficult to organize. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to: see from the inside the problems of their child, difficulties in relationships; test different approaches; see how others do it, that is, gain experience interacting not only with your child, but also with the parent community as a whole.

Organization of work with parents in an early age group

“How childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during his childhood years, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.”

In conditions when the majority of families are concerned with solving problems of economic and sometimes physical survival, the tendency of many parents to withdraw themselves from solving issues of upbringing and personal development of the child has increased. Parents, not having sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child’s development, sometimes carry out upbringing blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results.
Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the first foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality at an early age.”
Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, and patience to hear and understand each other. Misunderstanding between family and kindergarten falls heavily on the child. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in their child’s nutrition and believe that kindergarten is a place where they only look after their children while parents are at work. And we, teachers, very often experience great difficulties in communicating with parents for this reason.
Therefore, having recruited a group of kids, we began to work on the problem of interaction between kindergarten and family.
Work to involve parents in the joint activities of the preschool educational institution was carried out in four directions.

Information and analytical direction
In order to study the family, clarify the educational needs of parents, establish contact with its members, and coordinate educational influences on the child, we began work with a questionnaire. Having obtained the real picture, based on the collected data, we analyzed the features of the structure of family ties of each child, the specifics of the family and family education of the preschooler, and developed tactics for our communication with each parent. This helped us better understand the pedagogical needs of each family and take into account its individual characteristics.
This analysis allowed us to identify three groups of parents.
1. Parents are leaders who know how and enjoy participating in the educational process and see the value of any work of a child care institution.
2. Parents are performers who take part subject to significant motivation.
3. Parents are critical observers. A change in the perception of parents as participants in the educational process has led to a change in the understanding of the types of families: active participants in the educational process, interested in the success of their children; interested, but wanting to solve problems with the help of specialists; indifferent, living by the principle “I was raised the same way.”
We now have the opportunity to provide a differentiated approach to parents during joint events.

Cognitive direction
The cognitive direction is the enrichment of parents with knowledge in matters of raising preschool children.
In our kindergarten group, all conditions have been created for organizing a single space for the development and upbringing of a child. The joint work of pre-school specialists (speech therapist, teacher-psychologist, senior nurse) to implement the educational program provides pedagogical support for the family at all stages of preschool childhood, making parents truly equally responsible participants in the educational process.
For the coordinated work of the kindergarten and parents, we have set ourselves the following tasks::
1. Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.
2. Work closely with the families of your students.
For this purpose, I used active forms and methods of working with parents:
general and group parent meetings;
exhibitions of children's works made together with their parents;
Days of good deeds;
participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of holidays and leisure activities;
design of photomontages;
joint creation of a subject-development environment;
work with the parent committee of the group;
Trust mail;
As a result, the level of educational activities of parents increased, which contributed to the development of their creative initiative.
Visually - information direction
Visual information direction includes:
parent corners
folders - transfers of various subjects
family and group albums “Our Friendly Family”, “Our Life Day by Day”, etc. (Appendix No. 2 photo and video material
family vernissage “My best family”, “Family is a healthy lifestyle”, “Learn to be a dad”,
emotional corner “I’m like this today”, “Hello, I’m here”,
piggy bank of good deeds, etc.
The form of work through parent corners is traditional. In order for it to be effective and help me to activate parents, we use the following headings: “What and how to keep a child occupied at home”, “We asked - we answer”, “Children say”, “Pub noses”, “Grow up”, “ Thank you”, “This is interesting”, “Let’s play”, “With all my heart”, “Pay attention”, in which we place practical material that makes it possible to understand what a child does in kindergarten, specific games that you can play, tips, tasks
The activity of parents in creating photo newspapers and exhibitions suggests that these forms of work are in demand. The visual information direction makes it possible to convey any information to parents in an accessible form and tactfully remind them of parental duties and responsibilities.

Leisure direction
The leisure area in working with parents turned out to be the most attractive, in demand, useful, but also the most difficult to organize. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to: see from the inside the problems of their child, difficulties in relationships; test different approaches; see how others do it, that is, gain experience interacting not only with your child, but also with the parent community as a whole.

The group carried out:
joint projects “My Pedigree”, “My Family”
publication of family and thematic newspapers
birthday celebrations (monthly),
New Year's party
exhibitions of family collections, relics “From Grandma’s Chest”, “That’s the Outfit”,
performances “Teremok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”,
We celebrate the “Birthday” holiday for children in the group every month.
It is planned to hold an annual campaign: “Just like that”, “Give a book to children.” Many people have books and toys at home that their children have “grown out of.” How many educational moments are hidden in this small event! This includes caring for old things; At the same time, children learn not only to accept gifts, but also to give them - this is a lot of work, education of the soul.
I would like to talk about one important point in the system of working with parents. Every person, having done some work, needs an assessment of his work. Our parents need this too. “Praise is useful if only because it strengthens us in benevolent dimensions,” wrote F. La Rochefoucauld. I think this is true always and everywhere. We thank our parents in a separate section “Thank you”
In modern conditions of kindergarten it is difficult to do without the support of parents. That is why a lot of things have been done in our group with the help of the fathers and mothers of our children. With the help of parents, the group is designed in such a way that every corner is used for the development of children: a lot of toys, a “hospital”, a “hair salon”, a “shop”. We also have a cafe where children love to invite guests, treating them to ice cream and tea with sweets. Children simply love to play in a cozy kitchenette with a sink, a gas stove, and beautiful dishes.
Trusting relationships were gradually established in the joint activities of parents and the teacher. So, as part of the “Days of Good Deeds” campaign, we plan to organize the repair of toys, furniture, the group together with parents, help in creating a subject-developing environment in the group, thereby establishing an atmosphere of peace and warm relationships between us and the parents. Together we must strive to make the children in the group feel good and comfortable.
The upbringing and development of a child is impossible without the participation of parents. In order for them to become teacher assistants and develop creatively together with children, it is necessary to convince them that they are capable of this, that there is no more exciting and noble thing than learning to understand your child, and having understood him, helping in everything, being patient and delicate and then everything will work out.

Target :

Tasks :






Plan for working with parents in a group of young children.

Target :

To create in kindergarten the necessary conditions for the development of responsible relationships with the families of pupils, ensuring the holistic development of the preschooler’s personality, to increase the competence of parents in the field of education.

Tasks :

1 .Distribute pedagogical knowledge among parents;

2 .Provide practical assistance in raising children;

3 .Promote the formation of a trusting attitude of parents towards the group educators: respond adequately to the recommendations of the group educators, make efforts to establish partnerships with educators to solve problems in raising a child.

Topics for parent meetings for the school year





“Features of the adaptation period of group children, tasks of raising and teaching children of the 2nd year of life”

Group teachers



“Preserving and strengthening the health of younger preschool children”

Group teachers




“What our children have learned in a year”

Group teachers


Organization of work with parents


Advice from a teacher

Nature is our faithful friend

Seriously about health


Individual contacts, consultations “First days at a preschool educational institution”,

“How to help your baby get used to kindergarten”

“Regimen is the main condition for the health of children”


Consultations “Games for sensory development of young children”

"Nature surrounded by a child"

Individual work “Healthy sleep”


"Finger games for kids"

Consultation “Features of developing cultural and hygienic skills”


Consultation “Learning colors is simple and fun”

“How to help birds in winter?”

Consultation “Winter walk with baby”


Consultation “Be vigilant on the city streets”

Consultation “Grow up healthy, baby!”


“We play with snow and learn its properties”

"Gymnastics for kids"


Consultation “Young Artists”

“What parents need to know about vaccinations”


Consultation “What toys should I buy for a 1-2 year old child?”

“How interesting everything is around!”

Individual conversations “Choosing the right shoes for your baby”


Individual conversations “Speech development of young children”

Consultation “Sun, air,

and water are our best friends!”

Photo stand

Events involving parents

the date of the



Master class “Finger gymnastics”

Objectives: to help parents master some finger games, to promote awareness of the importance of the development of fine motor skills of the hands on the development of speech and strengthening the health of the baby.


Parents' club. Meeting No. 1. “Visiting the Sun”


Parents' club No. 2 "Winter fun". “Building a snow town on a walking area”

Objectives: to help the parents of the group get to know each other, to understand the importance of parental assistance in creating favorable conditions for children to stay in kindergarten.


Parents Club No. 3 “Games for real men”


Parents' club with tea party “The most beautiful woman in the world is a woman with a child in her arms”


Literary lounge “Books for kids”

Objectives: to recommend to parents works that define the range of family reading in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the child, to show methods and techniques for introducing the child to fiction.

Clean-up day on the territory of the kindergarten and in the “Day of Good Deeds” group.

Objectives: providing assistance in creating favorable conditions for children to stay in kindergarten.


Parents' club No. 4 “Let's play with a fairy tale”

Svetlana Pilgun

The new school year has begun. New children have come to our nursery. They are very small, they don’t know how to do anything, they have recently gotten on their feet and they feel bad without their mother. Children have never been left without their mother for so long. Our mothers are also very restless: how long you cried, what you ate, how you slept.

Educators in work at an early age with children only two years old and they have to form new ones for parents, relationships with teachers, others parents and their children.

These relationships should be polite, respectful, friendly, correct and aimed at a comfortable, psychologically safe stay for children in group. Certainly, Job The teacher’s work on creating a comfortable stay for children in a preschool institution begins with the locker room, where useful and interesting information, drawings and handicrafts of children, wall newspapers with photographs and annotations to them are posted. This year we decided to make a wall newspaper with pets, but the topic grew to nature, and then to the world around us. We called the wall newspaper "Me and my world", there are guys, kittens, cows, dogs, one caterpillar and a pumpkin - a big, big one. All this contributes to the establishment of good relationships, often turning into friendship, between parents. They understand that they have common problems, they are not alone in going through this difficult period in their lives, and educators are kind, interested and professional helpers.

The next important step in working with parents - this is a parent meeting, Where parents receive a lot of important information about their children’s upcoming stay in kindergarten, about the educational program, about age characteristics of children.

Next significant event in life groups are a subbotnik! This is not just cleaning up an area for a walk. In simple work activities, such good relationships are built with children and all participants in the cleanup get pleasure from work for the benefit of their children, especially if everything is framed in the form of a wall newspaper and gratitude parents for their help.

So, a start has been made, and then parents they will be happy to come to a holiday, to a master class “We make dolls for our children”, to a traffic rules lesson and will compete to see who can draw or make a craft better. We always part with tears, but in kindergarten parents They go as a united team and we remain good friends.

Publications on the topic:

Forms of work with parents in the direction of “Communication as the leading means of speech development in preschool children”“Communication as the leading means of speech development in preschool children” There has always been cooperation between teachers and parents of pupils.

Early age is a crucial period of a child’s mental development, when everything is just beginning, communication with peers, play, speech, etc.

Research work “Cooperation of preschool educational institutions with parents as a guarantee of successful adaptation of young children” Working with parents during the adaptation period is an important task of the educational system. It is the family and family relationships that form the system-forming core.

Master class for parents with children “Gift for Dad” Integration of educational areas: “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive.

Communication of young children with peers At the age of up to 1 year, a baby has enough communication with adults, but as he grows up, he needs to communicate with other children. At first.

Long-term planning with parents in the second early age group for 2016–2017 April June 1. Parent meeting. Topic: “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten conditions.” 2. Consultations:.

Plan for working with parents in a group of young children Goal: To create in kindergarten the necessary conditions for the development of responsible relationships with the families of pupils, ensuring integrity.